Thursday, January 31, 2008

Shocker: Media Coverage Favors Democrats

Nothing surprising here, just move along....

Italia: necessario un profondo senso di responsabilità...

Non è nostra abitudine parlare di politica italiana, ma il momento è molto particolare e la società civile non può rimanere in silenzio di fronte a quanto sta accadendo, di fronte al regredire su tutti i fronti dell'Italia, sia a livello internazionale che nazionale. Sono necessarie azioni e decisioni urgenti

MoveOn Weighs Democratic Endorsements

MoveOn may have virtual balloting of its members to endorse by this weekend in time for Tsunami Tuesday.

Reagan, the Gold Standard, and Ron Paul

Reagan thought the gold standard would be a good idea too

Westboro Church to Protest the Deaths of 3 Naval Officers

Members of the Westboro Baptist Church plan to protest at the funeral of three Navy officers who were killed in a recent helicopter crash. The church issued a press release, which reads "Thank God for navy copter crash in Texas, killing three." Picketing is set to start at noon on 2/2/08 at the main gate of the Naval Air Station in Corpus Christi.

Google Fails Citizenship Test

Search Google for these basic citizenship questions and see what ridiculous answers you get.

Ron Paul is actually MAGNETO!

And here's proof!

A political blog

Satellite Radio To Host Gay Presidential Caucus

The Michelangelo Signorile Show to host gay presidential caucus Thursday

Is Mayor Bloomberg Running for a Jail Term?

Mayor Bloomberg appears to be violating citizens' Fourth Amendment rights while simultaneously guaging his chances at winning the presidency.


Opinion on how easily we are manipulated.

Judge raps Corps of Engineers but throws out Katrina lawsuit

A federal judge has thrown out a class action lawsuit against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers over the failure of levees in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.

Bush Lies...3941 Soldiers Lose Their Lives.

If Congress fails to impeach Bush and Cheney, then the Constitution is really just another piece of paper.