Monday, February 11, 2008
Conservative Republicans Still Hate McCain
McCain has faced a rough ride ever since he became the likely Republican nominee. He lost two of three states to Huckabee over the weekend. At issue: a string of matters where Mr. McCain has broken with party orthodoxy including immigration, campaign finance, tax cuts, stem-cell research and his judges
One person, was reading the the Israeli national anthem
"Everybody started getting nervous, scrambling toward the door," Lauter recalled. One person, though, was reading the words of "Hatikvah," the Israeli national anthem, above the din. It was Pelosi.
President Jimmy Carter Carves New Role In His Garage
The great former President Jimmy Carter is widely known for his humanitarian efforts. Few, though, are aware of the wood shop in his garage. The former president spends months building a handmade craft and then puts it on the block at an annual charity auction.
A Silly Irish Idea
Some politician in Ireland has decided that they should switch from driving on the left to diriving on the right. His ridiculous logic is really something else...
Cheney gives Gun ban supporting NRA cover and damage control
The cowardly nra refused to call on bush to withdraw that evil brief where they ask the supreme court to PRESERVE CURRENT AND FUTURE FEDERAL GUN BANS AS LONG AS SOME "JUDGE" FEELS IT'S "REASONABLE." Now Cheney shows up with WINDOW DRESSING to provide cover & damage control by signing congress' brief. Nra supports 1934, 1968, 86, & Lautenberg BANS.
Bush's War Department: Army Buried Study Faulting Iraq Planning
The unclassified report identified problems with nearly every organization that had a role in planning the war, including the White House and the Defense Department. Cheney and Bush really should be impeached, convicted and SENT TO PRISON.
Obama Defeats Clinton in Maine Caucuses
AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) - Barack Obama defeated Hillary Rodham Clinton in Maine presidential caucuses Sunday, grabbing a majority of delegates as the state's Democrats overlooked the snowy weather and turned out in heavy numbers for municipal gatherings.
NATO makes web 2.0 MarCom activities
NATO Public Diplomacy Division wishes to develop and enrich its contacts database of privileged interlocutors. Media; Political Audiences; Academic & Training Library / Research, Think Tanks; Military Audiences; Economic Audiences; International institutions; NGO Please join >
AP Reports Politically Active Kids--All Dems, Of Course
February 8, AP national writer Jocelyn Noveck announced that kids are fired up over the 2008 campaign-- but only mentioned those who like Democrats. The article was full of kids excited about Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and even John Edwards, but there was only one mention of children from GOP homes. Of course, they're out campaigning for Obama.
LAT Constructs False Cheney 'Tortured People' Quote
In one of the most egregious examples of MSM bias I've seen lately, Tim Rutten of the L.A.Times has blatantly lied about remarks that Vice President Cheney made at CPAC in a February 8th piece headlined "Bush's message for McCain."
Hillary's crying campaign: The tears of a clown
When the campaign trail gets tough, Hillary turns on the public waterworks. She has recently cried three times to gain voter sympathy. Is this emotional behavior acceptable for a potential leader? And is crying a tactic she plans to use as president in negotiations with foreign tyrants?
Arrests made in Tenn. mosque fire
Three men were arrested Sunday on arson charges in connection with a fire that destroyed a mosque in Tennessee, authorities said. A swastika and the phrases "white power" and "we run the country" were visible on the mosque's exterior.
Elezioni 2008: cosa chiediamo alla politica
E' iniziata ieri la campagna elettorale del PD (Partito Democratico) e presumibilmente a breve inizierà anche quella degli altri partiti, a partire dal Partito delle Libertà. Noi come sempre non entreremo nel merito politico delle idee, pur avendo comunque ognuno la nostra, ci limiteremo nel nostro piccolo a fare alcune richieste...
Not playing the race card
Charles Barkley says he definitely plans to run for governor of Alabama, but wants no campaign help from rabble-rousers like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson.
Obama Wins Grammy At 2008 Grammy Awards!!!
Obama, who is currently neck and neck with Hillary Clinton in the fierce battle for the Democratic party's presidential nomination, won the music industry's prize in the category for best spoken word album. The freshman senator for Illinois was honored for his audio version of his book "The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming....
Impozite si taxe auto - Motiunea impotriva taxei auto
PD-L incearca din nou luni sa depuna la Camera Deputatilor motiunea simpla privind taxa de prima inmatriculare. Parlamentarii PD-l au mai incercat si saptamana trecuta sa depuna motiunea insa demersul a fost blocat de presedintele Camerei, Bogdan Olteanu, din motive de procedura.
A Marine's Perspective On Berkeley's Anti-Military Tactics
Berkeley has accused Marines and their recruiters of some pretty atrocious crimes. But last time I checked, this is America and the accused deserve a defense. Here's what someone who actually knows a thing or two about the subject has to say...
AWF Defends Starbucks in Union Smear Campaign
Today, the Alliance for Worker Freedom (AWF), a non-partisan advocacy project dedicated to the protection of worker freedom, announced its support for Starbucks using public information to better its business environment.
Big Trouble In River City
Literally thousands of you tube clips from disenfranchised people wanting true change but with no recourse!
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