Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Antonin Scalia says Torture is constitutional

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia claimed that physical harm to detainees in the war on terror is constitutional.

A quote from Martin Luther King.

A very interesting quote of Dr. King on peace

Get Your Justice Live with Get Off The Bench

Now there is a new interactive talk show designed to expose many of the injustices of the family court system, child protective services, child support enforcement agencies, and officials that have gone wild with the power that they wield. Every Sunday and Wednesday Night you can call in live or listen at http://www.getyourjusticelive.com.

Get Your Justice Live with Get Off The Bench

Now there is a new interactive talk show designed to expose many of the injustices of the family court system, child protective services, child support enforcement agencies, and officials that have gone wild with the power that they wield. Every Sunday and Wednesday Night you can call in live or listen at http://www.getyourjusticelive.com.

Immigrants to get residency more quickly

WASHINGTON -- In a major policy shift aimed at reducing a ballooning immigration backlog, the Homeland Security Department is preparing to grant permanent residency to tens of thousands of applicants before the FBI completes a required background check.

Flag Once Hung in Unofficial Obama Office Enrages Some Voter

It's one of the most talked about stories on political blogs--and it has nothing to do with the Potomac Primaries.

Is John McCain the Best the Republicans Got to Give?

If the is one word that could sum up john mccain's as he campaigns, once again, for the Republican nomination is ambivalence, which is defined as: uncertainty or indecisiveness as to which...

Democrats urged to seat Mich., Fla. delegates

Civil rights leader says penalizing states over primary dates hurts blacks


Read this, there is so much truth in it. When you read this the question comes WHY can't there be change? To get change all we have to do is influence 545 people.

Clinton Doesn't Congratulate Obama After Victories

Clinton Doesn't Congratulate Obama After Victories in VA, DC, and MD. Talk about no class!

Obama Makes His Case

After a string of decisive victories in recent primaries and caucuses, Barack Obama is ready to call for democratic party officials and super-delegates to get on board supporting his nomination as the voters begin speaking more clearly.

The Senate FISA Bill

After James Risen and Eric Lichtblau exposed the existence of the illegal wiretapping done by telecommunications companies for the Bush administration (see The New York Times), Congress went nuts. Everyone claimed that this wouldnt stand. They were going to do something about it. Well, Lichtblau and Risens article appeared on June 23, 2006 and now

Obama's Family calling for Sharia in Kenya

The Clash is not just about counting votes, poverty, tribal warfare and ethnic cleansing as generally reported by the press, the Clash is about establishing the Islamic kingdom of God and Shariah law in Africa and worldwide.

Is that a pig I see flying? (Sands BethWorks Casino)

After years of delays, the former Bethlehem Steel plant is transforming into a new slots casino in Bethlehem, PA.

Mormon College BYU Shafted Professor Over 9/11 Theory

From LDS website: The LDS-Church-Owned BYU has pressured Jones into retiring, so that their reputation is not tied into the position Jones has taken in exposing 911 as a probable inside job by elements in the U.S. Govt. to provide adequate impetus to advance policies that they would have never received support for otherwise.

BJ's in politics? Apparently Bill needs to up his game.

I am the leading NEE party senate candidate in Belgium. And due to popular demand, I will give 40,000 blowjobs to anyone who requests one on this page. Don't forget to click the request form for terms and conditions.

McCain wins Virginia GOP primary

Arizona Sen. John McCain will beat his major remaining rival, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, in Tuesday's Republican presidential primary in Virginia, CNN projects.

Hillary Uncensored Documentary Changes Hillary Primary Votes

In an unprecedented viral internet phenomenon, a segment of a documentary using home videos of Hillary Clinton to evidence illegalities she directed to win her Senate seat and keep it was viewed by more than 12% of the number of voters in the last Presidential election. Hillary Uncensored seems to be helping derail Hillary's White House bid!

A Vast Right Wing Hypocrisy: Scaife bearded

The man who spent millions pursuing Bill Clinton's escapades finds himself in an embarrassing position.

Homophobia in the Utah Legislature

Anytime something is done that "might" be a benefit to Gays, Sen. Chris Buttars is there with a bill or an amendment to make sure that it doesn't.

How the Right explains the Left’s online dominance

Erick Erickson, editor of the popular conservative megablog RedState, conceded that progressives currently enjoy an advantage over conservatives online — though he attributed it to an asymmetry in free time, since conservatives "have families because we don't abort our kids, and we have jobs because we believe in capitalism."

Anglo-American law in Mexico?

drug violence and judicial reform in Mexico. "After years of talks, Mexico's Congress looks set to approve, by mid-February, a reform that will convert the country's legal arrangements from a Napoleonic-style inquisitorial system to an Anglo-American-style adversarial system."

The Associated Press: US Judge Scalia on 'So-Called Torture'

"It seems to me you have to say, as unlikely as that is, it would be absurd to say you couldn't, I don't know, stick something under the fingernail, smack him in the face. It would be absurd to say you couldn't do that," Scalia told British Broadcasting Radio Corp.

Venezuela Minister Accuses Exxon Mobil of Judicial Terrorism

Caracas, February 8, 2008 (venezuelanalysis.com) - Venezuela's Energy Minister, Rafael Ramirez, characterised a series of court orders obtained by Exxon Mobil Corp. in Britain, the Netherlands, and the Dutch Antilles, freezing up to $12 billion in assets of Venezuelan state oil firm PDVSA, as "judicial terrorism," in a statement today.

Victory for men used as chemical warfare guinea pigs

British defence chiefs have apologised to a group of servicemen who were told lies by officials, killed and injured during top secret chemical weapons trials during the Cold War.

New and Improved Biometrics Registry Standard

Brought to you by The White House National Science and Technology Council's Subcommittee on Biometrics and Identity Management, common formats and processes will now allow interagency governmental sharing of biometric identification.

Create your own caption

G.W made this one way too easy

Virginia Primary Thread

Here's a thread to discuss the Virginia Primary; as I write, Barack Obama is running away with it on the Democrat side, while John McCain is pretty even with Mike Huckabee....

TelecomTraitors.com Senators who handed Telecoms Immunity

TelecomTraitors.com servers as a permanent web presence of those Senators who violated their constitutional oath and placed the Telecom corporate interests above individual liberties. Let's vote these clowns out of office and send a message we don't support Telecom immunity!

Clinton staff jumping ship: deputy campaign manager quits.

Mike Henry, Clinton's deputy campaign manager steps down from his campaign duties. Owned.

Clinton’s deputy campaign manager resigns

Mike Henry, deputy campaign manager for Sen. Hillary Clinton, resigned Tuesday, two sources close to the Clinton campaign told CNN.

Clinton staff jumping ship: deputy campaign manager quits.

Mike Henry, Clinton's deputy campaign manager steps down from his campaign duties. Owned.

Obama Campaigning With Air Force Ones

Obama's tactic to get the urban youth to vote for him

Senate Passes Bill to Expand Government’s SPYING POWERS

WASHINGTON — After more than a year of heated political wrangling, the Senate handed the White House a major victory Tuesday by voting to broaden the government's spy powers after giving legal protection to phone companies that cooperated in President Bush's warrantless eavesdropping program.

Schäuble warnt vor Krawallen wie in Frankreich

Jetzt werden schon die Geister aus Frankreich nach Deutschland herbeigeschworen. Na wenn das mal keine Vorbereitung zur Volksverhetzung ist.

Virginia’s Diversity Offers a Challenge to Democrats

Barack Obama is expected to energize blacks, while Hillary Rodham Clinton expects to do well in suburbs and the state's rural southwest.

Oops: White House spokesman admits telecoms spied

Mercy, Perino. Talk about getting your foot stuck in your mouth.

Le discours de Nicolas Sarkozy atteint la laïcité

Quel contenu accorder au mot 'laïcité' ? Pour certains, cela se traduit encore aujourd'hui par anti-cléricalisme, pour d'autres par neutralité en matière religieuse. Dans cette seconde acceptation Sarkozy remet-il véritablement en cause la loi de 1905 ?

NJ Toll Tags Track You Everywhere

Interesting article on EZ tags and how big brother tracks unsuspecting motorists.

John McCain Says Ron Paul is the Most Honest Man in Congress

Yep, that's right. At least we know who McCain has endorsed with the moral vote.

Rechtsextremismus: Fremdenhasser verprügeln Afrikaner, schl

Brutale fremdenfeindliche Attacken: In Magdeburg haben Unbekannte eine Gruppe von Afrikanern angegriffen und zwei von ihnen verletzt. Kurz zuvor war eine [b]schwangere Irakerin in einem Bus beleidigt und ins Gesicht geschlagen worden. Zahlreiche Schaulustige hatten die Übergriffe beobachtet.

Every Year Brings Us Closer to 1984

Big Brother is not family. No, Big brother is the fascist elite warned against by Aldous Huxley, George Orwell and a few others who had a clear view of what technology was used for from the dawn of the 20th century - war,murder,pollution,propaganda and loss of individuality and real privacy. The 2nd Amendment will not protect from civil nudity.

Potomac Primary: Sh*#ty Weather Is Our Friend

"Markos analyzes the three things he feels are necessary for a successful primary challenge and concludes: 1. we're the main attraction on the ballot, 1. we have the money to get out our message (duh), and 1. turnout remains low. Weather here in the DC area is horrible, it's 26 degrees out, the roads are icy and there are accidents everywhere ..."

Senate Democrats Cave Again - Spying Bill Passes

WASHINGTON — After more than a year of heated political wrangling, the Senate handed the White House a major victory Tuesday by voting to broaden the government's spy powers after giving legal protection to phone companies that cooperated in President Bush's warrantless eavesdropping program

Senate Approves Immunity For Telecoms in Wiretapping

The Senate delivered President Bush a victory as it fought off efforts to deny legal protections to companies that helped the government conduct domestic surveillance. Now the battle lines shift to the House.

The Real Scandal: How Feds Invited the Mortgage Mess

Want to know the REAL cause of the subprime mortgage meltdown? It's not what we've been led to believe. An economist pinpoints the origins of it all.

Government for the Wealthy, Without a Doubt. Here is Proof P

Here is an exchange between Sen.Bernie Sanders and Jim Nussel of the Budget Office on giving breaks to our wealthiest families and screwing the poor.