Thursday, February 7, 2008

John McCain - Myth of a Maverick - Democracy Now! 02/04/08

"The Myth of a Maverick": Matt Welch on GOP Frontrunner John McCain; Former Democratic Rep. Cynthia McKinney Seeks Presidency as Green Party Nominee.

McCain sort of apologizes to conservatives

John McCain is trying to convince us that "he get's it" now about how much people hate amnesty for illegals. I for one do not believe him.

An Intolerable Fraud

...if you happen to get a mailing from the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes, by all means open it. Look the contents over — the glossy bunny greeting card, the earnest letter from the retired Brig. Gen. Chip Diehl — then shred or recycle it or both.

Principal Matters - Who Will Sell There Soul To Win An Elect

So now what happens? Many of the establishment are already jumping on board. John McCain wasn't a True Conservative (even though he is spinning it in his ads) 24 hours ago and he still isn't a True Conservative. This is where Principal Matters. If he was wrong for the Party 24 hours ago, he is still wrong.

Join Ron Paul's Liberty Political Action Committee__ Be Free

Please join Ron Paul's Liberty PAC-a political action committee dedicated to electing pro-Free-Enterprise, pro-Liberty, and pro-Constitutional candidates to federal and state offices. Don't let the Paul revolution die! Read more at

Impeachment Petition 6,500 Signatures Away From 1 Million

Just in case you hadn't noticed, the original impeachment petition has 993,672 signatures. If you haven't signed, now is the time. is up to 221,180 signatures, too.

McCain Sponsored S. 1003, Removal of Navajo Lands - Genocide

"I believe that the forced relocation of Navajo and Hopi people that followed from the passage in 1974 of Public Law 93-531 is a major violation of these people's human rights. Indeed this forced relocation of over 12,000 Native Americans is one of the worst cases of involuntary community resettlement that I have studied throughout the world..."

TIME POLL: Obama More Electable Than Clinton

According to this poll from Time, Obama has a better shot of beating McCain in the national election than Clinton, because of Obama's ability to draw independent voters.

Super Police Brutality...You have to see this...

Woman strip searched by police after calling THEM for help! Channel 3 News obtained exclusive video of Steffey's night in the Stark County jail cell. You can click the link at the bottom of the page to view it. A warning: it is difficult to watch. Steffey declined to be interviewed for this story. But her husband, a high school educator, talked

Kill Phil, Police Want Complainer Dead

c. The Connecticut State Police have a history of "discrediting and arresting" anyone that lodges a police misconduct complaint. Colchester Connecticut Officers Nardella and Thomas pay Todd Vashon $10,000 to kill Phil Inkel. Stephen and Ian Murzin are also victims of this police brutality.

FOX-5 On 9/11/01 Reports WTC-7 Collapse Before Actual Event

FOX-5 out of Washington DC reported that WTC-7 collapsed before the actual building collapse. Then the news anchors seconds after they reported the building had collapsed, watch WTC-7 collapse in their own video footage. This is another case of media foreknowledge of the WTC-7 9/11/01 collapse prior to the actual event.

Real ID, Real Pain In The Butt.

Article that is about how the Real ID Act will affect certain minority religions groups, who object to having their photographs taken. Plus more information from the ACLU on how it will infringe on people's rights.

Huckabee Still In; On Colbert Report

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee on "The Colbert Report."

Kucinich Under Fire

Rep. Dennis Kucinich is back in Cleveland and fighting for his political survival as his longtime corporate opponents finance a Swift-boat-style media onslaught to take over his congressional seat. Here he fires back and makes his case for why Cleveland, and the country, needs his voice in Congress now more than ever.

Donna Bailey: Pipped to the post!

BNP Gaining momentum, as more and more people wake up from the sleeping spell of self destruction woven by the PC traitors of this country. Next time shell be in and common sense will prevail.

March 19 Iraq War Blogswarm

A blogstorm on the March 19 anniversary of the conquest of Iraq by the Bush Administration. You know it needs to be done!

Bal Thackeray Backs Big B Amitabh Bachchan - mohan sehgal

Bal Thackeray on 06.02.2008 sprang to the defence of Amitabh Bachchan, numbing the campaign by his nephew and splinter sena leader Raj Thackeray against the star and North Indians as Mumbai limped back to normalcy after three days of violence.

White House Oks waterboarding

The White House said Wednesday that the widely condemned interrogation technique known as waterboarding is legal.

Bible ban at the Olympics - what really happened.

First we're told Bibles were banned, then we're told they aren't. So what's the truth?

Will Congress Vote Yes to More Bush Spying?

The Senate is about to vote on legislation, favored by President Bush, to strip American courts of their authority to supervise massive government surveillance. The Senate intelligence bill sidelines the U.S. intelligence court, established by a 1978 law, and grants Bush new spying powers. Under the proposal, the Administration merely needs to "cer

Drug legalization proposed at conference on drug use

The legalization of drugs, including marijuana and heroin, is among the controversial solutions being offered at an international conference in Vancouver. The conference on drug use will give advice to the United Nations and is expected to play a role in forming international policies to deal with addiction.

Tomatoes Pelt Presidential Candidates- Predict Next Presiden

Political Game that's a blast to play correctly picked winner of 2004 race, now released to the nation on the internet to include funny lines and top political targets to get pelted by tomatoes.

A Blog Worthy Email: The Future of Our Treasures

Through one of our Patriot's Groups, a member sent the following message:

War News

The "War News" series is comprised of items that the Lame Stream Media cannot make known to the General Public, for the obvious reasons.

Newspapers Across America Endorse Obama!! See what all the buzz is about!

Newspapers across America, including Seattle, are really getting behind Barack. It is so exciting to see that so many people recognize Barack's intelligence, charisma, and ability to inspire and lead! Get out and vote, or visit to see what all the buzz about is yourself, you can read blogs, make calls, or just get involved!!!!

The Politico: Ben Smith's Blog - No choice

Blog: ...can Obama send out breathless underdog appeals like this? The Clinton infusion of $5 million -- and there are reports it could end

The Horrifying Dangers Of Online "Cartoon-Like Personas"

The ostensible "news" here, as best EFF can make out, seems to be that terrorists, criminals, hoodlums and presumably Communists are using 3-D online virtual worlds like Second Life to "move money, organize and conduct corporate espionage."

Let's Closely Examine McCain's Record

John McCain has "spent the last year attempting to convince the conservative base of the Republican Party that he is one of them -- but his record in the Senate shows otherwise".

Shrillary Lends Campaign $5 Million - Politics is lucrative!

How did this woman amass such a fortune when she had virtually nothing when the former Commander n' Cheat was elected and took office? Has commodities trading been that good to her, or is she in someones back pocket or on the take?

Media see impasse and hope in Super Tuesday

Swiss newspapers are upbeat but realistic about Super Tuesday in the United States. They see clarity for the Republicans, but stalemate among the Democrats.