Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Journalist at Gitmo protests confinement

He is believed to be the only journalist from a major international news organization held at Guantanamo. Authorities have accused him of transporting money in the 1990s for a charity that allegedly funded militant groups.

GOP Rep. "Proud" Her Constituents Work 2 Jobs, Longer Hours

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN): "I am so proud to be from the state of Minnesota. We're the workingest state in the country, and the reason why we are, we have more people that are working longer hours, we have people that are working two jobs."

AmericanGoy Investigation discovers that PayPal sucks

The Granny Warriors had raised the necessary $55,600 deposit for the recount but at the last minute before it was transferred to the New Hampshire Secretary of State, Paypal blocked access to the funds

Another Anti-Immigration Campaign Flops

Romney fails too

Studs Terkel Endorses John Laesch

John got Noam Chomsky's endorsement earlier in the week, and now he also picks up the endorsement of Lt. Governor Pat Quinn.

Politically Dead: Anne Northup

How many times does a career politician have to lose before they are considered: Politically Dead? How many elections does one have to lose in one year before you realize that Kentucky voters are tired of you?

Tweety About to Meet the Puddy Tats

If you're in DC tomorrow (Thursday), please join the National Women's Political Caucus in protesting Chris Matthews' well-documented sexist commentary on NBC/MSNBC. The rally will begin at 4 p.m. outside NBC Studios (4001 Nebraska Avenue N.W. Washington, DC 20016).

"Nuttier than a fruit cake"

Is Perot thinking of another go?

Bush Fights For Middle East Legacy

On the eve of President Bush's arrival in the region, one Israeli newspaper pondered whether his trip would be remembered for anything more than the traffic chaos it was going to cause.

Texas City Ordered to Turn Over Land for Border Fence

A federal judge has ordered a small border city in Texas to temporarily turn over its land to the federal government so it can begin to build a border fence.

Frank Luntz's Centure

1997: The Executive Council of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) announced Wednesday that a 14 month investigation found pollster Frank Luntz violated the Association's Code of Professional Ethics and Practices.

Study Shows Smart Kids Grow Up Liberal

Children who show innate intelligence tend to hold liberal social beliefs as adults, suggests British research. A sample of 7,070 Britons born in 1970 were measured for general intelligence (g) at age ten and surveyed on their social attitudes attitudes at age 30. The most intelligence were also anti-racist, pro-working women, socially liberal and

The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic

Zbigniew Brzezinski and the CFR Put War Plans In a 1997 Book - It Is "A Blueprint for World Dictatorship," Says a Former German Defense and NATO Official Who Warned of Global Domination in 1984, in an Exclusive Interview With FTW

Wexler calls for Cheney Impeachment Hearings

Armed with 20,000 signatures Rep. Robert Wexler D - Florida has requested impeachment hearings for Vice President Cheney on the house floor.

May the force be with you

Hillary as flight attendant

Rep. Ron Paul

Jon preps Ron Paul for the Republican debate with some snappy zingers.

Of what use are opinion polls?

Politicians use them to steer; voters and pundits use them to guess winners

Jamie Court: Arresting The Uninsured To Save Them

California Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez directed the California Highway Patrol to prevent consumer group and uninsured Massachusetts teacher from speaking out inside the State Capitol against mandatory health insurance. The Capitol's famous rotunda is routinely used for press conferences by lobbyists and politicians.

Slate Magazine - May Casinos Caucus?

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas .... unless the DNC have a say.

Jamie Court: Arresting The Uninsured To Save Them

California Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez directed the California Highway Patrol to prevent consumer group and uninsured Massachusetts teacher from speaking out inside the State Capitol against mandatory health insurance. The Capitol's famous rotunda is routinely used for press conferences by lobbyists and politicians.

McConnell backtracks on waterboarding.

"The United States does not engage in torture. We do use enhanced interrogation techniques. … It has saved lives. And so from my point of view, we've accomplished the mission within the bounds of U.S. law," he said.

Latinos not the only ones 'crossing our borders'

Over the past two decades, illegal immigrants from the Fujian Province of China have flooded into New York City's Chinatown. Entire blocks of the city have become a microcosm of Fujianese culture. Hundreds of thousands of Fujianese have been voluntarily smuggled into the United States

House Passes Defense Bill With Troop Pay Raise

The House on Wednesday passed a new defense policy bill that includes a pay raise for troops. The new bill would let Bush grant Iraq immunity under the provision, which otherwise guarantees that U.S. victims of state-sponsored abuse can sue foreign governments in court.

GOP may hold stimulus package hostage so they can cut tax

The GOP wants more tax cuts while the country burns


Mark Ambinder has a YouTube that he claims to be a telephone push poll by Mike Huckabee against Fred Thompson:

Wexler Still Working Towards Hearings…Can You Help?

A great Video clip of Wexler and the response that he got recently when mentioning Impeachment. If you are following this Constitutional Showdown this is a must-see.

Huckabee remembers Frying squirrels in a popcorn maker

He gets sicker and weirder everytime he talks. Who the hell is voting for this guy?

Tell Bill O'Reilly he's wrong about homeless veterans

Bill claims the Department of Veterans Affairs is wrong to say there are 200,000 homeless veterans on any given night in the USA. Submit the letter and let him know how these people have been overlooked and discarded by the country they so selflessly served. Thank You!

Riding The Woody Allen Train To Last Night's Democrat Debate

Last night's MSNBC Democrat Debate from Las Vegas reminded me, very much, of the opening minutes of Woody Allen's "Stardust Memories"...

Letter to the editor: Who can we really trust in Washington?

What a mess we have become. It is getting so hard for us in the middle. My husband works 60+ hours a week, I work doubles on the weekend. We barely make it. Sure we have health care, which is over 100 dollars a week out of my check, yet we still can't afford to go to the doctor.

Degradarte, arte degradata a norma di legge

La nuova legge italiana sul copyright e il suo comma "degradato". Guido Vetere e Art is Open Source lanciano Degradarte, concorso per arte degradata. Prendi un oggetto protetto da copyright, degradalo, trasformalo in un'opera d'arte.