Monday, January 28, 2008

Fla. Hispanics diverse in origin, culture, politics

The Florida belt between Tampa and Orlando, is Republican territory. Although Miami's Little Havana is a bastion of Cuban-American Republicans, Hispanics in Central Florida area are more diverse. Among the Hispanics living in the Tampa-Orlando about 40% are Puerto Rican, and 21% are Mexican-American. The voting trend here is toward Democrats

Al Qaeda Poses Fresh Threats in Pakistan, U.S. Shifts Focus

In a shift with profound implications, the Bush administration is refocusing on Pakistan, where a regenerating Al Qaeda is posing fresh threats.

Push to open adoption records begins anew

TRENTON — The decades-old push to open up birth records for adoptees renewed Thursday as a Senate panel, compelled by the personal story of an iconic rapper, released a measure that would allow people to access their original birth certificates.

Black vote shapes contours of battle

Anyone hoping the conclusion of the South Carolina primary would also put an end to what was the most rancorous stretch of the Democratic campaign so far will almost certainly be disabused.

Anonymous - FB Event listing for scientology protest

02/10/08 11:00 AM Worldwide It has come to the attention of Anonymous that there are a number of you out there who do not clearly understand what we are or why we have undertaken our present course of action. Contrary to the assumptions of the media, Anonymous is not "a group of super hackers". Anonymous is a collective ...

Where Did My $600 go?

bush tax stimulus plan for the bull shit economy. leaves out 35 million people. to endorse the most requested Democrat Candidate

Fill out this form and will endorse a candidate if he can break the 50% barrier.

Paul Chances thinning

ron paul chance of beeing elected is slim based on polls election, media coverage

Bush Remains Mute Throughout 2008 State of the Union

In a surprise development that some pundits are already terming unprecedented, President George W. Bush, who was scheduled to deliver his final State of the Union address tonight, remained silent throughout the entire proceeding.

Whos Supports The Real Id

list of people in senate who support real id , obama, cinton, edwards,romney,mccain

Recap - Week of 1/21/08

Romney Erupts! Highlights media headline coverage

Die linke Republik

In zwei westdeutschen Flächenländern wurde am Wochenende gewählt. Eine klare Entscheidung gab es allerdings nur in Niedersachsen. Außerdem ist es nun Fakt das die Linke auch im Westen angekommen ist. Weitere interessante Fakten zu diesen Wahlen findet Ihr hier.

Bronx GOP District Leader Illegally Registered To Vote In Br

A local delegate for Rudy Giuliani is a federal-tax deadbeat who's been living for years in a Battery Park City high-rise while holding political office and voting in The Bronx, The Post has learned.

Tax-Happy Brazil Hits the Wall

Yet the fact that taxes and government intervention are what holds Brazil back is still not recognized...

Congressional Press Release

Complicity of the Clinton Administration In other words, the Republican Party Committee report confirms unequivocally the complicity of the Clinton Administration with several Islamic fundamentalist organisations including Al Qaeda.

"Straight Talk" McCain is a liar

John McCain's 'STRAIGHT TALK' Express Takes Scenic Route To Truth

Online group declares war on Scientology

The group says it was prompted to act after Scientology leaders recently tried to "censor" a widely distributed and mocked video of Tom Cruise. The video shows the actor professing his love for the religion, laughing hysterically and claiming that Scientologists are the only people able to help save lives following a car accident.

An Affirmation of the Freedom of the People

Rafah: the breach in the wall is an act of freedom and a strong warning to the EU, the Quartet and Egypt !

Bush speech will seek to calm American nerves

President George W. Bush will use his final State of the Union address on Monday to try to reassure nervous Americans about his economic rescue efforts and chart a course to stay relevant in his last year in power.

Barack Obama in flickr

Barack Obama's photo stream in flickr.

State slams diplomat for speaking 'truth to power'

Why do I emphasize 'was'? Condi made sure she tore him a new one, instead of admitting that she was WRONG about Kim Jong Il (as I could have told her before she even tried to buy off the North Koreans. When will these idiots learn that you can't pay off a commie terrorist?).

State slams diplomat for speaking 'truth to power'

Why do I emphasize 'was'? Condi made sure she tore him a new one, instead of admitting that she was WRONG about Kim Jong Il (as I could have told her before she even tried to buy off the North Koreans. When will these idiots learn that you can't pay off a commie terrorist?).

Funerale per una democrazia, De Magistris si dimette

Quando un potere politico difende i suoi privilegi e nefandezze attaccando la magistratura la democrazia cade e la repubblica con essa.

Anti-Gay Scientologists Backed Mark Foley

Scientologists bankrolled everyone's favorite boy-loving congressman

Legacy to legality. Bushwacked again so McCain can spy

The President is a liar. He is leaving office as a complete failure. If anyone ever pays this idiot to speak at a birthday party for their dog they should be ashamed.

Michael Savage's Hate Speech Catches up with Him

Major firms are pulling their advertising from Savage's radio show following a campaign highlighting his inflammatory rhetoric. This is good news for a change. I called the companies mentioned and they were polite and surprised. It felt really good to see the results. Brave New Films you're great!

Michael Savage's Hate Speech Catches up with Him

Major firms are pulling their advertising from Savage's radio show following a campaign highlighting his inflammatory rhetoric. This is good news for a change. I called the companies mentioned and they were polite and surprised. It felt really good to see the results. Brave New Films you're great!

Hawaiian Pacifists Demand An End to Island Bombings

Peace activists in Hawaii demand an immediate end to B-2 Stealth bombers dropping 2,000 lb. bombs into soils containing Depleted Uranium contamination.

Fox leaves out Dr.Ron Paul again & again

For unknown reasons, Fox News and many other News channels continue to disregard the fact, that Ron Paul is one of the GOP presidential candidates and he didn't ignore Ne-va-da. Information posted at shows that Fox is continuing on the same path of altering facts.

Rückwärts immer « Observing Hermann...

We can always go backwards in time if we want to. When it's an election in Germany, I mean.

Presidential candidates' subprime solutions

Should there be a tax break for subprime victims? How about a freeze on interest rates? The candidates for the US presidential elections are coming up with different solutions to the problem.

US Liberty Teetering on the Brink by Paul Craig Roberts

Bush, the neocons, Republicans, and Democrats do not want America to any longer be a free society, and they are taking freedom away from us just as they took away the independence of the media. Free and informed people get in the way of power-mad zealots with agendas. It is the agendas that are supreme, not the American people