Friday, February 8, 2008

Freedom for the incompetent!

I expect no quarter from the Paulites, but I say all this with sadness. It's been clear for at least six months that Dr. No's campaign was shaping up to be more than just a novelty.

9/11 Commission Chief Allowed Rove & WH to influence probe

EXCLUSIVE: Former 9/11 Commission Chief Philip Zelikow on Allegations He Secretly Allowed Karl Rove & White House to Influence 9/11 Probe. Philip Shenon, author of The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation. Shenon suggested that Philip Zelikow, the executive director of the 9/11 Commission, sought to minimize

Post 9/11 veterans Educational Assistance Act

An effort by Sen. James Webb, D-Va., to give post-Sept. 11 veterans vastly expanded education benefits gained a powerful ally Wednesday when Republican Sen. John Warner of Virginia reached across the aisle to lend his support.

Real Time $ Cost of War in Iraq

A "Real-Time" running total of the cost of war in Iraq. These are YOUR tax dollars!

No Nato Crisis Over Afghanistan

Nato defence ministers have dismissed talk of a crisis over their operation in Afghanistan.

The CIA's Black Sites Have Gone Green

In yesterday's hearing before the Senate Select Intelligence Committee, Director of Central Intelligence Mike Hayden admitted to using contractors in the CIA's secret prisons, the so-called black sites, an issue that was first raised last summer on The Spy Who Billed Me. From yesterday's exchange:

Bush, Congress Hit Bottom in AP Poll

It's almost as if people can barely stand the thought of President Bush and Congress anymore. Bush reached his lowest approval rating in The Associated Press-Ipsos poll on Friday as only 30 percent said they like the job he is doing, including an all-time low in his support by Republicans. Congress' approval fell to just 22 percent...

Bush is a Despotic War Monger Hillary is No Better

Like Bush? You should like Hillary fine, for there is little difference between them. Oh Hillary is more articulate, and knows how to dazzle with politically correct plattitudes, but at thier core there is little contrast.

Great editorial about Kwame Kilpatrick and Detroit

This is one of the best editorials I've read in a long time. Any one out there from Detroit really should read it. It's about time that newspapers start calling out politicians and holding them accountable.

Berlusconi annuncia una lista unica con An

Berlusconi annuncia una lista unica con An:«E' il Popolo delle Libertà» Addio ai simboli di Forza

U.S.-Backed Russian Institutes Help Iran Build Reactor

The two institutes received U.S. financing through a program intended to prevent impoverished scientists and their institutions from selling expertise to states or terrorist groups seeking nuclear weapons.

John McCain Is No "Hero POW"; He was a survivor.

John McCain seriously violated the Military Code of Conduct by trading "military information" and making numerous public statements that appeared favorable to the communist war effort in exchange for "special treatment."

U.S. can’t dominate world by force

Almost regardless of who wins the presidential nomination, there's small likelihood of serious debate about the most crucial long-term foreign policy question facing the American people: Do we or do we not want to maintain a global empire by force of arms?

FISA Debate and Votes

"Sounds like we've got two votes coming up--two roll call and two voice votes. Feingold: Use limit. Gives FISC option to limit use of data collected illegally.Bond: Recommend veto, reading from Mukasey/McConnell letter directly. Jello Jay: This amendment would prevent dissemination of any US person data. No need to add another penalty. [...]"

Stop Tony Blair becoming EU President!

"We, European citizens of all origins and of all political persuasions, wish to express our total opposition to the nomination of Tony Blair to the Presidency of the European Council." Sign the petition!

FBI Deputizes Private Contractors With Extraordinary Powers,

The FBI has a new set of eyes and ears, and they're being told to protect their infrastructure at any cost. They can even kill without repercussion.

MSNBC Says 'Conservative' 10 Times as Much as 'Liberal' on

You would expect the words "liberal" and "conservative" to be equally interspersed in media coverage of these events if indeed press outlets were impartial, right? Well, count MSNBC out of this logical calculus, for on Tuesday evening, the unabashedly left-leaning cable news network actually used the word "conservative" tens times as much...

McCain plea as Romney withdraws

John McCain has called on conservatives within the US Republican Party to rally behind him after Mitt Romney suspended his campaign for the presidency.

United States of Obama?

The Obama craze can be the most dangerous in history, if . . .

NYT Reporter Salutes Disgraced Sandy Berger

Judging by Shenon's past willingness to heap all of the blame for 9-11 on the then eight-month old Bush administration (as opposed to the eight years of Clinton that preceded it), it's no surprise he praised Clinton's former National Security Advisor, the disgraced Sandy Berger...

CDC Blocked Release of †Alarming’ Environmental Report

For more than seven months,the nation's top public health agency has blocked the publication of an exhaustive federal study of environmental hazards in the eight Great Lakes states,reportedly because it contains such potentially "alarming information" as elevated health risks from being exposed to dioxin,PCBs,pesticides,lead,mercury,

Man steals historic documents...

...and sells them on Ebay. What is this country coming to?

John McCain's Suicide Attempt and PTSD

Apparently McCain suffered mentally while in the prision camp, however, the leader of our Nation should not be plagued with possible mental issues & PTSD is not something I want the person with the "button" to have. Found this information on the Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain website.

Maharashtra is not serious about arresting Raj Thackeray - m

If Maharashtra is serious about arresting Raj Thackeray, Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh seems to be taking time to put him behind bars.

Myth vs Fact

Read the tafsir, it will curdle your blood. Allah tests Muslims by making them fight Kuffar.

Parteiausschlussverfahren gegen Wolfgang Clement

Der noch SPD-Politiker Wolfgang Clement war schon immer ein sturer Hund. Wenn er sich etwas in den Kopf gesetzt hat, dann zieht er die Sache bis zur letzten Konsequenz durch. Wie stur er sein kann, zeigt sich in der momentan geführten Atomausstiegsdebatte. Er bleibt trotz eines begonnenen Parteiausschlussverfahrens

Gandhi resigns from his own institute under Jewish pressure

Its sorry reality of world, that right people have to suffer.One cannot even talk of truth and justice!! The resignation of Arun Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi's grandson, as president of the M.K. Gandhi Institute of Non-Violence he founded has been accepted following a furor over his critical remarks about Jews and Israel.

Last chance to stop immunity and warrantless spying

Tell your legislators to stand up to President Bush's fear-mongering: let the Protect America Act expire and allow the FISA Court to do its job. Our ability to track and monitor terrorists overseas would not cease should the Protect America Act expire. If this were true, Bush would not threaten to veto any bill w/o immunity and let PAA expire.

Congress votes for $168 billion stimulus

The plan will provide tax rebates of up to $600 for individuals and up to $1,200 for couples filing jointly, with an additional payment for families of $300 a child, and a minimum payment of $300 for individuals who pay less than that in income taxes.

Prospero Nograles - WikiPilipinas: The Hip 'n Free Philippin

Profile of Prospero Nograles, representative of Davao City first district, elected Speaker of the Philippine House of Representatives after the ouster of Jose de Venecia on February 5, 2008.