Saturday, January 26, 2008

Romney = Clear Channel Communications

That's 1100 radio stations, several XM channels, and 30+ TV stations.No wonder he gets so much face time while other candidates don't.

Obama Wins, Why Hillary Is Not Electable

Hillary Clinton's strategy of attacking Obama drew both party and voter ire, and backfired in South Carolina primary. Mr. Obama's called for a more civilized campaign, while the press scrutinized and discredited many of Mrs and Mr Clinton's claims. And the voters made it clear that they wanted a cleaner campaign.


If Romney is just a manager, that would make McCains position in the Military even less important. From McCains OWN logic, Romney was the President/Manager in his own businesses. The Pres. of the U.S. is the Pres. of the Military business. McCain was JUST a Manager in the Military Business. Hence, Romney has the better QUALIFICATIONS for President.

Olbermann Blogging Regularly At DailyKos

MSNBC's Keith Olbermann wrote a blog post at leftie political site Daily Kos. It appears that he is now a regular at the site. From Huffington Post, spoken to YOU by, so you can listen on your iPhone, iPod or PC.

Group wants to rename part of Eddy Street

change to Marcus Garvey

Utah Legislator Seeks to End All Open Wireless Connections

In Utah, Representative Bradley Daw has introduced a bill, HB 139, that would effectively end all free wireless internet access in Utah. Why? Because Rep. Daw thinks minors might use open wireless access points to access porn and therefore free wireless access must be stopped.

Senate To Scuttle Timely Economic Stimulus Plan [Taxes]

Smarting from its continued failure to check the expansive growth of the unitary executive, the Senate has decided to assert itself by derailing an agreed upon economic stimulus plan.

Obama Trounces Hillary in South Carolina Primary

"Obama Gets His Mojo Back: Trounces Hillary in South Carolina." Senator Obama won a decisive victory over Clinton in Saturday's South Carolina primary. Nearly complete returns show Obama with 55 percent of the vote, Clinton at 27 percent, and Edwards at 18 percent. The article includes photographs and the video of his victory speech.

Budget rule excludes some vets from severance pay protection

How the new budget rules can affect veterans separating from the armed services.

It's official....John McCain is insane

John McCain wants us in Iraq for 100 years, but he sure did sound like Ron Paul in 1993 and 1994 when he addressed Congress to get the troops home IMMEDIATELY from Somalia and Haiti! I'm convinced McCain has literally lost his mind

South Carolina proves it is a purple state... literally.

Check out the map of Obama county by county wins...

Analysis: Racial divide could hurt Obama

The questions surrounding Barack Obama's victory in South Carolina: Was the split between white and black voters an anomaly in a state were the Confederate flag still flies on the statehouse grounds? Or has the Clinton campaign successfully marginalized him as the "black candidate?"

Pentagon Weighs Top Iraq General as Chief of NATO

The question of General Petraeus's future comes as the Pentagon is looking at changing several top-level assignments this year. President Bush has been an enthusiastic supporter of General Petraeus, whom he has credited with overseeing a troop increase and

Valentines For Troops Blogburst!

First off, Robert of Operation America Rising sent me this link to Jackson, NC EAGLES UP rally showing up against the retards of Westboro NOT A Baptist Anything.

Statement on the Unborn Victims of Violence Act

Good intentions, but not constitutional. Our legislators can still enact good legislation constitutionally, can't they? I hope they haven't forgotten how.

Dramatic Voices of Dissent: Celebrities Film Zinn's 'The Peo

The actors in this four-part TV series are more of a social movement than a cast.

Surviving the Middle Class Crash - Part 1

A journey down the path to take back independence and break away from the corporate teat.

Flipper blasts Bill Clinton for "abusing truth"

John Kerry, the Democratic Party's 2004 nominee for president, took aim at Bill Clinton Friday, telling the National Journal the former president does "not have a license to abuse the truth."

AP Ignores Party Affiliation of Democrat Who Lied About Sex

Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick (D) is facing mounting pressure to resign for lying about sex under oath in a legal proceeding but the AP conveniently does not mention that he is a Democrat.


While Ron Paul promises the abolition of the IRS, Wesley Snipes is already taking action. STOP FEDERAL TYRANNY. VOTE SNIPES.

The dead live longer? « Observing Hermann...

Berlin's Tempelhof Airport might just get airlifted out of assured extinction after all.

Skip whistleblower and focus on prison drugs

More prison guard whining And more newspaper complicity.