Friday, January 25, 2008

President Bush Seeks Broader Wiretapping Authority

President Bush wants Congress to broaden the government's powers to eavesdrop on private conversations without court approval. VOA White House Correspondent Scott Stearns reports, a controversial public surveillance law is set to expire February 1.

Mitt Romney: The Secret Whispers You Haven't Heard Yet

Our microphones catch even more whispered prompts coming from Romney's camp.

Sen. Boxer Slams EPA Administrator for Redacting Documents

Sen. Boxer at the Environment and Public Works Committee slams EPA administrator Johnson for redacting, with duct tape, information the committee had requested. She also hammers him for his unwillingness to meet with residents of California and explain the unprecedented refusal to grant a waiver for California to adopt stricter environ. regs.

The Stimulus Scam

Stimulus Scam If the 2008 election is supposed to be about change, how about a change that gives America back to its citizenry rather than having the Politicians cough up a Stimulus Scam intended to further push America toward Socialism. The USA economy is in trouble; the dollar is falling, international markets are in freefall and oil has hit $10

More Global Warming Crap: Contradictory Reports

Greenland is losing her she's not!?!

Utah driving cards for CRIMINAL illegals is rising

The number of CRIMINAL illegal immigrant INVADERS possessing a gift card to drive in Utah continues to rise.

Ultimate Ron Paul - Get heard...

Everything you need to know about Ron Paul in one website!!

What the 2008 Election is really about.

What the 2008 Election is really about In November of 2008, Americans will go to the polls and pull the lever for their choice of candidate yet very few of them will be able to verbalize exactly what the 2008 election is really about. Precious few will realize that their ability to go to a poll every four years may be in jeopardy should they cast

A Democratic Commander and Chief

A Democratic Commander and Chief As the elections are beginning to take shape, ponder for a moment how the Uniformed Forces of the American military would look under A Democratic Commander and Chief. From the entry ranks of the new recruits to the highest ranking Officers that have served with distinction and honor, how would the appearance of the

Myth vs Fact

Join us by checking out our Studies In Islam Series...

Obama Walks a Tricky Racial Line

After fielding questions from an audience of about 200, Bill Clinton called on a black man standing near the stage. The man said he was a pastor and told Clinton that "black America is voting for Obama because he's black." He said Democrats are in a dangerous position because if Obama wins the nomination, voters will elect a Republican in November.

Where is Al Gore lately?

Where is Al Gore lately?Something is missing or maybe someone is missing. Has Al Gore flown the coop with his trash science over Global Warming? Many experts can be heard asking; Where's Al Gore lately and why hasn't he come up with a new cash caw now that Global Warming has been disproved? Ever since he blamed America at his Bali Indones

Obama has South Carolina lead; McCain up in Florida: poll

COLUMBIA, South Carolina (Reuters) - Democrat Barack Obama expanded his lead on rival Hillary Clinton to 15 points heading into South Carolina's bitterly contested presidential primary, according to a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll released on Saturday.

He is beating the Drums of War

George Bush's recent trip to the Middle East was nothing more than trying to gain support for his wish to expand US hegemony in the region and start a war with Iran.

Mayor Bloomberg unveils 2009 budget/BLOOMIE IS AWFUL

Mayor Bloomberg proposed a $58.5 billion budget Thursday that protects key tax breaks for homeowners but scales back cash for schools, cops and other vital city services. HE HAS SO MUCH MONEY, HE DO NOT LIVE IN REAL WORLD. HE IS THE NANNY STATE GOVERNOR. HORRIBLE MAN.

Interview: the psychology of mass deception

Bush & Co.'s vast inversions of the truth - distortions infinitely larger than mere lying - are the product of a conscious and deliberate deception. And yet, they are also a ferociously sincere expression of the way these mad authoritarians perceive reality.

Falls Church News-Press-News Briefs

There are more and more gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender (GLBT) population. And more and more ppl support them. Just as, which provides a good and friendly environment for them to come out, enjoy their lives. etc.

The Caucus: Edwards Appeals for the Rural Vote

John Edwards, noting that Hillary Rodham Clinton would be absent from the state for most of the week, said he would not neglect or forget voters in rural towns like Bennettsville.

Who should get Bharat Ratna?

Ever since the BJP leader and leader of the Opposition LK Advani wrote to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, recommending Atal Bihari Vajpayee's name for Bharat Ratna, a growing list of names has started doing the rounds. This list includes...........

Il fattore C (O “LATO B”)

caduta governo prodi

Our Candidates Have So Much in Common . . .

Graph showing the assets of the 2008 Presidential candidates.

Ron Paul Florida Debate Highlights 01/24/08

Watch the video

Our Candidates Have So Much in Common . . .

Graph showing the assets of the 2008 Presidential candidates.

Will The Doomsday Clock Will Be Set Forward Again?

The "Doomsday Clock" has been around since 1947, and it is rapidly moving toward 12:00 Midnight as temperaments and patience seem to be razor-thin throughout the world. In January of this year, The "Doomsday Clock" was moved-up two minutes to reflect the concern in regard global terrorism - not yet taking account of recent news from NATO and Russia

Moroccans want Wilders prosecuted

Moroccan organizations in the Netherlands want Geert Wilders prosecuted for discrimination against Muslims -- for a film no one has yet seen. Death of Free Speech Update for Expatica (thanks to Sr. Soph): THE HAGUE – Moroccan organizations in the...

Israel likened to Nazis in political cartoons

In Israel, political officials were furious over the comparisons made to Nazi Germany. They were particularly upset with al-Jazeera's decision last Sunday to cancel its regularly scheduled programming in order to broadcast a clip entitled "Gaza sinks into darkness."