Sunday, January 13, 2008
Update 13 Jan 2007 from Lionheart the Blogger
Lionheart the Blogger update. Credits to Gates of Vienna and
How many camouflaged GI's you'll see on the pic?
The new, most effective camouflage battledresses in Afghanistan
Don't ask, Don't tell Affects Families
Story about the effects of Don't ask, Don't tell on a family where one of the moms is serving in the military. How her family has to hide the truth. And the inequalities between families.
Update 13 Jan 2007 from Lionheart the Blogger
Lionheart the Blogger update. Credits to Gates of Vienna and
Remember 9-11: Bush & America’s military freed Iraq and..
Going into the race for US President 2008, lets not forget our past because we should always remember the September 11th 2001 attacks (9-11) and what a change it meant for the US and the rest of the world. Although many Americans are looking forward to Bush going and I am not saying he is the perfect president, but we must remember the attack made
California grabs your thermostat
Next year in California, state regulators are likely to have the emergency power to control individual thermostats, sending temperatures up or down through a radio-controlled device that will be required in new or substantially modified houses and buildings to manage electricity shortages. This is a stunning bit of state authoritarianism.
ADL Hatemongers Drop PC pretenses, come FOR OUR GUNS
Fat ass Abe Foxman, riding in a limo paid for by Hitler's victims and white guilt, decides to write the Jew packed (40%) Supreme Court. He requests that the little people of the US no longer be allowed to arm themselves per the 2nd Amendment, because some bad person might do some bad thing towards the people paying into Foxman's protection racket.
ADL Hatemongers Drop PC pretenses, come FOR OUR GUNS
Fat ass Abe Foxman, riding in a limo paid for by Hitler's victims and white guilt, decides to write the Jew packed (40%) Supreme Court. He requests that the little people of the US no longer be allowed to arm themselves per the 2nd Amendment, because some bad person might do some bad thing towards the people paying into Foxman's protection racket.
Would V.P. Cheney Be Dead With MY Health Insurance
It seems my health insurance wouldn't be good enough for most public servants.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
Insightful article about Iranians president. So far one of the best and most objective.
Ron Paul No republican nomination: should he run independent
Ron Paul still has every chance of getting the Republican nomination, but what if he did not get it for one reason or another. He seems to be the most popular online, now if he is stopped running for US President because of no Republican nomination…Should Ron Paul then run independently?
Fakhruddin's address to the nation
The chief adviser (prime minister) of Bangladesh, Fakhruddin Ahmed, on Saturday (12 December) announced that his government would soon open dialogue with political parties for transition to democracy through holding free, fair and neutral elections.
HR 418-A National ID Bill Masquerading as Immigration Refor
I rise in strong opposition to H.R. 418, the REAL ID Act. This bill purports to make us safer from terrorists who may sneak into the United States, and from other illegal immigrants. While I agree that these issues are of vital importance, this bill will do very little to make us more secure. It will not address our real vulnerabilities.
Black group upset with Surprise
The chief executive of the Northwest Black History Committee said his organization feels snubbed by Surprise because of the city's rejection of a grant request to fund a Black History Month celebration.
Recruitment Bonuses held up by Congress & W
Democrats want to use suits against Iraqis that occurred during the era of Saddam in the defense bill, even though it is holding up the bill. Can anyone say, 'The only good lawyer is a dead one'?
NIH Announces Public-Access Policy
Starting in April, most U.S. biomedical scientists will have to send copies of their accepted, peer-reviewed manuscripts to the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) for posting in a free archive. If they don't, they could have trouble renewing their grants or even lose research funding.
Recruitment Bonuses held up by Congress & W
Democrats want to use suits against Iraqis that occurred during the era of Saddam in the defense bill, even though it is holding up the bill. Daggone lawyers...
2nd Amend rights continue to erode - ATF acts with NO rules
Better hope your gun doesn't misfire by releasing two rounds - or the ATF will consider it a 'machine gun' and you will be toast. Unbelievably, a DRILL INSTRUCTOR was convicted of 'tranferring a machine gun' after a gun he loaned to someone misfired while in that person's posession. It's getting crazier ...
Diebold Voting Machine Failures Found Across NH During Prima
Election Officials Confirm that Employees from LHS Associates, Diebold's Sole Programmer, Vendor and Service Provider in NH, Were Allowed to Access Vulnerable Optical-Scan Systems Throughout Election Day. Early research into New Hampshire wards and towns which used Diebold's AccuVote Optical-Scan voting machines during last week's Primary, reveals
Diebold Voting Machine Failures Found Across NH During Prima
Election Officials Confirm that Employees from LHS Associates, Diebold's Sole Programmer, Vendor and Service Provider in NH, Were Allowed to Access Vulnerable Optical-Scan Systems Throughout Election Day. Early research into New Hampshire wards and towns which used Diebold's AccuVote Optical-Scan voting machines during last week's Primary, reveals
Bhutto death: How it happened
Vivid eyewitness accounts are continuing to circulate about exactly how Benazir Bhutto was killed as she left a campaign rally in Rawalpindi on Thursday.
DC v Heller - Government files amicus -- on DC's side!
Gov't says that 2nd Amendment is an individual right, but that the legal position of the US is that DC CIrcuit was wrong, and a complete ban on handguns is NOT per se unconstitutional, it all depends on how good a reason DC can prove for it.
How NOT to fix the California budget deficit
"Big new bonds to plunge the state further into debt, killer cuts to schools that already struggle mightily to meet high demands, and new fees that don't help the budget overallare clearly not the way to close California's budget shortfall."
Jeb’s Economic Time Bomb Ready To Blow
During his eight-year reign as governor of Florida, Jeb Bush fashioned an economic time bomb. His handiwork will soon devastate this state and visit unprecedented suffering on its people. It will be a nightmare, part of which will imperil the public schools, the operation of local governments and the state retirement system.
Draft? Wake up America--Vote RON PAUL
A bill presented to congress.If this dont wake up america, i dont know what will !!!
Product of Abortion - Freedom of Religion - Up is Down
Vaccine derived from the killing of another human being on behalf of the whole loaf of bread - another moral dilemma created by WDC being forced down the throat of law abiding citizens including our military personnel.
Waterboarding would be torture: US intelligence chief
The head of national intelligence in the United States has said in an interview he would personally regard the controversial interrogation technique of waterboarding as torture.
Troops. Home. NOW! On second thought... 2013 sounds good.
Why did Clinton, Obama and Edwards make an abrupt about face on the war issue, at the democratic debate of September 27, 2007, when they declared they could not promise to end the war before the end of their first term in office? The answer can be found in an article from the, published only three days before that event.
10 things Americans want from the government but don't have
According to national polls, most Americans want marijuana decriminalization, universal health care and George Bush's impeachment, just to name a few.
Navy tells Bush Iran incident 'serious'
A naval commander told President Bush on Sunday that he is taking the recent confrontation between Iranian and U.S. Navy forces in the Persian Gulf "deadly seriously."
Navy tells Bush Iran incident 'serious'
A naval commander told President Bush on Sunday that he is taking the recent confrontation between Iranian and U.S. Navy forces in the Persian Gulf "deadly seriously."
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