Saturday, February 9, 2008


Only 355 votes separate grassroots progressive John Laesch from multimillionaire Blue Dog Bill Foster, with many provisional, military and absentee ballots still not counted.

Gun Laws Too Lax?

Burlington, Vermont - February 8, 2008 "So I certainly believe that the Brady campaign has a legitimate point that our laws being weak may in fact endanger not only our own population but others," says gun control advocate Dr. Eliot Nelson.

The End's Not Near (Its Here) for Mann

The "Wonga" Coup leader sits in Equatorial Guinea, waiting his


Only 355 votes separate grassroots progressive John Laesch from multimillionaire Blue Dog Bill Foster, with many provisional, military and absentee ballots still not counted.

Ron Paul Abandons Supporters, No Third Party Run

With so many primaries and caucuses now over, we do not now need so big a national campaign staff, and so I am making it leaner and tighter. Of course, I am committed to fighting for our ideas within the Republican party, so there will be no third party run.

Protest Alberto Gonzales at WashU in St Louis

Disgraced former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is being paid $30,000 by the WashU Student Union to speak on our campus. An additional $5,000 has been allocated for "extra security." Come out and tell the world that St. Louis believes that America can be better than this!

Clinton team braced for Obama to take delegate lead

This article discusses their plans to pull the victory out in the end -- and how they will point the argument towards being a better opponent versus McCain. If most Democrats can see that Obama has a better chance defeating McCain -- WHY ARE DEMS STILL VOTING FOR HER??

John McCain: Committed GENOCIDE for Profit

GENOCIDE committed against a gentle people: the Di'neh (Arizona Navaho)...against a beautiful Indian Holy Land: The Black Mesa... the Navaho's "Jerusalem" or "Mecca". Horrifying brutality orchestrated by a cruel, indifferent Senator: John McCain, and business interests from Massachusetts...Senators McCain, Kerry and Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Al Gore

Ron Paul Announces "No Third Party Run"

I am committed to fighting for our ideas within the Republican party, so there will be no third party run. I do not denigrate third parties -- just the opposite, and I have long worked to remove the ballot-access restrictions on them. But I am a Republican, and I will remain a Republican.

Durbin to Allow Deputy Attorney General’s Confirmation

The Hill reports that Senator Durbin (D-IL) will lift his hold on Mark Filip, the President's nominee to be Deputy Attorney General, paving the way for his confirmation...

ACSA: McCain's legislative history - Human Rights Violations

(Public Law 93-531 as amended in 1996 (Partition), 1999 (Settlement), 2001 (Enforcement of Resettlement) and 2005 (Expansion of Resettlement) by bills introduced by Senator McCain - has led to UN Special Rapporteur, Hon Abdeltalif Amor's condemnation of human rights violations inside the US, over the stripping of rights and forced resettlement

Bloggers attack feds after agent forgets gun in airport

Bloggers are raising their voices in unison calling for punishment for a federal agent who left her gun in a restroom inside the secured area at Milwaukee's airport. "Using the agency's own standards, this agent should be headed to the slam," wrote straightarrow on the blog managed by Ryan Horsley at Red's Trading Post in Idaho.

Bloggers attack feds after agent forgets gun in airport

Bloggers are raising their voices in unison calling for punishment for a federal agent who left her gun in a restroom inside the secured area at Milwaukee's airport. "Using the agency's own standards, this agent should be headed to the slam," wrote straightarrow on the blog managed by Ryan Horsley at Red's Trading Post in Idaho.

Colin Powell may support Democrat or Independent in †08

Colin Powell said Friday he may not back the GOP presidential nominee in November, telling CNN that "I am keeping my options open at the moment."

ACSA: McCain's legislative history - Human Rights Violations

(Public Law 93-531 as amended in 1996 (Partition), 1999 (Settlement), 2001 (Enforcement of Resettlement) and 2005 (Expansion of Resettlement) by bills introduced by Senator McCain - has led to UN Special Rapporteur, Hon Abdeltalif Amor's condemnation of human rights violations inside the US, over the stripping of rights and forced resettlement

Who will pay the mortgage when the homeowner walks? You

With the increase in conforming loan limits by the recent passage of the economic "stimulus" package, the housing industry will receive a handout backed with taxpayers" money. Worse still, that handout help prop up astronomically high home prices in the highest price areas, ensuring that homes remain unaffordable for most people.

Universities required to offer "student music services"

A bill that would put pressure on universities to put in place an official approved music subscription service or risk losing federal financial aid support for students. A bizarre piece of legislation requiring universities to sign up for such a service, even if they don't want to. It has now passed in the house, and is off to the Senate.

The Neoconservative Agenda to Sacrifice the Fifth Fleet

"The U.S. plans for an attack on Iran envision to sacrifice the Fifth Fleet in order to justify a nuclear retaliation. This is not a hypothetical scenario, but a real option being discussed within the U.S. Joint Chief of Staff cabinet."