Monday, February 4, 2008
Bush Loves Terminator
New Fox Show is a hit for the President "It is some pretty crazy stuff" The president said in his weekly address.
Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives. - US Federal Bureau of Investigation
The CHILLING legislation behind a National ID Card!
Is there NO ONE in the United States but Ron Paul who is ALARMED about the legislation just snuck through a mammoth Iraq spending and Asian tsunami bill, the "Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief, 2005?"
A burger with fresh carp
The owner of a Pittsburgh area bar and restaurant is famous for his tasteless thoughts on immigration and politicians that he posts on his sign.
Andrey Illarionov: At the Cato Institute
Former Putin economic policy advisor speaks up against Putin and for free markets and democracy.
George Bush and Hugo Chavez
Here you can see a rare footage of George Bush and Hugo Chavez joining forces. You can see these two fellas in the new Nicole Kidman movie, The Invasion. Enjoy and comment.
fbi-wants-palm-prints-eye-scans-tattoo.database fbi-wants-palm-prints-eye-scans-tattoo.database, real id, national id,
Opposing view: Both nations would benefit
The Iraqi government has asked for an agreement with the United States, similar to ones we have with countries around the world, to help remove Iraq from U.N. Security Council oversight and normalize relations between our two countries.
Healthcare '08 - candidate positions on healthcare reform
A very easy to use specific comparison of each candidate's ideas and polices on all areas of health care change: drug prices, stem cell research, preventive medicine and more. Well worth checking out.
How Green Is Your Candidate? Vote Wise For The Environment
Check out this blog to quickly find the facts on candidates environmental policies and voting records on sustainable initiatives. This is a handy fact sheet to see where the presidential candidates stand on the green issues.
Can't ignore the Al Qaeda and Taliban threat in Afghanistan
A triple alarm sounded on Afghanistan last week. Three reports by reputable, nonpartisan groups in the US concluded that it's a country verging on failure. It needs more troops and aid, the reports said. The international community must step up – and soon.
Rule of Law? Yeah, Right.
Over at my home blog, my co-blogger MEC informs me that with the issuance of Executive Order 13457, "Protecting American Taxpayers From Government Spending on Wasteful Earmarks", Bush has broken the law yet again and given himself a line-item veto:
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