Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sign a Petition To Impeach Bush and Cheney

Help by signing this petition.

George Galloway vs. David Frum

transatlantic interview about the Iran issue

George Galloway vs. David Frum

transatlantic interview about the Iran issue

Transport For London : Sorry - Whites Need Not Apply!

BNP uncovers anti white discrimination in Ken Livingstone's transport for London.

Dem's duke it out.

Democratic debate heats up.

NEWSFLASH: There Is No “War on Terror”

One of the most telling signs of the political naiveté of liberals and the Left in the United States has been their steadfast faith in much of the worldview that blankets the imperial state they call home. Nowhere has this critical failure been more evident than in their acceptance of the premise that there really is something called a "war on te

First Ron Paul "Money Bomb" After Racist Charges 70% Down

Ron Paul's "Money Bomb" scheduled for Martin Luther King Day took in only 30% of the previous fundraiser, despite enthusiastic predictions just days before. After heavy campaigning only resulted in second in a nearly uncontested Nevada race and worse losses elsewhere, supporters continue to be vocal, but their wallets appear to be quietly closing.

Bill Clinton Speaks in Buffalo

Former President Bill Clinton spoke on behalf of his wife Hillary last night at the Ellicott Square Building. Watch the video here...


Here are some of the hottest stories on all efforts for the impeachment of the President and/or Vice President: Wexler Petition to Impeach Cheney hits...

Ron Paul Handle on Foreign Policy

Ron Paul gets the upper hand when it comes to a consistent position on foreign policy.

California Bans E-Vote Machines

california de-certifies electronic voting machines. about time. of course, not in time for the primary

Italy's government is falling.... again...

Italy's government is near collapse after the former justice minister said he would no longer support Prime Minister Romano Prodi, who holds a thin majority in Parliament's upper house.

Democrats Create 51st State To Vote In Primary

With 22 delegates I might add. If I were a Democrat living in the US I would be pissed off right now.

22.January.2008 - News from Gaza

Jews haven`t learn anything from WW 2. They apply ,now in Gaza, the same methods like the Nazis did in WW 2. Jews are the legacy of Nazism !!! NAZISM was a jewish creation !!! The proof is : TODAY`S GAZA !!!


Tuesday night, January 22,2008

Reagan in 2009

It's a bit old, but I thought I'd point out that you can put Ronald Reagan as your write-in candidate.