Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Giuliani exits race, endorses McCain

Rudy Giuliani, who sought to make the leap from New York mayor to the White House, bowed out of the Republican presidential contest Wednesday and endorsed front-runner and longtime friend John McCain.

Chief Justice Speak Out Against Musharraf Allegations

An Open letter to the world leaders.

Kenya's Collapse

A rigged election, ethnic violence, economic dysfunction and now a political assassination -- the crisis in Kenya has hit a sad superfecta. Worse, the politicians who loosed these forces don't look capable of reining them back in.

Romney accuses McCain of 'dirty tricks'

Republican Mitt Romney accused John McCain of using dirty tricks by suggesting the former Massachusetts governor wanted a deadline for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq, in a spirited debate Wednesday night that underscored the intensity of their presidential rivalry.

Ann Coulter: 'Republicans are unalterably stupid'

why would any Republican vote for McCain? At least under President Hillary, Republicans in Congress would know that they're supposed to fight back. When President McCain proposes the same ideas – tax hikes, liberal judges and Social Security for illegals – Republicans in Congress will support "our" president –

Credit card company: No more buying guns ban impact citizens

Major credit card company has issued a letter to a gun dealer canceling his payment processing services because of corporate concerns firearms were being sold to consumers. "Your anti-gun corporate policy is based on ignorance of the law applicable to the sale of firearms," the NSSF wrote in response to the action taken by First Data Corp.

Senate panel passes $157 billion stimulus plan

The U.S. Senate Finance Committee approved a $157 billion economic stimulus package on Wednesday that offers smaller tax rebates to more people than a plan passed by the U.S. House of Representatives.

Correction: Candidate at a glance: Barack Obama

The information presented today in the graphic outlining presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama's campaign incorrectly stated his position on women's issues. The senator is pro-choice. The graphic should have further clarified that the senator only mandates universal healthcare for children.

"A Stunning Debate": CBC Taser Investigation

This aired on The National, CBC's flagship news program. It goes into great depth about how safe tasers really are and discusses Taser Intl's many controversial legal and medical practices. Co-produced with Radio-Canada. Part two can be found here:

LibertyTax 08

Ron Paul Graphs guy tells us to oppose the income tax.

President Bush says faith helped him beat drinking

President Bush is talking more openly lately about his old drinking habit, and on Tuesday he offered perhaps his most pointed assessment yet by saying plainly that the term "addiction" had applied to him.

Obama says Clinton would be a step back

DENVER - Democratic Sen. Barack Obama said Wednesday a Hillary Rodham Clinton presidency would be a step back to the past, turning her husband's image of a bridge to the future against her. The former first lady decried the tenor of his comments in an interview with The Associated Press.

Digg is censoring Ron Paul

and replacing it with Obama.

CDC suppressed FEMA 'toxic trailer' warnings

The scandal involving "toxic trailers" laced wih formaldehyde provided by FEMA as housing for refugees from Hurricane Katrina may go even deeper than previously thought. ...Now documents obtained by CBS show that the Centers for Disease Control suppressed repeated warnings about those risks from one of its top scientists...

Presidents' Occupations- Check out the Bush's former jobs

Every president's former occupation and post-presidential occupations

Guiliani wants to be McCaine's Vice President

Guiliani quit his campaign and McCaine has been kissing his butt lately. I bet Guiliani would take a security related job in the McCaine administration.

FBI Conceals Flight Data Recorder Info Of 2 9/11 Planes

A December 8, 2007 Freedom of Information Act request of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, seeking the release of all data contained by the Solid State Flight Data Recorders recovered from the crash scenes of American Airlines flight 77 and United Airlines flight 93, has been denied. The data sought, would presumably confirm the commercial fligh

Basta casta. Siamo liberi!

In sordina, senza clamore, il giorno 7 novembre 2007 è nata la Lista Partecipata per le elezioni provinciali di Roma 2008. E' uno strano oggetto politico. Una lista che ha come scopo eleggere dei consiglieri che siano "strumenti in mano ai cittadini".

Editorial control over EU Web TV project spraks controversy

BRUSSELS (EUX.TV) -- The European Parliament on Wednesday decides on a controversial web TV project that would cost nearly 40 million euro in the next four years and that is seen as an attempt to create "Pravda"-style propaganda for the European Union.

Red-Red getting Nervous-Nervous « Observing Hermann...

Berlin's city government may be forced to keep Tempelhof Airport open after all.

FBI Conceals Flight Data Recorder Info Of 2 9/11 Planes

A December 8, 2007 Freedom of Information Act request of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, seeking the release of all data contained by the Solid State Flight Data Recorders recovered from the crash scenes of American Airlines flight 77 and United Airlines flight 93, has been denied. The data sought, would presumably confirm the commercial fligh

Giuliani Admits Ron Paul Won All Of The Debates

Giuliani admits Ron Paul won all of the debates. Considering Rudy is about as far as you can get from Ron Paul, admitting defeat is saying a lot. Than again, Rudy also implies Bush is a good president.

Giuliani Admits Ron Paul Won All Of The Debates

Giuliani admits Ron Paul won all of the debates. Considering Rudy is about as far as you can get from Ron Paul, admitting defeat is saying a lot. Than again, Rudy also implies Bush is a good president.

Giuliani Admits Ron Paul Won All Of The Debates

Giuliani admits Ron Paul won all of the debates. Considering Rudy is about as far as you can get from Ron Paul, admitting defeat is saying a lot. Than again, Rudy also implies Bush is a good president.

Comprehensive write-up/linkfest of Anonymous v $cientology

A clean, concise run-down of what's going on, where it's going on. This is the only write-up so far that's actually checking its sources, and the author is taking more helpful links as they go.

Fisa end-run around Senate procedure

By attempting to precipitate conventional Senate procedure the administration is entering murky Constitutional water. This may ultimately culminate with a Supreme Court implication in approving or discrediting Fisa Law modifications in the future, and is a reckless ill advised maneuver. This is a Nixonian cockiness in perfect keeping with Rummy

Supreme Court: Taking Care of Business...not People

The high court caters to corporations and ignores commoners. Not only are "the people" losing at a rapid clip when they come before the court, but it has gotten much, much harder for the average person to even get into court in the first place.

Bush Administration's 935 Lies to Iraq War

935 lies bush run up to the war, rice,rumsfeild,cheney.wolfolwitz, weapons of mass destruction

Salty shepherds

A row between Australia and Japan

Barack Obama and Butte, Montana

"It's not that he would change anything in Butte," said Alan Peura, a City Commissioner in Helena. "But he's building momentum that we can use to make that change ourselves." Even from Butte, it's clear to organizers: Obama's not the savior: we are. He opens a door. We push.

Colleagues: Bush's Breath Stinks!

"Bush's halitosis is a result of who he is spiritually; or, I should say, what he's not spiritually," says outspoken author and founder of the Classic Americanism Foundation, Louis Sidney Jacobs.

Romney laughs at Ron Paul Host lets him have it

mitt romney laughs at ron paul and makes fun of his poilicys and supporters