Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Stimulus plan hits a Republican wall in the Senate

The proposed economic stimulus package, with an additional $44 billion in payouts, falls short in the Senate.

Seattle Conservative Steve Beren to Oppose Jim McDermott

A good friend of mine, Steve Beren of Seattle, will be running against "Baghdad Jim" McDermott for the 7th Congressional District seat in Washington. Steve is a solid Reaganite conservative and would be a welcome replacement for "Baghdad Jim".

Who would be the Best Open Source President?

Have any of the 2008 candidates ever even heard the words 'open' and 'source' used together in a sentence? Probably not, which is sad. Think about the current issues around patent reform. Does open source play a role? If so, shouldn't the candidates have some basic knowledge of open source? Vote on who you think will serve open source best here!

Ron Paul writes to my cellphone.

Well it's official! Nothing has changed! We're going to either be stuck with a hyper-socialist mulatto, a corrupt leftist bitch, or John McCain. So no matter how you cut it, America is about to get bent over a coffee table and served a hard helping of 14″ black penis.

Burial Cloth of Christ Inaccurately Carbon Dated

An expert in carbon dating is calling into question the dating pinned on the famed Shroud of Turin, the burial shroud of Christ after the Crucifixion. It is genuinely agreed that scientists have zero explanation for how the image appeared. Now throw out the dating.

Dem caucuses in Michigan, Florida suggested

writeup on possible caucus in Michigan and Florida.

Going to a caucus? Be ready for in-your-face politics!

Check out this hilarious/suggestive article on the upcoming Washington Caucus!

Burial Cloth of Christ Inaccurately Carbon Dated

An expert in carbon dating is calling into question the dating pinned on the famed Shroud of Turin, the burial shroud of Christ after the Crucifixion. It is genuinely agreed that scientists have zero explanation for how the image appeared. Now throw out the dating.

Tax Rebate Checks in Limbo After Republicans Block Changes to Stimulus Bill

Senate Republicans blocked a move by Democrats on Wednesday to add more than $40 billion in checks for the elderly, disabled veterans and the unemployed to a bill to stimulate the economy.

Obama Sees Hillary's $5 Million, Raises Another Million

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama raised almost $6 million after the Feb. 5 voting contests, all of which came from online donations.

Super Duper Tuesday Poll Results (Plus Obama Joke Video)

Barack Obama making fun of Hillary Clinton in Nevada. Obama talks about experience, his weaknesses and radioactive waste dump in Yucca Mountain.

Campaigners call for end to female circumcision

Every year around three million girls, mostly under 15, undergo the traumatic practice of female genital mutilation – almost one every ten seconds.

Why Obama never had a chance...

I don't know which is crazier; the idea that Obama is not an establishment candidate (the man's top advisor is the co-founder of the Tri-Lateral Commission, Zbigniew Brzezinski) or the idea that he is actually electable.

L.A. ballot flaw could void hundreds of thousands of votes

I did an informal poll of people I know who are non-partisan voters, and exactly half (1 out of 2) were tricked by this flaw.

Spitzer 2016?

"He would love to be president, who wouldn't? But with a Democrat in the White House, the earliest he would be able to do it is 2016," said consultant Hank Sheinkopf, who worked on Spitzer's 1998 Ag campaign

Obama voted for the renewal of the Patriot Act

Obama voted FOR the renewal of the Patriot Act, Repeated Funding of Iraq War, all after saying he wouldn't.

"Attorney General Seeks Limits To Crack Cocaine Releases"

Attorney General says violent crack cocaine users don't deserve a second chance?

U.S. Troops Asked If They Would Shoot American Citizens

Iraq vet exposes how he was trained to round up Americans in martial law exercise, asked if he would kill his own friends and family

G.O.P. Senators Block Democrats’ Stimulus Plan

Republicans blocked an expansive and expensive economic stimulus package championed by Senate Democrats.

Iran launches research rocket

In a very short time, the Bush Administration will be out of the white house. What is striking is the legacy of the members of this administration in the history. Condoleezza Rice will be remembered as the most incompetent character where she installed and protected crooks and corrupts in Voice of America and its bastard child, the Persian Servic

Republicans block stimulus bill

WASHINGTON - The fate of $600-$1,200 rebate checks for more than 100 million Americans is in limbo after Senate Republicans blocked a bid by Democrats to add $44 billion in help for the elderly, disabled veterans, the unemployed and businesses to the House-passed economic aid package.

Sean Hannity Imploding! Here - If Frogs Had Wings!

After Super Tuesday it was interesting to listen to Talk Radio on Crazy Wednesday. First let us ask the question about Rush Limbaugh. Sir Sean Hannity imploded on his national radio program today. How bad was it? If A Frog Had Wings what wouldn't happen?

RP Senator Seeks Eradication of Corruption in Military

A former naval officer who led the Oakwood Hotel mutiny in 2003 and the Manila Hotel siege last month in Makati City, had espoused for the eradication of massive corruption in the Armed Forces of the Philippines.

Obama to raise $30 mil in Feb; Clinton staffers unpaid

This screenshot from blogrunner perfectly demonstrates just how well the Clinton campaign is going. While Obama is rolling in dough, Clinton apparently has to pay for her campaign herself -- and some of her STAFF is STILL unpaid. The fact that she can't get anybody to contribute financially to her campaign says everything.

An easy way to donate to Barack Obama campaign

The entire process is very easy and painless. It took me only 2 minutes. Now more than ever we need an extraordinary leader that can clean up after Bush's mess. Yes we can!

CO: Signature verification machines for mail ballots 2/2/08

With voter distrust of electronic voting equipment at record levels,in the midst of an election crisis brought about by shoddy electronic voting machines,why would any election official/legislator want to introduce even more untested, mistrusted,uncertified,non-standard equipment into the 08 election?I've noticed it particularly in CO where

3 Reasons Why Obama Is Better Poised To Win Than Clinton

Obama is better positioned to win the primary because of money, momentum and the upcoming shape of the race.

A Voice Crying in the Wilderness

A Jewish convert to Christianity dedicates himself to exposing the truth behind the Jewish Agenda. The Lord works in mysterious and wondrous ways.

White House Defends CIA's Use of 'Waterboarding'

The White House is defending the use of the interrogation technique known as waterboarding in certain, rare circumstances when suspects are believed to have knowledge of an imminent threat.

Hawaii Soldiers Support the Constitutionalist (Ron Paul)

Soldiers in Hawaii support Ron Paul.

'Pi For President' Campaign Is Launched

A Web site aimed at mathematicians and computer geeks is running pi, with its infinite and endless series of digits, for president.