Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Study Finds Obama More Experienced Than Half of His Rivals
Which of the Presidential candidates has the most experience as an elected official? According to a new study by the researchers at Planning/Communications, it's not who the campaign rhetoric suggests. Topping the principal Democratic contenders is Senator Barack Obama with 11 years in elected office versus just seven for Senator Hillary Clinton...
Fact-Checking Bush on Research Spending
In his State of the Union address, President Bush blamed Congress for not funding his American Competitiveness Initiative--a bill that Bush threatened to veto if it went over his spending limit. Bush refused to allow Democrats to spend money on energy research and the bill died. Like what Sunstroke author David Kagan wrote in Doomwatch Legacy.
Recent Research on Medical Marijuana - NORML
Despite continued political debates regarding the legality of medicinal marijuana, clinical investigations of the therapeutic use of cannabinoids are now more prevalent than at any time in history.
Obama Media Impressions Up 200 Percent after Iowa.
Biz360® Inc., the leading provider of media and market intelligence solutions, today released media analysis of the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary showing Barack Obama up 200 percent in media impressions compared to his three week average leading up to the Iowa contest.
Recent Research on Medical Marijuana - NORML
Despite continued political debates regarding the legality of medicinal marijuana, clinical investigations of the therapeutic use of cannabinoids are now more prevalent than at any time in history.
US Navy vessel welcomed in Hong Kong
The USS Blue Ridge, the flagship of the US Seventh Fleet, arrived in Hong Kong on Monday in what is seen as evidence that Washington and Beijing have patched up military ties after a US aircraft carrier was turned away from the territory in November. The Blue Ridge received approval for the visit from China's Foreign Ministry, the...
Recent Research on Medical Marijuana - NORML
Despite continued political debates regarding the legality of medicinal marijuana, clinical investigations of the therapeutic use of cannabinoids are now more prevalent than at any time in history.
Rudy Giuliani prepares to exit, back McCain
Rudy Ghouliani, who bet his presidential hopes on Florida only to come in third, prepared to quit the race Tuesday and endorse his friendliest rival, John McCain.
Muhammad, A Symbol Of Terrorism
In the process of updating Crusader's Armory, I discovered a significant oversight: my failure to include an important petition in the list. It is #5 in the updated list. Syed's petition is not easy on the eyes due to its lack of formatting, but it includes citations to the same ayat & ahadith I quote and more plus numerous quotes from...
Taxpayers to take on Northern Rock risk
It now appears likely that British taxpayers will be forced to pick up the tab for Northern Rock's risky loan practices. Hopefully US taxpayers will not be following suite--and be forced to bail out US mortgage financiers.
Guantanamo Detainee Lawyers Endorse Obama
More than 80 volunteer lawyers for Guantanamo Bay detainees today endorsed Illinois Senator Barack Obama's presidential bid.
Getting Duped: Scientific American
Statements made in the media can surreptitiously plant distortions in the minds of millions. Learning to recognize two commonly used fallacies can help you separate fact from fiction
Never Forgive Schumer and Feinstein for Giving Us Mukasey
New Attorney General letter to Senate reveals: 1) Mukasey thinks torture is okay sometimes (but we have to guess when), 2) Mukasey likes to keep his torture methods secret (legitimate interrogation programs all publish their rules), and 3) Mukasey thinks waterboarding could be legally approved again (torture at the stroke of the presidential pen).
Don't let the door hit you in the ass, Mr. President.
A short study of the kind of pithy sloganeering that led up to 'The Protective Overwatch Mission.'
Moderates Power McCain in Fla
A lot of us will sit this election out. Not a dimes worth of difference between a liberal McCain and either of the two top Democrats. America is going to hell in a hand-basket either way. Brush up on your Espanol, folks. Compulsory Spanish is next, along with the end of American sovereignty. Our Founding Fathers will be turning in their graves.....
Giuliani's Evil Alliance Should Mean More to Yankee Fans
Overview of the waning support that politicians give to professional sports teams. When Rudy Giuliani withdrew his support from the Yankees during his presidential bid in 2007 in favor of the hated Boston Red Sox, it truly displayed the affects of politics on someone who was once quoted as "bleeding pinstripes."
A Rudy Guy Makes the Case for Romney
Patrick Ruffini makes a cogent case for Romney, one the Romney campaign doesn't seem to spend a lot of time making itself.
Tables Turned on Homeless Hater - Now homeless
This is an interesting story. A couple who once hated a nearby homeless encampment is now stuck in a tent in that same camp, homeless and about to be evicted even there. It could happen to anyone.
Stephen Colbert For Vice President
Well as all Colbert Report fans know Stephen Colbert's run for the presidency in South Carolina was dashed by both parties lack of foresight as to what Stephen Colbert can do for this nation. All hope is not lost though. Mike Huckabee, in his second appearance on the Report, asked Stephen Colbert to be his running mate...
Barack Obama in Kansas City
Sen. Barack Obama brought his presidential campaign to Kansas City Tuesday. These are excerpts.
6th openly gay lawmaker takes seat in Washington
The appointment of openly gay 26-year-old Marko Liias to the Washington Legislature launches that state's status as having the second-largest gay caucus in America.
Open for Business Endorses Somebody, Nobody for Presiden
Perhaps Sen. Edwards is right to claim there are two Americas – or maybe four or six would serve as a fairer assessment. As the final reckoning for many presidential hopefuls approaches we found no single candidate we could endorse, which makes an endorsement article an interesting project. In the end, two candidates survived our editorial board.
We can still win, you know? In this battle for America, we Christians can win. I know that flies in the face of most folks' theology, but we would fight harder if we weren't so committed to living out pre-written history....
NPR Blithely Notes Clinton Saw 'Few External Threats'
In his last SOTU...CLINTON: Never before has our nation enjoyed at once, so much prosperity and social progress with so little internal crisis and so few external threats. How is it that NPR plays that clip thinking that it represents Clinton's accomplishments, instead of his utter cluelessness in retrospect about the gathering storm of 9/11?
Reading Between the Lines: State of the Union 2008
When both parties are sold out to the same corporate and special interests, you need a translator to make sense of what this strange piece of political drama was all about. With Hunter Thompson out of action, I offer my services to make light of a separate reality inhabited by the U.S. ruling class.
Reading Between the Lines: State of the Union 2008
When both parties are sold out to the same corporate and special interests, you need a translator to make sense of what this strange piece of political drama was all about. With Hunter Thompson out of action, I offer my services to make light of a separate reality inhabited by the U.S. ruling class.
Survivors describe mass killings under Suharto - The Boston Globe
BLITAR, Indonesia - Hiding out in the dense, humid jungle, Markus Talam watched Indonesian soldiers herd manacled prisoners from trucks, line them up, and mow them down with round after round of automatic weapons fire.
Bush Calls for War on New Zealand to stop BioMedical Researc
President Bush met with the Illuminati World Congress Monday night under the Lincoln Memorial to give the REAL state of the Union address where he called for war on New Zealand. Some feel he is trying to get back at the Orc that had its way with Bush in College turning him to cocaine and alcohol and homosexual tendencies.
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