Thursday, January 24, 2008

Senate rejects more oversight of phone spying

WASHINGTON - The Senate granted at least a temporary victory to the White House on Thursday, turning back an attempt to increase court oversight of the government's surveillance of phone calls and e-mails that involve people inside the United States.


APPARENTLY, a deal has been struck, reducing the 'per tax payer' rebate from the talked-about $800 to a paltry $300. This isn't going to stimulate squat. But there's a larger, more illustrative point:

Thousands Flee Gaza After Israeli Blockade

In an effort to end the rocket attacks upon Israeli citizens all border crossings were sealed leading into Gaza last week, cutting off the flow of vital supplies needed by those living in the besieged territory.

Pakistan Troops advance with tanks for major assault in Pak

WANA, Jan 23:The army sent reinforcements, for the first time with tanks, to the troubled South Waziristan tribal region on Wednesday after clashes between security forces and militants intensified in the Mehsud area. See Cool Killer Al-Khalid Tank for it first time use against own Nation. Sack this bastard

John Taylor Gatto: State Controlled Consciousness

Gatto talks about the state controlled education system.

Hollywood's Congressman to leave Internet and IP Subcmte

"Hollywood" Howard Berman (D-CA), the California Congressman who chairs the House Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet and Intellectual Property, could be moving on and possibly replaced by Rick Boucher (D-VA), "a voice of sanity in a cacophony of idiocy" when it comes to IP issues.

Mardi Gras and the Ethics Laws

When Mardi Gras comes to Washington D.C., what's a Member of Congress to do?

Tenth Anniversary of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Soon App

On Sunday, January 27, 2008, our nation celebrates an important political anniversary. Ten years ago Hillary Clinton (then the First Lady) went on television with Matt Lauer and said:

New York Times Backs Clinton, McCain

The New York Times editorial board has endorsed Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and John McCain in the presidential primary race.

President's Working Group - Ron Paul's question to McCain

Now I know why Ron Paul asked this question :)

Strains on the I.R.S. Could Delay Rebate Check

The checks will be in the mail — eventually.

Democrat Kucinich Quits White House Race

Democrat Vegan candidate Kucinich Quits the race for the presidency

Bruce censured despite his 'Mr. Smith' comparison

Rep. Douglas Bruce's efforts to cast himself as a victim hounded by the press, including invoking the image of movie legend Jimmy Stewart, didn't spare him the first censure in the legislature's 131-year history.

In Senate, a White House Victory on Eavesdropping

A White House plan to broaden the National Security Agency's wiretapping powers won a key procedural victory in the Senate on Thursday.

Mitt Romney Caught on Video Receiving Whispered Debate Cues

I'm not sure who said this, but I noticed it while watching tonight's Republican presidential debate in Florida. It's no secret that Mitt Romney is a product of polls and handlers, but even for the most "plastic" candidate in the race, this takes the cake. Notice how his response immediately reflects the "whisper"

Fieger Judge: Prosecution “Unusual;” Government

In what may be a significant victory for efforts to show that the Bush Administration has selectively targeted political opponents, the Judge in the Geoffrey Fieger case, Paul Borman, just ruled that this case is sufficiently unusual that the government must provide the evidence that Fieger's team would need to argue Fieger was vindictively ....


A poster explaining how perfectly timed a Cheney impeachment hearing would be right now.

NY Times Endorses Hillary Clinton Calling Her Brilliant

Clinton releases details of her economic plan as major newspaper the NY Times endorses her as the Democratic Candidate.

New York Times endorses Hillary Clinton

As Democrats look ahead to the primaries in the biggest states on Feb. 5, The Times's editorial board strongly recommends that they select Hillary Clinton as their nominee for the 2008 presidential election.

The GOP Race Is Down to Two

Ron Paul ignored in MSNBC GOP debate again. Mainstream media is afraid of something.

NPR: Jacob Weisberg, Chronicling 'The Bush Tragedy'

magazine editor Jacob Weisberg has a few things to say about the presidency of George W. Bush. He's as...

Former Surgeon Generals Silenced: Politics vs Public Health

The White House has politicized the surgeon general by dictating his messages, blocking the release of scientific reports, not allowing him to speak for the mentally disabled in fear it would support a Democrat, instructing him to include Bush's name several times in speeches, etc. However, the current administration is not the only one guilty

How Will You Spend Your Tax Rebate?

How are you feeling about the recession?

Presidential Candidate Mike Gravel calls for Impeachment!

An official statement by Mike Gravel.... "However, today I want to unequivocally state: without Impeachment first, what I or any other worthy Presidential candidate wants to accomplish is very unlikely to happen. Our words will in fact become another empty campaign promise and another sad political fantasy."

NY Times Editorial Board endorses Clinton and McCain

That's a pretty heavy backing force.

Here we go - The other candidates cannot even compete !

I am not the only one that believes no other candidate can compete with ron paul, the other candidates seem to be afraid of even asking Ron Paul a question because they always fear his better answers.

Governor Mitt Romney's Visit to Israel

Governor Mitt Romney's Visit to Israel January 2007

Wind Industry and Tax Breaks - Glenn Schleede

If so, this is another HUGE break for the wind industry. "Wind farm" owners already benefit enormously from the 5-year double declining balance accelerated depreciation (5-yr, 200% DB) which permits the following deductions from otherwise taxable income:

Late Nite FDL: Three Days to Win on FISA

"Forget any bad feelings you may have towards Harry Reid. We've got three days to make sure he beats Mitch McConnell in an important showdown on FISA on Monday. McConnell has called for a cloture vote on the SSCI Bill (the one that gives the telecoms--and therefore Dick Cheney--immunity). The vote is scheduled for 4:30 PM on Monday,[...]"

Wind Industry and Tax Breaks - Glenn Schleede

If so, this is another HUGE break for the wind industry. "Wind farm" owners already benefit enormously from the 5-year double declining balance accelerated depreciation (5-yr, 200% DB) which permits the following deductions from otherwise taxable income:

Huge Tax Break for "Wind Farm" owners in Stimulus Package

Therefore, it appears that there will be NO additional capital investment in "wind farms" AS A RESULT OF the stimulus package. Therefore, "wind farm" owners will be able to avoid paying millions in taxes with NO economic benefit such as those claimed by the President and House leaders.