Thursday, January 17, 2008
Clinton feels the strength of Obama's Pimp hand- "What Part of, "I'm not for Yucca, didn't you understand?"
Help get the word out to Save the Internet
Congress is pushing a law that would abandon the Internet's First Amendment. A principle called Network Neutrality that prevents companies l from deciding which Web sites work best for you, based on what site pays them the most. If the public doesn't speak up now, our elected officials will cave to a multi-million dollar lobbying campaign.
Ramos and Compean: One Year in Purgatory
01/17/2008 is the one-year anniversary of the wrongful imprisonment of U.S. Border Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean.
Government kills medical marijuana cancer patient
Dallas resident Stephen Thorton was a thyroid cancer survivor who used marijuana to control chronic pain, eliminate nausea, and gain weight. In 2005, a federal court in Texas convicted him. He was shot and killed during a drug raid at his home in NC.
Banned words, rationed broadband,what's next-phony elections
Confessions of an aluminium hat wearer--just another escapee from the machine.
Video: Bill Clinton in Heated Exchange With a TV Reporter
Hillary Clinton supporters filed a lawsuit in Nevada to stop casino workers from being able to caucus on Saturday. Once her supporters realized that the culinary union, which represents the casino workers, endorsed Obama, a lawsuit was filed
BJP will not form Goverment in Goa
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) today said it would not make any effort to form the next government in Goa where Digambar Kamat led government had plunged into a crisis. Visit the link for more details.
Bill Would Require Women To See Ultrasound Before Abortion
Pro-life Kentucky state senator sponsors bill that would make it mandatory for Kentucky women seeking an abortion to view an ultrasound first.
Govt officials refute US praise of Iraqi government progress
Officials from the State Department and the Government Accountability Office disagreed yesterday over whether spending by Iraqi government ministries in 2007 accurately reflected claims of progress the Bush administration made last fall.
CIA Torture Jet crashed with 4 Tons of COCAINE
A Gulfstream II jet that crash landed in Mexico... (more) Added: December 11, 2007 A Gulfstream II jet that crash landed in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula in late September bearing a load of nearly four tons of cocaine. least three trips between the U.S. east coast and Guantanamo Bay...
Govt officials refute US praise of Iraqi government progress
Officials from the State Department and the Government Accountability Office disagreed yesterday over whether spending by Iraqi government ministries in 2007 accurately reflected claims of progress the Bush administration made last fall.
Boycotted Radio Host Remains Unbowed
The humbling of Don Imus last spring over his remarks about the Rutgers women's basketball team has done nothing to quiet Michael Savage, a radio host with a far bigger following and far more checkered track record.
Kenya Crisis: Support Kofi Annan
A presidential election tainted by vote-tampering - now Kenya's future hangs in the balance, with over 600 killed and 250,000 made homeless. We need to act fast.
In Oregon at least one person will protect the people
There is a new Sheriff in town (or should I say soon to be County Recorder)
Tony Fratto Opens His Big Fat Mouth–and Waxman Responds
"When I read Tony Fratto's aggressive denials that the White House had lost millions of emails today[…] I said to myself, "Tony, you just got the White House in a heap of trouble with your big fat mouth." That's how they kept Jenny Mayfield and Cathie Martin out of jail for not turning over what appears to be email responsive to subpoena[...]"
why I support Barack Obama for President
An interesting factual based blog about the reasons for supporting obama: "The core reason I support Barack Obama for President is simple. Senator Barack Obama best represents the politics of our grassroots/netroots movement in 2008 in ideology and methodology. Barack Obama exemplifies what we are about, the heart and soul of the party."
Support Rangel and Reintroduce The Draft!
This could be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Rangel see's it this way and I do too. Could you imagine the chickenhawks sending their sons and now daughters to fight in Iraq for a failed US policy that they embrace?
The Real CIA Tapes Scandal That Everyone is Ignoring
As recent reports demonstrate, the broad outlines of the CIA tapes destruction story is becoming increasingly clear. If yesterday's story in the Washington Post is any indication, it's a tale the CIA itself appears eager to promulgate.
Some Reflections on Romney's and Huckabee's calls for consti
Mike Huckabee is the latest Republican candidate to call for amending the Constitution, though Mitt Romney has led the way.
False security - give me liberty or give me death
More and more people are starting to realize what is happening with the sense of false security, for that is what it is, with a liberal sprinkling of else to control the masses?
Chris Matthews Addresses Firestorm Over Sexist Comments
Video & Transcript: On the January 17 edition of MSNBC's Hardball, Chris Matthews addressed the firestorm sparked by his comment about Hillary Clinton that "the reason she's a U.S. senator, the reason she's a candidate for president, the reason she may be a front-runner is her husband messed around." Check out what he had to say.
Huckabee Panders to SC, Equates Gays, Pedos, Bestiality
After a strong of losses, Huckabee is no longer depending on God to get voters to the polls. To appeal to SC Talibanis today, he ramped up the hate speech, once again comparing gay sex to bestiality and pedophilia.
Arafat faked 9/11 blood donation
France 2 TV journalist Charles Enderlin told a small audience at Harvard's Center for European Studies today that Yasser Arafat had faked his blood donation to the victims of the September 11th attacks. Enderlin said the event had been staged for the media to counteract the embarrassing television images of Palestinians celebrating.....>>
Huckabee Panders to SC, Equates Gays, Pedos, Bestiality
After a strong of losses, Huckabee is no longer depending on God to get voters to the polls. To appeal to SC Talibanis today, he ramped up the hate speech, once again comparing gay sex to bestiality and pedophilia.
Censorship is the answer
For a year now, Finland has had a law that allows ISPs to block access to websites that contain pornography depicting minors. This was to be a one-off law warranted by the extreme reprehensibility of child porn, but sure enough, already a report considers using the same tools in order to protect the national online gambling monopoly.
ACLU Crosses Party Lines, Backs Craig
I know, I know," said ACLU spokesman Sandy Vazheen. "We've been catching a lot of flack for representing 'one of them.' I'm a little bit uncomfortable with it myself
Bush again shows preference of violence to negotiation
Washington should join with the rest of the hemisphere – including Venezuela – and support a negotiated solution.
Bigheaded Chris Matthews Apologizes to Hillary Clinton
With less spit flying from his mouth than usual. Matthew's bends over and takes it from the Clinton camp.
Government warns they watch users of
The warning reads: WARNING: This is a United States Federal Government computer system that is "FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY." This system is subject to monitoring. Therefore, no expectation of privacy is to be assumed. Individuals found performing unauthorized activities are subject to disciplinary action including criminal prosecution.
Nevada GOP Directs Voters To Wrong Precincts
Notified of the prolem on Monday the 14th, the Nevada GOP waited until two days before the primaries to correct the "mistake" on line.
California’s sweeping budget cuts draw fire
Arnold Schwarzenegger's tough stance on climate change and a recent willingness to engage with Democratic rivals in the California state legislature has won praise and backing from across the US political spectrum. But a series of drastic spending cuts announced in the last few days, aimed at reducing a gaping $14.5bn...
24 quotes from Ron Paul
A system of capitalism presumes sound money, not fiat money manipulated by a central bank. Capitalism cherishes voluntary contracts and interest rates that are determined by savings, not credit creation by a central bank...
Political pandering, including amending our constitution.
Huckabee says that he thinks we should amend our constitution to be more in line with god's will since it isn't god's job to change his thoughts to match ours. McCain wants to fix the economy by giving corporations such as GSK, Wal-Mart and Microsoft federal tax breaks for R&D and on corporate profits. And much more from the best wafflers.
Calling Out Jonah Goldberg
We "liberal fascists" want to know: Is Goldberg sincere about having a serious dialogue about the real problems with his thesis? Or is he just playing a deeply cynical game? I think the answer is becoming clearer daily.
Bush's contempt for the law
Add the "Presidential Records Act" to the list of laws the Bush Administration has broken.
Museum helps survivors to track down Holocaust Clues
"The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum has begun helping survivors of the Holocaust navigate a vast Nazi archive that promises to document their persecution and provide clues to the fate of family members killed. After months of work on more than 100 million digital images from the files, the museum was announcing Thursday that it would begin..."
Tax rebates urged to rescue economy
United for urgent action, the White House and Congress raced toward emergency steps Thursday to rescue the national economy from a possible recession, including tax rebates of at least $300 a person — and maybe as much as $800.
Guess Who Is On A Torture List By Canada
Syria, China, Iran, America... Wha?! Great job Mr. President.
Seven Palestinians Die As Olmert Vows 'War' On Civilians
GAZA (Reuters) - Israeli air strikes killed at least seven Palestinians, including a mother and child, in the Gaza Strip on Thursday as Prime Minister Ehud Olmert vowed to wage a "war".
Conservatives Rally Around Jeff Flake
Rep. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) is trying to take his porkbusting to the heart of darkness: the House Appropriations Committee. Conservative groups are uniting to support him.
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