Friday, January 18, 2008
Waxman Not Buying White House Missing Email Story
"The chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee let loose over White House comments about missing e-mail....Last night, the persistent chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee let loose with a double-barreled blast of Congressional truth-squadding...."
News Media Still Can't Pass Dr. King's Challenge, Can You?
I've got your annual fix of inspirational quotes as this year's Martin Luther King, Jr. Day approaches, BUT YOU'VE GOT to ask yourself whether you're up to King's challenge, whether you can take to heart the words he spoke only four days before he was gunned down. Read those words at my website,scroll to middle of the page & pass it on.
CT radio station discusses Ron Paul... phone lines light up!
"If the number of telephone calls to my show today and website hits on my site tonight are an indicator of votes, then Ron Paul will be tallying up serious votes in the coming primaries."
Video of shocked students destroyed
BOSTON - A special education school destroyed videotape showing two of its students being wrongly given electric shock treatments despite being ordered to preserve the tape, according to an investigator's report.
Late Night FDL: W[h]ither Rush?
Wonder why conservative stalwart Rush Limbaugh is so enthusiastic about a candidate who was, until recently, a pro-choice socialized-healthcare-supporting not-evangelical-christian government-interventionist tax-raising moderate governor who abandoned the heartland for the liberal hellmouth of Massachusetts? Bain Capital buys Clear Channel perhaps?
Facebook founder is a NeoConservative
Peter Thiel accused (and rightly so) of trying to force the neocon adgenda with his investments.
Hillary speaks of her pain and shame at the Lewinski scandal
Hillary Clinton spoke yesterday of the pain and embarrassment caused by her husband's affair with Monica Lewinsky, ten years after the scandal erupted and at the height of a presidential campaign when women will be crucial to her White House hopes.
Fred Thompson for President
There is only one conservative in the race. He is...Fred Thompson. Thompson is head and shoulders above the rest of the GOP. Thompson should have the vote of every conservative out there.
Lawyer Reveals Secret, Toppling Death Sentence
For 10 years, Leslie P. Smith, a Virginia lawyer, reluctantly kept a secret because the authorities on legal ethics told him he had no choice, even though his information could save the life of a man on death row, one whose case had led to a landmark Supreme Court decision.
Lawyer Reveals Secret, Toppling Death Sentence
A friggin' outrage. Lawyer keeps mum, on the instruction of the state legal authorities, when he knows that a person has been convicted and is on Death Row following coaching of a witness by the prosecutors.
Candidates focus on economy before weekend votes
Democrats Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama also campaigned in Nevada before its caucuses on Saturday, criticizing the plan President George W. Bush unveiled on Friday to help keep the economy out of recession as too little, too late.
"Over-raided, Under Siege" COME ON...
A California group claims that ICE is overstepping its bounds by enforcing the law they were created to enforce. Do illegals have more rights than legals?
Nevada GOP dismisses Paul complaint
Voters are ill-prepared misinformed and misdirected all in the name of elections.
Nevada Voters: Fight Media Exclusion, Vote Kucinich
In the Nevada caucus, please vote for the man fighting corporate media and making sure people have a voice. Thank you.
White house Releases Outline for Growth Package
The White house has urged congress to act quickly based on the recommendations of the Treasury Secretary Ben Bernake. Some of the key points with regard to housing reform will be mentioned below.
Man Says "N-Word"; Gets Jail Sentence
Lonny Rae has been sentenced to seven days in jail for shouting the "N" word in an angry outburst directed at a black man who accosted his wife. Earlier this month, a jury acquitted Lonny Rae of felony "hate crime" but found him liable of assault for having hurled the epithet. City and county prosecutors refused to charge the black man.
APRC and the 13th Amendment
The Peace Secretariat is surprised at the barrage of criticism directed recently at attempts to initiate a political solution to the country's current problems through the All Party Representative Committee.
Pelosi greeted with “Impeach†Bush and Cheney buttons
U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she's drawing heat from fellow Democratic lawmakers as well as people across the nation for refusing to move to impeach President George W. Bush or Vice President Dick Cheney.
Colbert Interviews Lou Dobbs As Spanish Alter Ego 'Esteban'
Gimmicks are doing a good job of replacing writers on
For Women Behind Bars Conditions Couldn't Be Worse
While women are being incarcerated in record numbers, the abuse they face in jail remains invisible.
Voters in Nevada Would Love a Kucinich Tax Break
Why ask for a tax cut from Bush when you can have a Kucinich tax break?
Police, SWAT Team called after man takes gun into store...
A man who walked into a city store carrying a firearm hoping to sell it to an employee of the store launched a chain reaction of events on Thursday...
Wake Up America1
Another of my series of "Wake Up America". If you seek, you will find the same things I have. Investigate America because the information is right online. Our new media is in the twilight zone. It's up to YOU!
Comedy Central Writers Head to Washington
According to the Writers Guild of America, the writers will host a mock debate about the issue on Capitol Hill thanks to some sympathetic congress folk. The debate will be held Jan. 23 in the Rayburn House Office Building and moderated by Dee Dee Myers
Wake Up America1
Another of my series of "Wake Up America". If you seek, you will find the same things I have. Investigate America because the information is right online. Our new media is in the twilight zone. It's up to YOU!
TAVA Stands against HRC Influence pedeling
TAVA severing ties with MTPC over the accepance of the HRC grant.
A Cold Reception For America’s Working Middle Class
As Blue Texan pointed out recently, middle class and poor folks are feeling more than a pinch in this economy. Welcome to George Bush's America.
Sacred Cow - It’s What’s For Dinner
There are 200,000 homeless veterans, and whether it's because they're poor, or because they're so psychologically damaged by war that they can no longer function, the bottom line is that no-one's taking care of them. They risked body and soul for this country, and now they're sleeping under bridges? How does that square with supporting our troops?
This road is about to destroy a world class California beach
Arnold Schwarzenegger has surpisingly and uncharacteristically put his support against a proposed tollroad in Orange and San Diego counties that will have a severe environmental impact, ruining several popular state parks and the world famous Trestles Beach break.
The Citizen Muckraker's Guide to New Mexico :: SFReporter
The Santa Fe Reporter presents the Citizen Muckraker's Guide to New Mexico, a reference manual for digging up dirt on politicians, corporations, and other citizens. The site presents a database of more than 130 links to databases and other web resources as well as tips for narrowing your search.
1 killed, 60 wounded in Israeli strikes
One has been killed and sixty more have been injured in the latest Israeli military aggressions towards the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
What Barack's Spiritual Mentor is Preaching: Hatred
It's about time someone has started examining Obama's spiritual advisor Rev Wright, Wright's relationship with Louis Farrakhan, Wright's denunciation of Israel as a "racist" state, his equation of Zionism with racism and his description of 9/11 as a "wake-up call" to "white America? This is the person Obama turns to for guidance??? Help!!!
Iran receives third Russian fuel shipment
It is so carelessness and dangerous by the U.S. administration to leave the management of Persian Service in Voice of America to the hands of a bunch of crooks who have a lengthy background in embezzlements. It is all the result of lack of experience by the Ms. Rice to have an Inspector General who was crook and the same crooks at Voice of America
Anti-military, Marine-bashing lawyer found guilty!
True story of an anti-military lawyer who was found guilty of vandalizing the car of a Marine on his way to Iraq. The judge in the case was a former Marine himself. Oorah!
Ron Paul on the ISSUES
Ron Paul is the only one running for president that will bring us back to freedom.
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