Sunday, January 27, 2008
Mandatory Federal ID’s are here NOW!
The U.S. Government is now requiring its citizens to have Federal Identification to leave the country. The U.S .has also influenced most of the world's nations to require the ID to enter their borders!
[Video] Impeachment Bannering
We had a successful, uneventful, and fun morning of bannering at a strategic spot near 169 and Medicine Lake Road. We stood on the trunks of our cars holding the banner for half an hour. With an average of 55 cars passing per minute, 1650 folks may have seen the banner. Lots of honks and waves.
Miss Kumquat gets our vote
It turns out that the 2008 Florida Democratic primary doesn't count. Florida will be sending the same number of delegates to the 2008 Democratic convention as Uzbekistan. This may seem unfair, but there's a simple, logical explanation: The whole primary system is insane. Consider the process so far:
Kucinich: Trashed by his own Democratic Party
Kucinich, whose stand against concentration of media made him a problem for network owners, was shut out of debates. Democratic Party failure to support him points to their corporate friendly position.
Kucinich: Trashed by his own Democratic Party
Kucinich, whose stand against concentration of media made him a problem for network owners, was shut out of debates. Democratic Party failure to support him points to their corporate friendly position.
We Need To Pull Out All Stops To Keep Kucinich In Congress
Despite the fact that he is the best candidate on just about every we learned that there is a conspiracy of huge corporations prepared to throw millions of dollars at trying to kick our hero out of Congress altogether, by financing a troll primary challenge. They are running smear ads in his district...we have to fight back now.
Guiliani's Knighthood
He is forbidden to hold the office he seeks by Article 1, Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution for accepting a Title of Nobility(Knight) from a foreign sovereign(Queen of England) in 2002.
Politics And Castles
The online version of The Wall Street Journal has a strange way of discovering related blog posts about their articles. I do not always check my statistics so it was only yesterday that I noticed that in the past days some visitors to The Presurfer were coming from The Wall Street Journal.
State of Union to focus on economy, officials say
With fear of an impending recession, President Bush on Monday night will use his last State of the Union address to revisit unfinished business and press for quick action to keep the economy afloat, administration officials say.
Electoral Finance Act victim forced to shut down website
The first publicized internet victim of the Electoral Finance Act has finally come to light. 21 one year old Andrew Moore has had to take his website down at Don't Vote Labour because the Electoral Commission threatened him with legal action should he not do so.
Perspective: The Real ID rebellion - CNET
Americans don't like mandatory digital ID cards, CNET's Declan McCullagh says. New Hampshire is leading the revolt.
War Over - Temporary War Tax Repealed
Brief description of the 1898 temporary one cent tax on long distance telephone calls which was enacted to pay for the Spanish-American War. In 1900, two years after the fighting had stopped and the peace treaty signed, Congress elected to increase the tax to 3% rather than repealing it as promised. In 2006, 108 years later the tax was repealed.
Government the Destroyer
One great lesson of political economy, emphasized for centuries, is that the government creates no wealth of its own. Everything it has it has to get from you and me, one way or another. It can tax. It can borrow. And, finally, it can inflate by means of credit market manipulation. This third option is the most disguised.
Bush built his career on faith -Evangelical base snookered?
One defining aspect of George W Bush's presidency is his professed belief in God. Bush's religion has been described as evangelical. Bush faced a problem: how to retain the support of the right-wing evangelical leaders that he privately called "wackos" without being identified with them so that the association would alienate other voters.
Samuel Adams' Warning
To any who seek to condemn, if not to defame, The Founders for alleged mistakes, an appropriate answer would be the one hurled by Samuel Adams at detractors of "our ancestors" who proffered "excuses" for their errors (essay, Boston Gazette, 1771):
N.H. RECOUNT - URGENT ACTION REQUIRED primary vote fraud die bold electronic machines
Obama Wins South Carolina Primary
The Clintons are sickening, despicable people. One senses that if Machiavelli himself were alive today, he would be repulsed by them. Obama needs to step up his security detail; not because of the KKK or White Supremicists but because of the Dixie Mafia, the violent arm of the Clinton regime. If Hillbillary "gives the order" .... don't fly.
Bekas Presiden Indonesia Suharto Meninggal Dunia
Bekas Presiden Indonesia, Suharto meninggal dunia pada pukul 1.10 petang ini waktu tempatan (2.10 petang waktu Malaysia) setelah berada dalam keadaan kritikal sejak awal pagi ini.
Be bold, vote Ron Paul for president
Congressman Ron Paul has introduced legislation to give teachers a tax credit of up to $3,000 for money they spend in their classroom (HR1057), legislation to give police and firefighters a tax credit of $1,000 plus the full amount of any money they spend on their own armor (HR3303 and HR3304) and legislation to make tips earned by service industry
Bhutan political party familiarization tour
The Women's Support Group of the People's Democratic Party have begun their familiarization tour to the eight Dzongkhags of Wangdi, Trongsa, Mongar, Lhuntsi, Tashi Yangtse, Samdrup Jongkhar, Pema Gatshel and Sarpang.
Global Cultural Jihad: Menace On The Globe
As we view the world through our own eyes what do we see? What we want to see or something more odious than can be accepted? We cannot see through another's eyes, can we?
81 killed in Kenyan election crisis
Former UN chief Kofi Annan said he had witnessed "gross and systematic human rights abuses" on a visit to western Kenya, where some 81 people were killed in the flashpoint Rift Valley province.
Obama takes clear S Carolina win
Barack Obama has beaten his rival Hillary Clinton by a massive 55% to 27% in the South Carolina primary.
Bernard Kouchner à Kinshasa
Arrivée à Kinshasa du chef de la diplomatie française Bernard Kouchner. vendredi 25 janvier 2008. Le ministre français des Affaires étrangères Bernard Kouchner est arrivé vendredi matin à Kinshasa, première étape d'une mini-tournée africaine qui le mènera notamment dans l'est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC) et au Rwanda
Rolling Stone: The Fear Factory
The FBI now has more than 100 task forces devoted exclusively to fighting terrorism. But is the government manufacturing ghosts?
'Boycott Chuck Norris,' says Thompson staffer
Saying he's 'kicking Chuck Norris where it hurts – his wallet,' [Thompson campaign staffer Darrell] Ng explains he's starting the boycott because Norris endorsed a presidential candidate and supports ideas "far out of the mainstream."
'Boycott Chuck Norris,' says Thompson staffer
Saying he's 'kicking Chuck Norris where it hurts – his wallet,' [Thompson campaign staffer Darrell] Ng explains he's starting the boycott because Norris endorsed a presidential candidate and supports ideas "far out of the mainstream."
PAUL: Champion of the Constitution
Paul calls himself a "champion of the Constitution." His record in Washington, where his votes against runaway federal government spending have earned him the nickname "Dr. No" Excellent Story BY MURRAY SABRIN
Mantan Presiden Soeharto Tutup Usia
Telah Meninggal dunia dengan tenang mantan presiden RI yang ke-2 dalam usia 86 tahun pukul 13.10 hari ini di RSPP Jakarta.
EMPTY HEART: Historical roots of the phenomenon of Colin P
When we are booted out of Iraq and out of all the Middle East, after some cool- off period I assume, Iraqis will identify the most hated man in the US. And that man would not be George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Ramsfeld or Condi Rice. That man will be Colin Powell.
Former Indonesian President Suharto dies
Suharto was president of Indonesia from 1967 until his resignation in 1998 under immense political pressure. His family is accused of amassing billion of dollars in state funds during his reign.
Former Indonesian President Suharto dies
Suharto was president of Indonesia from 1967 until his resignation in 1998 under immense political pressure. His family is accused of amassing billion of dollars in state funds during his reign.
Say "No" to the REAL ID (National ID)
It's time to take a stand against the American government's attempts to limit personal liberties. The REAL ID is an invasive and unjust measure that will make everyday life for American citizens much more difficult.
Americans putting their money in the right place after all?
Republican lawmaker has become a surprise fundraising star in the US presidential race, with a showing in the closing months of 2007 equaling that of political heavyweights Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
A Dialog To Help The Economic Crisis
(the following is a dialog) OG: i plan an withdrawing cash, about six hundred dollars, not spending it, saving it, and not in a bank. Guy: OH NO! what about inflation! ...
Obama Calls on Senate to Swiftly Pass Indian Health Care Bill
U.S. Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) today released the following statement on the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA) Amendments of 2007 (S.1200), which is currently before the Senate. Obama is an original cosponsor of the legislation.
Suharto leaves controversial legacy
Former strongman president Suharto steered Indonesia through three decades of rapid economic growth and stability, only to see much of his work unravel in months as the country was plunged into chaos.
Royal Mint get ok to remove Britannia from 50 pence coins
Prime Minister Gordon Brown has given personal approval to the Royal Mint to remove the classic Britannia design from fifty pence coins, in favour of something representing 'Modern Britain'.
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