Monday, January 14, 2008

Superdelegates... Bad for Democracy

Don't like the electoral college and the idea that a president can be elected without a majority? You'll hate the way superdelegates can and will affect the primary election process-- unless you like feudalism.

Halliburton Gang Rape Victim Continues to Be Denied Justice

What does one say to a young woman gang raped by men paid by us to work for a company from which our vice president profits?

The Pork King Keeps His Crown

The new earmark disclosure rules put into effect by Congress confirm the pre-eminence of Representative John Murtha at procuring eye-popping chunks of pork.

Romney McCain Michigan

Romney and McCain are battling for first place in Michigan. What will be the outcome?

Clinton, Obama step back from race flap

Democratic presidential rivals Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama stepped back from a controversy over race Monday night, agreeing that a prolonged clash over civil rights could harm their party's overall drive to win the White House.

Rudy Giuliani to speak at Gulf Coast Community College

Rudy's coming to the panhandle!

Will Jim Crow Voter ID Laws Pick Our President?

Real ID attempts to prevent illegal aliens from voting. The odd thing about these crimes: they virtually don't exist. Yet to prevent crimes that aren't committed, we are allowing elections officials to commit a greater crime: stopping legal voters - especially new, young, Hispanic voters - from having their piece of our democracy.

Ron Paul Opens Four Additional Offices in Illinois

RON Paul opens 4 offices in Illinois offers message of peace and prosperity

And the †Bharat Ratna Award’ goes too...

Politicians are actively pitching for Bharat Ratna, to be conferred on their colleagues and relatives. Advani proposes Vajpayee's name. I have a list to propose too… I sincerely request the Bharat Ratna deciding committee to consider my list too.

Failure to Launch

Inside the Bush administration's dream of resurrecting the nuclear weapons complex—and the old-school Republican congressman who stood in its way.

Four Freedoms Of FDR And Ron Paul

Blog about our freedoms and where these two men stand. Very interesting.

Constitution slowly returning to San Francisco

San Francisco's ban on handguns, blocked by a legal challenge since voters approved it in November 2005, suffered a possibly fatal blow Wednesday when a state appeals court ruled that local governments have no authority to prevent people from owning pistols.

Failure to Launch

Inside the Bush administration's dream of resurrecting the nuclear weapons complex—and the old-school Republican congressman who stood in its way.

NAACP President: Ron Paul Is Not A Racist

Austin, TX NAACP President Nelson Linder, who has known Ron Paul for 20 years, unequivocally dismissed charges that the Congressman was a racist refuting recent smear attempts and said the reason for him being attacked was that he was a threat to the establishment.

Judge Says Kucinich Can Debate, MSNBC Threatens Appeal

MSNBC fighting hard to keep him out of debate.

The Kenya Solution: Vote No Confidence

The current crisis in Kenya has only one reasonable solution: a parliamentary vote of no confidence in the 'elected' government. But can this outcome be realistically achieved? And if not, what then?

Members of the US Gov't that have dual citizenship in Israel

Surprising? Not really. Mukasey, Chertoff, Perle, Wolfowitz, Feith, and Kissinger to name a few.

The Polls You Won’t Hear Much About

Traditional media is taking polls about the relative strength of Democratic presidential candidates against various GOP presidential possibilities -- but they aren't telling America much about the results.

McCain Is the Amnesty Candidate

It's amazing how soon people forgot that John McCain is as bad as Teddy Kennedy on immigration.Sen. McCain took 37 percent of the New Hampshire Republican primary votes Tuesday, winning that state's contest. Mitt Romney finished six points bac

NH Vote Fraud Recount in needs Funds

According to Daily Paul the recount needs to raise $55,600 worth of funds by 3pm on Tomorrow (1/15/08)! Otherwise no recount will be held. The grannywarriors are trying to help raise the funds to help protect us from Diebold supported voter fraud.

Obama and the Economy, he really can get us jobs!!!

We all know how obama promises us that due to his presidency we will be more likely to get a well paying job. However, most people in today's society feel that this is just plain rubbish. People think that candidates just say these things to get vote, but i personally can vouch for him by saying that due to his candidacy i was told that i would be hired tomorrow. As i walked in to apply for a job the manager at the time saw my Obama Pin, which i wear everywhere i go, and asked me why i was wearing it. I told him how i beleived in what Obama stands for and how he quotes Dr. King saying that one day we can live in equality, believing that with him as president our country can truly unite as one. That we can move a step closer to eliminating hatred between: black and white, republican or democrat, north or south, which we have sought for for so long. He told me that he is going to vote for him but seeing the issues with have today with race, did not believe one bit that he can win the democrat nomination, much less presidency, and his race is black. I reassured him that those who aren't ignorant to look at race, and are ready for change will see a great man when presented upon them. Anyhow after talking to this manager for nearly 20 minutes, without even knowing my name or reading my application, because he was so impressed what i stood for and how im only 16 and do so much for this campaign he wrote down on my application, "WE NEED TO HIRE THIS GUY." Remember now, he didn't know my name, background, anything...just that he is ready for change and believed in what i am doing. Personally i feel the need to do something, because if i don't, the outcome my be dire. As we all can see now, Barack Obama truly change what the outcome of our day it, he really can make a difference in our lives, even get us jobs. Ian Murdock Major TN- Volunteer for Campaign. hehe

Krugman Labels Obama 'Less Progressive'

It's the economy, stupid. And Hillary get how to fix it.

The Myth of Al Qaida (Al CIA-duh)--CIA Covert Operation

The CIA, the Saudis and Paki ISI enabled this militant group from start, and bin Laden's involvement was as a CIA asset to coordinate the Islamist resistance freedom fighters of Afghanistan against the Soviets. Al Qaeda is in essence fiction, translated meaning "base" after a database of volunteers equipped and trained covertly by the CIA and ISI

Energy Independence

Mike Huckabee

Obama Takes High Road...Calls Truce With Hillary

RENO, Nevada (CNN) — Barack Obama is calling for a truce of sorts with rival Hillary Clinton following days of a heated back-and-forth between both the Democrats' presidential campaigns over Clinton's record on civil rights. "I may disagree with Sen. Clinton or Sen. Edwards on how to get things done or how ....

Republicans Have More Sex

In a survey conducted on behalf of Playboy, it was revealed that a greater percentage of Republicans have sex once per week than Democrats. Other than that, it looks like Democrats typically have more liberal attitudes about sex than GOP-types. Although, the survey only had 900 participants.

CA Senator introduces bill to STOP DEA Raids for MMJ

This week, State Senator Carole Migden introduced a resolution in the California Senate calling on the federal government to end its attacks on patients and providers in California and end the DEA raids. Call your local & state representatives and express to them that you want federal agencies to respect STATE LAWS which the PEOPLE voted for!!

Civil Unions In New Hampshire

The state of New Hampshire began allowing civil unions on January 1st. In the two weeks since, nearly 100 couples have been joined under the law. People have been able to get the license since December 10th and most of the people to receive them have been residents of New Hampshire.

Michelle Obama Reinforces The "Fairytale" Fairytale

"As I wrote in my previous post, I have been appalled and dismayed at how the media have glibly mis-characterized Bill Clinton's "fairytale" comments as being about anything other than Barack Obama's position on the Iraq war, which was clearly the context in which the comment was made."

Blunt: Chavez Call to Drop FARC from Terror List

The United States should not agree to Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez's call to remove the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) from its list of recognized terrorist organizations, according to a top House Republican.

Olbermann accuses U.S of trying to FAKE new Gulf of Tonkin

Keith Olbermann reaches a new low and accuses the U.S. government and military of faking a new Gulf of Tonkin against Iran.

General Russell Honore Retires

Gen. Russel Honore with his now famous "Don't get stuck on stupid" comment to some inane reporters' questions to him during a news conference is retiring.

Congress Gave Last-Minute Funds Boost To White House Probe

The Office of Special Counsel (OSC) soon will receive a few extra dollars to continue its probe into numerous Bush Administration briefings which may have called for an illegal misuse of government power and resources for partisan schemes.

Candidati democratici e siti web

Primarie e stili comunicativi

Denver lawmaker Douglas Bruce kicks photographer in House.

New Denver lawmaker Douglas Bruce brought a Bible to the Legislature on Monday and apparently kicked a photographer for taking his picture during the morning prayer, but he didn't get the swearing-in ceremony he demanded, with the full House in attendance. A video shows Bruce make the kicking motion, but the kicking is out of frame.

Energy Independence

Mike Huckabee takes a stand on making our Country Energy Independent within 10 years.

College Student Expelled After Peacefully Protesting

Valdosta State University has expelled a student after he protested the school's use of $30 million in student fees to build parking garages.

Democrats in Michigan for Romney

Very funny video of why Dems should vote for Romney in Michigan's primary.

"No Confidence" BOP Director

I am trying to get a movement going with all BOP staff about our current CEO Harley Lappin. Due to the fact that he can't seem to get any policy right such as LEOSA, Electronic searches of staff and visitors, Master Agreement. We should organize a vote of no confidence like the FBI did with their old Director.

I am banning polls on my site

They were wrong in New Hampshire (maybe it was vote fraud) so they won't matter in Michigan. But we have weather predictions!!

Is the Iraq War Turning Its Vets into Murderers?

A new report shows an increase in the domestic homicide rate among active duty military personnel. Could the wars in the Middle East be to blame?

Obama, putting out the fire

This is what makes Obama such a class act.

George Bush Nostradamus Third Anti Christ and Iran's Hero

This week George McGovern called George Bush a false prophet.

Bundestag Internship

Bundestag Internship

We're Mad as Hell and the Dems Aren't Listening

It doesn't take many people to make an impact, but it does take a core of committed folks. I belonged to a group called the "Atomic Workers Health and Safety Union" that represented 200,000 current and former atomic workers at the the "Savannah River Plant Site". We petitioned for longitudinal health studies and won. There were 5 in our group.

The Week that Is for Dennis Kucinich

Texas, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire -- Kucinich is all over the map this week in headline-making ways.