Thursday, January 31, 2008
Italia: necessario un profondo senso di responsabilità ...
Non è nostra abitudine parlare di politica italiana, ma il momento è molto particolare e la società civile non può rimanere in silenzio di fronte a quanto sta accadendo, di fronte al regredire su tutti i fronti dell'Italia, sia a livello internazionale che nazionale. Sono necessarie azioni e decisioni urgenti
MoveOn Weighs Democratic Endorsements
MoveOn may have virtual balloting of its members to endorse by this weekend in time for Tsunami Tuesday.
Westboro Church to Protest the Deaths of 3 Naval Officers
Members of the Westboro Baptist Church plan to protest at the funeral of three Navy officers who were killed in a recent helicopter crash. The church issued a press release, which reads "Thank God for navy copter crash in Texas, killing three." Picketing is set to start at noon on 2/2/08 at the main gate of the Naval Air Station in Corpus Christi.
Google Fails Citizenship Test
Search Google for these basic citizenship questions and see what ridiculous answers you get.
Is Mayor Bloomberg Running for a Jail Term?
Mayor Bloomberg appears to be violating citizens' Fourth Amendment rights while simultaneously guaging his chances at winning the presidency.
Judge raps Corps of Engineers but throws out Katrina lawsuit
A federal judge has thrown out a class action lawsuit against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers over the failure of levees in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.
Bush Lies...3941 Soldiers Lose Their Lives.
If Congress fails to impeach Bush and Cheney, then the Constitution is really just another piece of paper.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Giuliani exits race, endorses McCain
Rudy Giuliani, who sought to make the leap from New York mayor to the White House, bowed out of the Republican presidential contest Wednesday and endorsed front-runner and longtime friend John McCain.
Kenya's Collapse
A rigged election, ethnic violence, economic dysfunction and now a political assassination -- the crisis in Kenya has hit a sad superfecta. Worse, the politicians who loosed these forces don't look capable of reining them back in.
Romney accuses McCain of 'dirty tricks'
Republican Mitt Romney accused John McCain of using dirty tricks by suggesting the former Massachusetts governor wanted a deadline for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq, in a spirited debate Wednesday night that underscored the intensity of their presidential rivalry.
Ann Coulter: 'Republicans are unalterably stupid'
why would any Republican vote for McCain? At least under President Hillary, Republicans in Congress would know that they're supposed to fight back. When President McCain proposes the same ideas – tax hikes, liberal judges and Social Security for illegals – Republicans in Congress will support "our" president –
Credit card company: No more buying guns ban impact citizens
Major credit card company has issued a letter to a gun dealer canceling his payment processing services because of corporate concerns firearms were being sold to consumers. "Your anti-gun corporate policy is based on ignorance of the law applicable to the sale of firearms," the NSSF wrote in response to the action taken by First Data Corp.
Senate panel passes $157 billion stimulus plan
The U.S. Senate Finance Committee approved a $157 billion economic stimulus package on Wednesday that offers smaller tax rebates to more people than a plan passed by the U.S. House of Representatives.
Correction: Candidate at a glance: Barack Obama
The information presented today in the graphic outlining presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama's campaign incorrectly stated his position on women's issues. The senator is pro-choice. The graphic should have further clarified that the senator only mandates universal healthcare for children.
"A Stunning Debate": CBC Taser Investigation
This aired on The National, CBC's flagship news program. It goes into great depth about how safe tasers really are and discusses Taser Intl's many controversial legal and medical practices. Co-produced with Radio-Canada. Part two can be found here:
President Bush says faith helped him beat drinking
President Bush is talking more openly lately about his old drinking habit, and on Tuesday he offered perhaps his most pointed assessment yet by saying plainly that the term "addiction" had applied to him.
Obama says Clinton would be a step back
DENVER - Democratic Sen. Barack Obama said Wednesday a Hillary Rodham Clinton presidency would be a step back to the past, turning her husband's image of a bridge to the future against her. The former first lady decried the tenor of his comments in an interview with The Associated Press.
CDC suppressed FEMA 'toxic trailer' warnings
The scandal involving "toxic trailers" laced wih formaldehyde provided by FEMA as housing for refugees from Hurricane Katrina may go even deeper than previously thought. ...Now documents obtained by CBS show that the Centers for Disease Control suppressed repeated warnings about those risks from one of its top scientists...
Guiliani wants to be McCaine's Vice President
Guiliani quit his campaign and McCaine has been kissing his butt lately. I bet Guiliani would take a security related job in the McCaine administration.
FBI Conceals Flight Data Recorder Info Of 2 9/11 Planes
A December 8, 2007 Freedom of Information Act request of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, seeking the release of all data contained by the Solid State Flight Data Recorders recovered from the crash scenes of American Airlines flight 77 and United Airlines flight 93, has been denied. The data sought, would presumably confirm the commercial fligh
Basta casta. Siamo liberi!
In sordina, senza clamore, il giorno 7 novembre 2007 è nata la Lista Partecipata per le elezioni provinciali di Roma 2008. E' uno strano oggetto politico. Una lista che ha come scopo eleggere dei consiglieri che siano "strumenti in mano ai cittadini".
Editorial control over EU Web TV project spraks controversy
BRUSSELS (EUX.TV) -- The European Parliament on Wednesday decides on a controversial web TV project that would cost nearly 40 million euro in the next four years and that is seen as an attempt to create "Pravda"-style propaganda for the European Union.
FBI Conceals Flight Data Recorder Info Of 2 9/11 Planes
A December 8, 2007 Freedom of Information Act request of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, seeking the release of all data contained by the Solid State Flight Data Recorders recovered from the crash scenes of American Airlines flight 77 and United Airlines flight 93, has been denied. The data sought, would presumably confirm the commercial fligh
Giuliani Admits Ron Paul Won All Of The Debates
Giuliani admits Ron Paul won all of the debates. Considering Rudy is about as far as you can get from Ron Paul, admitting defeat is saying a lot. Than again, Rudy also implies Bush is a good president.
Giuliani Admits Ron Paul Won All Of The Debates
Giuliani admits Ron Paul won all of the debates. Considering Rudy is about as far as you can get from Ron Paul, admitting defeat is saying a lot. Than again, Rudy also implies Bush is a good president.
Giuliani Admits Ron Paul Won All Of The Debates
Giuliani admits Ron Paul won all of the debates. Considering Rudy is about as far as you can get from Ron Paul, admitting defeat is saying a lot. Than again, Rudy also implies Bush is a good president.
Comprehensive write-up/linkfest of Anonymous v $cientology
A clean, concise run-down of what's going on, where it's going on. This is the only write-up so far that's actually checking its sources, and the author is taking more helpful links as they go.
Fisa end-run around Senate procedure
By attempting to precipitate conventional Senate procedure the administration is entering murky Constitutional water. This may ultimately culminate with a Supreme Court implication in approving or discrediting Fisa Law modifications in the future, and is a reckless ill advised maneuver. This is a Nixonian cockiness in perfect keeping with Rummy
Supreme Court: Taking Care of Business...not People
The high court caters to corporations and ignores commoners. Not only are "the people" losing at a rapid clip when they come before the court, but it has gotten much, much harder for the average person to even get into court in the first place.
Bush Administration's 935 Lies to Iraq War
935 lies bush run up to the war, rice,rumsfeild,cheney.wolfolwitz, weapons of mass destruction
Barack Obama and Butte, Montana
"It's not that he would change anything in Butte," said Alan Peura, a City Commissioner in Helena. "But he's building momentum that we can use to make that change ourselves." Even from Butte, it's clear to organizers: Obama's not the savior: we are. He opens a door. We push.
Colleagues: Bush's Breath Stinks!
"Bush's halitosis is a result of who he is spiritually; or, I should say, what he's not spiritually," says outspoken author and founder of the Classic Americanism Foundation, Louis Sidney Jacobs.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Study Finds Obama More Experienced Than Half of His Rivals
Which of the Presidential candidates has the most experience as an elected official? According to a new study by the researchers at Planning/Communications, it's not who the campaign rhetoric suggests. Topping the principal Democratic contenders is Senator Barack Obama with 11 years in elected office versus just seven for Senator Hillary Clinton...
Fact-Checking Bush on Research Spending
In his State of the Union address, President Bush blamed Congress for not funding his American Competitiveness Initiative--a bill that Bush threatened to veto if it went over his spending limit. Bush refused to allow Democrats to spend money on energy research and the bill died. Like what Sunstroke author David Kagan wrote in Doomwatch Legacy.
Recent Research on Medical Marijuana - NORML
Despite continued political debates regarding the legality of medicinal marijuana, clinical investigations of the therapeutic use of cannabinoids are now more prevalent than at any time in history.
Obama Media Impressions Up 200 Percent after Iowa.
Biz360® Inc., the leading provider of media and market intelligence solutions, today released media analysis of the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary showing Barack Obama up 200 percent in media impressions compared to his three week average leading up to the Iowa contest.
Recent Research on Medical Marijuana - NORML
Despite continued political debates regarding the legality of medicinal marijuana, clinical investigations of the therapeutic use of cannabinoids are now more prevalent than at any time in history.
US Navy vessel welcomed in Hong Kong
The USS Blue Ridge, the flagship of the US Seventh Fleet, arrived in Hong Kong on Monday in what is seen as evidence that Washington and Beijing have patched up military ties after a US aircraft carrier was turned away from the territory in November. The Blue Ridge received approval for the visit from China's Foreign Ministry, the...
Recent Research on Medical Marijuana - NORML
Despite continued political debates regarding the legality of medicinal marijuana, clinical investigations of the therapeutic use of cannabinoids are now more prevalent than at any time in history.
Rudy Giuliani prepares to exit, back McCain
Rudy Ghouliani, who bet his presidential hopes on Florida only to come in third, prepared to quit the race Tuesday and endorse his friendliest rival, John McCain.
Muhammad, A Symbol Of Terrorism
In the process of updating Crusader's Armory, I discovered a significant oversight: my failure to include an important petition in the list. It is #5 in the updated list. Syed's petition is not easy on the eyes due to its lack of formatting, but it includes citations to the same ayat & ahadith I quote and more plus numerous quotes from...
Taxpayers to take on Northern Rock risk
It now appears likely that British taxpayers will be forced to pick up the tab for Northern Rock's risky loan practices. Hopefully US taxpayers will not be following suite--and be forced to bail out US mortgage financiers.
Guantanamo Detainee Lawyers Endorse Obama
More than 80 volunteer lawyers for Guantanamo Bay detainees today endorsed Illinois Senator Barack Obama's presidential bid.
Getting Duped: Scientific American
Statements made in the media can surreptitiously plant distortions in the minds of millions. Learning to recognize two commonly used fallacies can help you separate fact from fiction
Never Forgive Schumer and Feinstein for Giving Us Mukasey
New Attorney General letter to Senate reveals: 1) Mukasey thinks torture is okay sometimes (but we have to guess when), 2) Mukasey likes to keep his torture methods secret (legitimate interrogation programs all publish their rules), and 3) Mukasey thinks waterboarding could be legally approved again (torture at the stroke of the presidential pen).
Don't let the door hit you in the ass, Mr. President.
A short study of the kind of pithy sloganeering that led up to 'The Protective Overwatch Mission.'
Moderates Power McCain in Fla
A lot of us will sit this election out. Not a dimes worth of difference between a liberal McCain and either of the two top Democrats. America is going to hell in a hand-basket either way. Brush up on your Espanol, folks. Compulsory Spanish is next, along with the end of American sovereignty. Our Founding Fathers will be turning in their graves.....
Giuliani's Evil Alliance Should Mean More to Yankee Fans
Overview of the waning support that politicians give to professional sports teams. When Rudy Giuliani withdrew his support from the Yankees during his presidential bid in 2007 in favor of the hated Boston Red Sox, it truly displayed the affects of politics on someone who was once quoted as "bleeding pinstripes."
A Rudy Guy Makes the Case for Romney
Patrick Ruffini makes a cogent case for Romney, one the Romney campaign doesn't seem to spend a lot of time making itself.
Tables Turned on Homeless Hater - Now homeless
This is an interesting story. A couple who once hated a nearby homeless encampment is now stuck in a tent in that same camp, homeless and about to be evicted even there. It could happen to anyone.
Stephen Colbert For Vice President
Well as all Colbert Report fans know Stephen Colbert's run for the presidency in South Carolina was dashed by both parties lack of foresight as to what Stephen Colbert can do for this nation. All hope is not lost though. Mike Huckabee, in his second appearance on the Report, asked Stephen Colbert to be his running mate...
Barack Obama in Kansas City
Sen. Barack Obama brought his presidential campaign to Kansas City Tuesday. These are excerpts.
6th openly gay lawmaker takes seat in Washington
The appointment of openly gay 26-year-old Marko Liias to the Washington Legislature launches that state's status as having the second-largest gay caucus in America.
Open for Business Endorses Somebody, Nobody for Presiden
Perhaps Sen. Edwards is right to claim there are two Americas – or maybe four or six would serve as a fairer assessment. As the final reckoning for many presidential hopefuls approaches we found no single candidate we could endorse, which makes an endorsement article an interesting project. In the end, two candidates survived our editorial board.
We can still win, you know? In this battle for America, we Christians can win. I know that flies in the face of most folks' theology, but we would fight harder if we weren't so committed to living out pre-written history....
NPR Blithely Notes Clinton Saw 'Few External Threats'
In his last SOTU...CLINTON: Never before has our nation enjoyed at once, so much prosperity and social progress with so little internal crisis and so few external threats. How is it that NPR plays that clip thinking that it represents Clinton's accomplishments, instead of his utter cluelessness in retrospect about the gathering storm of 9/11?
Reading Between the Lines: State of the Union 2008
When both parties are sold out to the same corporate and special interests, you need a translator to make sense of what this strange piece of political drama was all about. With Hunter Thompson out of action, I offer my services to make light of a separate reality inhabited by the U.S. ruling class.
Reading Between the Lines: State of the Union 2008
When both parties are sold out to the same corporate and special interests, you need a translator to make sense of what this strange piece of political drama was all about. With Hunter Thompson out of action, I offer my services to make light of a separate reality inhabited by the U.S. ruling class.
Survivors describe mass killings under Suharto - The Boston Globe
BLITAR, Indonesia - Hiding out in the dense, humid jungle, Markus Talam watched Indonesian soldiers herd manacled prisoners from trucks, line them up, and mow them down with round after round of automatic weapons fire.
Bush Calls for War on New Zealand to stop BioMedical Researc
President Bush met with the Illuminati World Congress Monday night under the Lincoln Memorial to give the REAL state of the Union address where he called for war on New Zealand. Some feel he is trying to get back at the Orc that had its way with Bush in College turning him to cocaine and alcohol and homosexual tendencies.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Fla. Hispanics diverse in origin, culture, politics
The Florida belt between Tampa and Orlando, is Republican territory. Although Miami's Little Havana is a bastion of Cuban-American Republicans, Hispanics in Central Florida area are more diverse. Among the Hispanics living in the Tampa-Orlando about 40% are Puerto Rican, and 21% are Mexican-American. The voting trend here is toward Democrats
Al Qaeda Poses Fresh Threats in Pakistan, U.S. Shifts Focus
In a shift with profound implications, the Bush administration is refocusing on Pakistan, where a regenerating Al Qaeda is posing fresh threats.
Push to open adoption records begins anew
TRENTON — The decades-old push to open up birth records for adoptees renewed Thursday as a Senate panel, compelled by the personal story of an iconic rapper, released a measure that would allow people to access their original birth certificates.
Black vote shapes contours of battle
Anyone hoping the conclusion of the South Carolina primary would also put an end to what was the most rancorous stretch of the Democratic campaign so far will almost certainly be disabused.
Anonymous - FB Event listing for scientology protest
02/10/08 11:00 AM Worldwide It has come to the attention of Anonymous that there are a number of you out there who do not clearly understand what we are or why we have undertaken our present course of action. Contrary to the assumptions of the media, Anonymous is not "a group of super hackers". Anonymous is a collective ... to endorse the most requested Democrat Candidate
Fill out this form and will endorse a candidate if he can break the 50% barrier.
Paul Chances thinning
ron paul chance of beeing elected is slim based on polls election, media coverage
Bush Remains Mute Throughout 2008 State of the Union
In a surprise development that some pundits are already terming unprecedented, President George W. Bush, who was scheduled to deliver his final State of the Union address tonight, remained silent throughout the entire proceeding.
Whos Supports The Real Id
list of people in senate who support real id , obama, cinton, edwards,romney,mccain
Die linke Republik
In zwei westdeutschen Flächenländern wurde am Wochenende gewählt. Eine klare Entscheidung gab es allerdings nur in Niedersachsen. Außerdem ist es nun Fakt das die Linke auch im Westen angekommen ist. Weitere interessante Fakten zu diesen Wahlen findet Ihr hier.
Bronx GOP District Leader Illegally Registered To Vote In Br
A local delegate for Rudy Giuliani is a federal-tax deadbeat who's been living for years in a Battery Park City high-rise while holding political office and voting in The Bronx, The Post has learned.
Tax-Happy Brazil Hits the Wall
Yet the fact that taxes and government intervention are what holds Brazil back is still not recognized...
Congressional Press Release
Complicity of the Clinton Administration In other words, the Republican Party Committee report confirms unequivocally the complicity of the Clinton Administration with several Islamic fundamentalist organisations including Al Qaeda.
Online group declares war on Scientology
The group says it was prompted to act after Scientology leaders recently tried to "censor" a widely distributed and mocked video of Tom Cruise. The video shows the actor professing his love for the religion, laughing hysterically and claiming that Scientologists are the only people able to help save lives following a car accident.
An Affirmation of the Freedom of the People
Rafah: the breach in the wall is an act of freedom and a strong warning to the EU, the Quartet and Egypt !
Bush speech will seek to calm American nerves
President George W. Bush will use his final State of the Union address on Monday to try to reassure nervous Americans about his economic rescue efforts and chart a course to stay relevant in his last year in power.
State slams diplomat for speaking 'truth to power'
Why do I emphasize 'was'? Condi made sure she tore him a new one, instead of admitting that she was WRONG about Kim Jong Il (as I could have told her before she even tried to buy off the North Koreans. When will these idiots learn that you can't pay off a commie terrorist?).
State slams diplomat for speaking 'truth to power'
Why do I emphasize 'was'? Condi made sure she tore him a new one, instead of admitting that she was WRONG about Kim Jong Il (as I could have told her before she even tried to buy off the North Koreans. When will these idiots learn that you can't pay off a commie terrorist?).
Funerale per una democrazia, De Magistris si dimette
Quando un potere politico difende i suoi privilegi e nefandezze attaccando la magistratura la democrazia cade e la repubblica con essa.
Legacy to legality. Bushwacked again so McCain can spy
The President is a liar. He is leaving office as a complete failure. If anyone ever pays this idiot to speak at a birthday party for their dog they should be ashamed.
Michael Savage's Hate Speech Catches up with Him
Major firms are pulling their advertising from Savage's radio show following a campaign highlighting his inflammatory rhetoric. This is good news for a change. I called the companies mentioned and they were polite and surprised. It felt really good to see the results. Brave New Films you're great!
Michael Savage's Hate Speech Catches up with Him
Major firms are pulling their advertising from Savage's radio show following a campaign highlighting his inflammatory rhetoric. This is good news for a change. I called the companies mentioned and they were polite and surprised. It felt really good to see the results. Brave New Films you're great!
Hawaiian Pacifists Demand An End to Island Bombings
Peace activists in Hawaii demand an immediate end to B-2 Stealth bombers dropping 2,000 lb. bombs into soils containing Depleted Uranium contamination.
Fox leaves out Dr.Ron Paul again & again
For unknown reasons, Fox News and many other News channels continue to disregard the fact, that Ron Paul is one of the GOP presidential candidates and he didn't ignore Ne-va-da. Information posted at shows that Fox is continuing on the same path of altering facts.
Rückwärts immer « Observing Hermann...
We can always go backwards in time if we want to. When it's an election in Germany, I mean.
Presidential candidates' subprime solutions
Should there be a tax break for subprime victims? How about a freeze on interest rates? The candidates for the US presidential elections are coming up with different solutions to the problem.
US Liberty Teetering on the Brink by Paul Craig Roberts
Bush, the neocons, Republicans, and Democrats do not want America to any longer be a free society, and they are taking freedom away from us just as they took away the independence of the media. Free and informed people get in the way of power-mad zealots with agendas. It is the agendas that are supreme, not the American people
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Mandatory Federal ID’s are here NOW!
The U.S. Government is now requiring its citizens to have Federal Identification to leave the country. The U.S .has also influenced most of the world's nations to require the ID to enter their borders!
[Video] Impeachment Bannering
We had a successful, uneventful, and fun morning of bannering at a strategic spot near 169 and Medicine Lake Road. We stood on the trunks of our cars holding the banner for half an hour. With an average of 55 cars passing per minute, 1650 folks may have seen the banner. Lots of honks and waves.
Miss Kumquat gets our vote
It turns out that the 2008 Florida Democratic primary doesn't count. Florida will be sending the same number of delegates to the 2008 Democratic convention as Uzbekistan. This may seem unfair, but there's a simple, logical explanation: The whole primary system is insane. Consider the process so far:
Kucinich: Trashed by his own Democratic Party
Kucinich, whose stand against concentration of media made him a problem for network owners, was shut out of debates. Democratic Party failure to support him points to their corporate friendly position.
Kucinich: Trashed by his own Democratic Party
Kucinich, whose stand against concentration of media made him a problem for network owners, was shut out of debates. Democratic Party failure to support him points to their corporate friendly position.
We Need To Pull Out All Stops To Keep Kucinich In Congress
Despite the fact that he is the best candidate on just about every we learned that there is a conspiracy of huge corporations prepared to throw millions of dollars at trying to kick our hero out of Congress altogether, by financing a troll primary challenge. They are running smear ads in his district...we have to fight back now.
Guiliani's Knighthood
He is forbidden to hold the office he seeks by Article 1, Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution for accepting a Title of Nobility(Knight) from a foreign sovereign(Queen of England) in 2002.
Politics And Castles
The online version of The Wall Street Journal has a strange way of discovering related blog posts about their articles. I do not always check my statistics so it was only yesterday that I noticed that in the past days some visitors to The Presurfer were coming from The Wall Street Journal.
State of Union to focus on economy, officials say
With fear of an impending recession, President Bush on Monday night will use his last State of the Union address to revisit unfinished business and press for quick action to keep the economy afloat, administration officials say.
Electoral Finance Act victim forced to shut down website
The first publicized internet victim of the Electoral Finance Act has finally come to light. 21 one year old Andrew Moore has had to take his website down at Don't Vote Labour because the Electoral Commission threatened him with legal action should he not do so.
Perspective: The Real ID rebellion - CNET
Americans don't like mandatory digital ID cards, CNET's Declan McCullagh says. New Hampshire is leading the revolt.
War Over - Temporary War Tax Repealed
Brief description of the 1898 temporary one cent tax on long distance telephone calls which was enacted to pay for the Spanish-American War. In 1900, two years after the fighting had stopped and the peace treaty signed, Congress elected to increase the tax to 3% rather than repealing it as promised. In 2006, 108 years later the tax was repealed.
Government the Destroyer
One great lesson of political economy, emphasized for centuries, is that the government creates no wealth of its own. Everything it has it has to get from you and me, one way or another. It can tax. It can borrow. And, finally, it can inflate by means of credit market manipulation. This third option is the most disguised.
Bush built his career on faith -Evangelical base snookered?
One defining aspect of George W Bush's presidency is his professed belief in God. Bush's religion has been described as evangelical. Bush faced a problem: how to retain the support of the right-wing evangelical leaders that he privately called "wackos" without being identified with them so that the association would alienate other voters.
Samuel Adams' Warning
To any who seek to condemn, if not to defame, The Founders for alleged mistakes, an appropriate answer would be the one hurled by Samuel Adams at detractors of "our ancestors" who proffered "excuses" for their errors (essay, Boston Gazette, 1771):
N.H. RECOUNT - URGENT ACTION REQUIRED primary vote fraud die bold electronic machines
Obama Wins South Carolina Primary
The Clintons are sickening, despicable people. One senses that if Machiavelli himself were alive today, he would be repulsed by them. Obama needs to step up his security detail; not because of the KKK or White Supremicists but because of the Dixie Mafia, the violent arm of the Clinton regime. If Hillbillary "gives the order" .... don't fly.
Bekas Presiden Indonesia Suharto Meninggal Dunia
Bekas Presiden Indonesia, Suharto meninggal dunia pada pukul 1.10 petang ini waktu tempatan (2.10 petang waktu Malaysia) setelah berada dalam keadaan kritikal sejak awal pagi ini.
Be bold, vote Ron Paul for president
Congressman Ron Paul has introduced legislation to give teachers a tax credit of up to $3,000 for money they spend in their classroom (HR1057), legislation to give police and firefighters a tax credit of $1,000 plus the full amount of any money they spend on their own armor (HR3303 and HR3304) and legislation to make tips earned by service industry
Bhutan political party familiarization tour
The Women's Support Group of the People's Democratic Party have begun their familiarization tour to the eight Dzongkhags of Wangdi, Trongsa, Mongar, Lhuntsi, Tashi Yangtse, Samdrup Jongkhar, Pema Gatshel and Sarpang.
Global Cultural Jihad: Menace On The Globe
As we view the world through our own eyes what do we see? What we want to see or something more odious than can be accepted? We cannot see through another's eyes, can we?
81 killed in Kenyan election crisis
Former UN chief Kofi Annan said he had witnessed "gross and systematic human rights abuses" on a visit to western Kenya, where some 81 people were killed in the flashpoint Rift Valley province.
Obama takes clear S Carolina win
Barack Obama has beaten his rival Hillary Clinton by a massive 55% to 27% in the South Carolina primary.
Bernard Kouchner à Kinshasa
Arrivée à Kinshasa du chef de la diplomatie française Bernard Kouchner. vendredi 25 janvier 2008. Le ministre français des Affaires étrangères Bernard Kouchner est arrivé vendredi matin à Kinshasa, première étape d'une mini-tournée africaine qui le mènera notamment dans l'est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) et au Rwanda
Rolling Stone: The Fear Factory
The FBI now has more than 100 task forces devoted exclusively to fighting terrorism. But is the government manufacturing ghosts?
'Boycott Chuck Norris,' says Thompson staffer
Saying he's 'kicking Chuck Norris where it hurts – his wallet,' [Thompson campaign staffer Darrell] Ng explains he's starting the boycott because Norris endorsed a presidential candidate and supports ideas "far out of the mainstream."
'Boycott Chuck Norris,' says Thompson staffer
Saying he's 'kicking Chuck Norris where it hurts – his wallet,' [Thompson campaign staffer Darrell] Ng explains he's starting the boycott because Norris endorsed a presidential candidate and supports ideas "far out of the mainstream."
PAUL: Champion of the Constitution
Paul calls himself a "champion of the Constitution." His record in Washington, where his votes against runaway federal government spending have earned him the nickname "Dr. No" Excellent Story BY MURRAY SABRIN
Mantan Presiden Soeharto Tutup Usia
Telah Meninggal dunia dengan tenang mantan presiden RI yang ke-2 dalam usia 86 tahun pukul 13.10 hari ini di RSPP Jakarta.
EMPTY HEART: Historical roots of the phenomenon of Colin P
When we are booted out of Iraq and out of all the Middle East, after some cool- off period I assume, Iraqis will identify the most hated man in the US. And that man would not be George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Ramsfeld or Condi Rice. That man will be Colin Powell.
Former Indonesian President Suharto dies
Suharto was president of Indonesia from 1967 until his resignation in 1998 under immense political pressure. His family is accused of amassing billion of dollars in state funds during his reign.
Former Indonesian President Suharto dies
Suharto was president of Indonesia from 1967 until his resignation in 1998 under immense political pressure. His family is accused of amassing billion of dollars in state funds during his reign.
Say "No" to the REAL ID (National ID)
It's time to take a stand against the American government's attempts to limit personal liberties. The REAL ID is an invasive and unjust measure that will make everyday life for American citizens much more difficult.
Americans putting their money in the right place after all?
Republican lawmaker has become a surprise fundraising star in the US presidential race, with a showing in the closing months of 2007 equaling that of political heavyweights Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
A Dialog To Help The Economic Crisis
(the following is a dialog) OG: i plan an withdrawing cash, about six hundred dollars, not spending it, saving it, and not in a bank. Guy: OH NO! what about inflation! ...
Obama Calls on Senate to Swiftly Pass Indian Health Care Bill
U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) today released the following statement on the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA) Amendments of 2007 (S.1200), which is currently before the Senate. Obama is an original cosponsor of the legislation.
Suharto leaves controversial legacy
Former strongman president Suharto steered Indonesia through three decades of rapid economic growth and stability, only to see much of his work unravel in months as the country was plunged into chaos.
Royal Mint get ok to remove Britannia from 50 pence coins
Prime Minister Gordon Brown has given personal approval to the Royal Mint to remove the classic Britannia design from fifty pence coins, in favour of something representing 'Modern Britain'.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Romney = Clear Channel Communications
That's 1100 radio stations, several XM channels, and 30+ TV stations.No wonder he gets so much face time while other candidates don't.
Obama Wins, Why Hillary Is Not Electable
Hillary Clinton's strategy of attacking Obama drew both party and voter ire, and backfired in South Carolina primary. Mr. Obama's called for a more civilized campaign, while the press scrutinized and discredited many of Mrs and Mr Clinton's claims. And the voters made it clear that they wanted a cleaner campaign.
If Romney is just a manager, that would make McCains position in the Military even less important. From McCains OWN logic, Romney was the President/Manager in his own businesses. The Pres. of the U.S. is the Pres. of the Military business. McCain was JUST a Manager in the Military Business. Hence, Romney has the better QUALIFICATIONS for President.
Olbermann Blogging Regularly At DailyKos
MSNBC's Keith Olbermann wrote a blog post at leftie political site Daily Kos. It appears that he is now a regular at the site. From Huffington Post, spoken to YOU by, so you can listen on your iPhone, iPod or PC.
Utah Legislator Seeks to End All Open Wireless Connections
In Utah, Representative Bradley Daw has introduced a bill, HB 139, that would effectively end all free wireless internet access in Utah. Why? Because Rep. Daw thinks minors might use open wireless access points to access porn and therefore free wireless access must be stopped.
Senate To Scuttle Timely Economic Stimulus Plan [Taxes]
Smarting from its continued failure to check the expansive growth of the unitary executive, the Senate has decided to assert itself by derailing an agreed upon economic stimulus plan.
Obama Trounces Hillary in South Carolina Primary
"Obama Gets His Mojo Back: Trounces Hillary in South Carolina." Senator Obama won a decisive victory over Clinton in Saturday's South Carolina primary. Nearly complete returns show Obama with 55 percent of the vote, Clinton at 27 percent, and Edwards at 18 percent. The article includes photographs and the video of his victory speech.
It's official....John McCain is insane
John McCain wants us in Iraq for 100 years, but he sure did sound like Ron Paul in 1993 and 1994 when he addressed Congress to get the troops home IMMEDIATELY from Somalia and Haiti! I'm convinced McCain has literally lost his mind
Analysis: Racial divide could hurt Obama
The questions surrounding Barack Obama's victory in South Carolina: Was the split between white and black voters an anomaly in a state were the Confederate flag still flies on the statehouse grounds? Or has the Clinton campaign successfully marginalized him as the "black candidate?"
Pentagon Weighs Top Iraq General as Chief of NATO
The question of General Petraeus's future comes as the Pentagon is looking at changing several top-level assignments this year. President Bush has been an enthusiastic supporter of General Petraeus, whom he has credited with overseeing a troop increase and
Valentines For Troops Blogburst!
First off, Robert of Operation America Rising sent me this link to Jackson, NC EAGLES UP rally showing up against the retards of Westboro NOT A Baptist Anything.
Statement on the Unborn Victims of Violence Act
Good intentions, but not constitutional. Our legislators can still enact good legislation constitutionally, can't they? I hope they haven't forgotten how.
Dramatic Voices of Dissent: Celebrities Film Zinn's 'The Peo
The actors in this four-part TV series are more of a social movement than a cast.
Surviving the Middle Class Crash - Part 1
A journey down the path to take back independence and break away from the corporate teat.
Flipper blasts Bill Clinton for "abusing truth"
John Kerry, the Democratic Party's 2004 nominee for president, took aim at Bill Clinton Friday, telling the National Journal the former president does "not have a license to abuse the truth."
AP Ignores Party Affiliation of Democrat Who Lied About Sex
Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick (D) is facing mounting pressure to resign for lying about sex under oath in a legal proceeding but the AP conveniently does not mention that he is a Democrat.
While Ron Paul promises the abolition of the IRS, Wesley Snipes is already taking action. STOP FEDERAL TYRANNY. VOTE SNIPES.
The dead live longer? « Observing Hermann...
Berlin's Tempelhof Airport might just get airlifted out of assured extinction after all.
Friday, January 25, 2008
President Bush Seeks Broader Wiretapping Authority
President Bush wants Congress to broaden the government's powers to eavesdrop on private conversations without court approval. VOA White House Correspondent Scott Stearns reports, a controversial public surveillance law is set to expire February 1.
Sen. Boxer Slams EPA Administrator for Redacting Documents
Sen. Boxer at the Environment and Public Works Committee slams EPA administrator Johnson for redacting, with duct tape, information the committee had requested. She also hammers him for his unwillingness to meet with residents of California and explain the unprecedented refusal to grant a waiver for California to adopt stricter environ. regs.
The Stimulus Scam
Stimulus Scam If the 2008 election is supposed to be about change, how about a change that gives America back to its citizenry rather than having the Politicians cough up a Stimulus Scam intended to further push America toward Socialism. The USA economy is in trouble; the dollar is falling, international markets are in freefall and oil has hit $10
Utah driving cards for CRIMINAL illegals is rising
The number of CRIMINAL illegal immigrant INVADERS possessing a gift card to drive in Utah continues to rise.
What the 2008 Election is really about.
What the 2008 Election is really about In November of 2008, Americans will go to the polls and pull the lever for their choice of candidate yet very few of them will be able to verbalize exactly what the 2008 election is really about. Precious few will realize that their ability to go to a poll every four years may be in jeopardy should they cast
A Democratic Commander and Chief
A Democratic Commander and Chief As the elections are beginning to take shape, ponder for a moment how the Uniformed Forces of the American military would look under A Democratic Commander and Chief. From the entry ranks of the new recruits to the highest ranking Officers that have served with distinction and honor, how would the appearance of the
Obama Walks a Tricky Racial Line
After fielding questions from an audience of about 200, Bill Clinton called on a black man standing near the stage. The man said he was a pastor and told Clinton that "black America is voting for Obama because he's black." He said Democrats are in a dangerous position because if Obama wins the nomination, voters will elect a Republican in November.
Where is Al Gore lately?
Where is Al Gore lately?Something is missing or maybe someone is missing. Has Al Gore flown the coop with his trash science over Global Warming? Many experts can be heard asking; Where's Al Gore lately and why hasn't he come up with a new cash caw now that Global Warming has been disproved? Ever since he blamed America at his Bali Indones
Obama has South Carolina lead; McCain up in Florida: poll
COLUMBIA, South Carolina (Reuters) - Democrat Barack Obama expanded his lead on rival Hillary Clinton to 15 points heading into South Carolina's bitterly contested presidential primary, according to a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll released on Saturday.
He is beating the Drums of War
George Bush's recent trip to the Middle East was nothing more than trying to gain support for his wish to expand US hegemony in the region and start a war with Iran.
Mayor Bloomberg unveils 2009 budget/BLOOMIE IS AWFUL
Mayor Bloomberg proposed a $58.5 billion budget Thursday that protects key tax breaks for homeowners but scales back cash for schools, cops and other vital city services. HE HAS SO MUCH MONEY, HE DO NOT LIVE IN REAL WORLD. HE IS THE NANNY STATE GOVERNOR. HORRIBLE MAN.
Interview: the psychology of mass deception
Bush & Co.'s vast inversions of the truth - distortions infinitely larger than mere lying - are the product of a conscious and deliberate deception. And yet, they are also a ferociously sincere expression of the way these mad authoritarians perceive reality.
Falls Church News-Press-News Briefs
There are more and more gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender (GLBT) population. And more and more ppl support them. Just as, which provides a good and friendly environment for them to come out, enjoy their lives. etc.
The Caucus: Edwards Appeals for the Rural Vote
John Edwards, noting that Hillary Rodham Clinton would be absent from the state for most of the week, said he would not neglect or forget voters in rural towns like Bennettsville.
Who should get Bharat Ratna?
Ever since the BJP leader and leader of the Opposition LK Advani wrote to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, recommending Atal Bihari Vajpayee's name for Bharat Ratna, a growing list of names has started doing the rounds. This list includes...........
Will The Doomsday Clock Will Be Set Forward Again?
The "Doomsday Clock" has been around since 1947, and it is rapidly moving toward 12:00 Midnight as temperaments and patience seem to be razor-thin throughout the world. In January of this year, The "Doomsday Clock" was moved-up two minutes to reflect the concern in regard global terrorism - not yet taking account of recent news from NATO and Russia
Moroccans want Wilders prosecuted
Moroccan organizations in the Netherlands want Geert Wilders prosecuted for discrimination against Muslims -- for a film no one has yet seen. Death of Free Speech Update for Expatica (thanks to Sr. Soph): THE HAGUE – Moroccan organizations in the...
Israel likened to Nazis in political cartoons
In Israel, political officials were furious over the comparisons made to Nazi Germany. They were particularly upset with al-Jazeera's decision last Sunday to cancel its regularly scheduled programming in order to broadcast a clip entitled "Gaza sinks into darkness."
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Senate rejects more oversight of phone spying
WASHINGTON - The Senate granted at least a temporary victory to the White House on Thursday, turning back an attempt to increase court oversight of the government's surveillance of phone calls and e-mails that involve people inside the United States.
APPARENTLY, a deal has been struck, reducing the 'per tax payer' rebate from the talked-about $800 to a paltry $300. This isn't going to stimulate squat. But there's a larger, more illustrative point:
Thousands Flee Gaza After Israeli Blockade
In an effort to end the rocket attacks upon Israeli citizens all border crossings were sealed leading into Gaza last week, cutting off the flow of vital supplies needed by those living in the besieged territory.
Pakistan Troops advance with tanks for major assault in Pak
WANA, Jan 23:The army sent reinforcements, for the first time with tanks, to the troubled South Waziristan tribal region on Wednesday after clashes between security forces and militants intensified in the Mehsud area. See Cool Killer Al-Khalid Tank for it first time use against own Nation. Sack this bastard
Hollywood's Congressman to leave Internet and IP Subcmte
"Hollywood" Howard Berman (D-CA), the California Congressman who chairs the House Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet and Intellectual Property, could be moving on and possibly replaced by Rick Boucher (D-VA), "a voice of sanity in a cacophony of idiocy" when it comes to IP issues.
Tenth Anniversary of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Soon App
On Sunday, January 27, 2008, our nation celebrates an important political anniversary. Ten years ago Hillary Clinton (then the First Lady) went on television with Matt Lauer and said:
New York Times Backs Clinton, McCain
The New York Times editorial board has endorsed Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and John McCain in the presidential primary race.
Bruce censured despite his 'Mr. Smith' comparison
Rep. Douglas Bruce's efforts to cast himself as a victim hounded by the press, including invoking the image of movie legend Jimmy Stewart, didn't spare him the first censure in the legislature's 131-year history.
In Senate, a White House Victory on Eavesdropping
A White House plan to broaden the National Security Agency's wiretapping powers won a key procedural victory in the Senate on Thursday.
Mitt Romney Caught on Video Receiving Whispered Debate Cues
I'm not sure who said this, but I noticed it while watching tonight's Republican presidential debate in Florida. It's no secret that Mitt Romney is a product of polls and handlers, but even for the most "plastic" candidate in the race, this takes the cake. Notice how his response immediately reflects the "whisper"
Fieger Judge: Prosecution “Unusual;†Government
In what may be a significant victory for efforts to show that the Bush Administration has selectively targeted political opponents, the Judge in the Geoffrey Fieger case, Paul Borman, just ruled that this case is sufficiently unusual that the government must provide the evidence that Fieger's team would need to argue Fieger was vindictively ....
A poster explaining how perfectly timed a Cheney impeachment hearing would be right now.
NY Times Endorses Hillary Clinton Calling Her Brilliant
Clinton releases details of her economic plan as major newspaper the NY Times endorses her as the Democratic Candidate.
New York Times endorses Hillary Clinton
As Democrats look ahead to the primaries in the biggest states on Feb. 5, The Times's editorial board strongly recommends that they select Hillary Clinton as their nominee for the 2008 presidential election.
The GOP Race Is Down to Two
Ron Paul ignored in MSNBC GOP debate again. Mainstream media is afraid of something.
NPR: Jacob Weisberg, Chronicling 'The Bush Tragedy'
magazine editor Jacob Weisberg has a few things to say about the presidency of George W. Bush. He's as...
Former Surgeon Generals Silenced: Politics vs Public Health
The White House has politicized the surgeon general by dictating his messages, blocking the release of scientific reports, not allowing him to speak for the mentally disabled in fear it would support a Democrat, instructing him to include Bush's name several times in speeches, etc. However, the current administration is not the only one guilty
Presidential Candidate Mike Gravel calls for Impeachment!
An official statement by Mike Gravel.... "However, today I want to unequivocally state: without Impeachment first, what I or any other worthy Presidential candidate wants to accomplish is very unlikely to happen. Our words will in fact become another empty campaign promise and another sad political fantasy."
Here we go - The other candidates cannot even compete !
I am not the only one that believes no other candidate can compete with ron paul, the other candidates seem to be afraid of even asking Ron Paul a question because they always fear his better answers.
Wind Industry and Tax Breaks - Glenn Schleede
If so, this is another HUGE break for the wind industry. "Wind farm" owners already benefit enormously from the 5-year double declining balance accelerated depreciation (5-yr, 200% DB) which permits the following deductions from otherwise taxable income:
Late Nite FDL: Three Days to Win on FISA
"Forget any bad feelings you may have towards Harry Reid. We've got three days to make sure he beats Mitch McConnell in an important showdown on FISA on Monday. McConnell has called for a cloture vote on the SSCI Bill (the one that gives the telecoms--and therefore Dick Cheney--immunity). The vote is scheduled for 4:30 PM on Monday,[...]"
Wind Industry and Tax Breaks - Glenn Schleede
If so, this is another HUGE break for the wind industry. "Wind farm" owners already benefit enormously from the 5-year double declining balance accelerated depreciation (5-yr, 200% DB) which permits the following deductions from otherwise taxable income:
Huge Tax Break for "Wind Farm" owners in Stimulus Package
Therefore, it appears that there will be NO additional capital investment in "wind farms" AS A RESULT OF the stimulus package. Therefore, "wind farm" owners will be able to avoid paying millions in taxes with NO economic benefit such as those claimed by the President and House leaders.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The Fallacy Olympics
The Bush Administration told 935 lies to mislead us into Iraq, and yet hearings on impeachment have not begun. Get the feeling that the standards of this nation have fallen into the depths of an oil well somewhere?
Here We Go Again: Bush Lied
Here we go again with the old and tired bull-hockeys. I have concluded that evidence beforehand doesn't matter to the BDS crowd.
Haven’t We Had Enough of HillBilly?
The Clintons charge the Federal government $10,000 monthly rent for the use of that extra residence, which is about equal to their mortgage payment. This means that we, the taxpayers, are paying the Clinton's salary, mortgage, transportation, safety and security, as well as the salaries for their 12 man staff and, this is all perfectly legal!
How to hit back at the new Canadian Copyright where it hurts
If the Conservatives want to introduce new copyright legislation, they may wish to think about the political cost. A list of MP's that won by less than 10% last election, and have a University in their riding shows that a poor handling of the situation could bring political disaster. They could turn a non-issue into total political crushing.
Did Ron Paul Just Win Louisiana?
It's late, well into the night. Most of America is completely unaware that there was a Republican caucus going on anywhere in America tonight (Tuesday night), but we had one in Louisiana, and Ron Paul may have just won his first primary — Outright.
Raw Story Frames News Articles from Other Sites
Raw Story makes a regular practice of framing articles from other media sites, displaying the pages at a Raw Story web address with additional advertising. This technique was the subject of a widely publicized copyright and trademark infringement lawsuit in the late '90s between a small news site and several media giants.
Jury Blocked From Reindicting a Justice
A Texas judge on dismissed the grand jury whose indictment of State Supreme Court justice David M. Medina and his wife was thwarted by prosecutors. Texas Justice seems to be our latest oxymoron. To save the political scalp of a crook on the bench Texas let's 30 other crooks go.
Bush administration threatens to veto Indian health bill...
The Bush administration is threatening to veto legislation aimed at improving health care on American Indian reservations.
Study Finds Bush Lied U.S. into War with Iraq
In perhaps the most complete and damning evidence yet that President Bush deceived a nation into a baseless war, a nonprofit collaboration of two independent organizations has concluded that President Bush used at least 532 misleading and deceptively false statements to justify military action against Iraq.
Editor Imprisoned for 3 Years for Cartoons of Muhammad
Minsk (Belarus) City Court has sentenced the former editor-in-chief of Zhoda newspaper Alyaksandr Zdzvizhkou to 3 years of imprisonment in a colony with a reinforced regime. Zdzvizhkou republished well-known cartoons from Danish newspapers.
MSM's Complicit In US Official Nuke Prolif. story's blackout
For the second time in two weeks, the entire U.S. press has let itself be scooped by Rupert Murdoch's London Sunday Times on a dynamite story of criminal activities by corrupt U.S. officials promoting nuclear proliferation. But there is a worse journalistic sin than being scooped, and that is participating in a cover-up of information that demands
California Mandatory Health Insurance Vote is Tomorrow
Arnold's bill for mandatory health insurance in California is up for vote tomorrow. However, there is a key senator, Leland Yee, that opposes the bill, so it probably won't pass.
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