Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The Fallacy Olympics
The Bush Administration told 935 lies to mislead us into Iraq, and yet hearings on impeachment have not begun. Get the feeling that the standards of this nation have fallen into the depths of an oil well somewhere?
Here We Go Again: Bush Lied
Here we go again with the old and tired bull-hockeys. I have concluded that evidence beforehand doesn't matter to the BDS crowd.
Haven’t We Had Enough of HillBilly?
The Clintons charge the Federal government $10,000 monthly rent for the use of that extra residence, which is about equal to their mortgage payment. This means that we, the taxpayers, are paying the Clinton's salary, mortgage, transportation, safety and security, as well as the salaries for their 12 man staff and, this is all perfectly legal!
How to hit back at the new Canadian Copyright where it hurts
If the Conservatives want to introduce new copyright legislation, they may wish to think about the political cost. A list of MP's that won by less than 10% last election, and have a University in their riding shows that a poor handling of the situation could bring political disaster. They could turn a non-issue into total political crushing.
Did Ron Paul Just Win Louisiana?
It's late, well into the night. Most of America is completely unaware that there was a Republican caucus going on anywhere in America tonight (Tuesday night), but we had one in Louisiana, and Ron Paul may have just won his first primary — Outright.
Raw Story Frames News Articles from Other Sites
Raw Story makes a regular practice of framing articles from other media sites, displaying the pages at a Raw Story web address with additional advertising. This technique was the subject of a widely publicized copyright and trademark infringement lawsuit in the late '90s between a small news site and several media giants.
Jury Blocked From Reindicting a Justice
A Texas judge on dismissed the grand jury whose indictment of State Supreme Court justice David M. Medina and his wife was thwarted by prosecutors. Texas Justice seems to be our latest oxymoron. To save the political scalp of a crook on the bench Texas let's 30 other crooks go.
Bush administration threatens to veto Indian health bill...
The Bush administration is threatening to veto legislation aimed at improving health care on American Indian reservations.
Study Finds Bush Lied U.S. into War with Iraq
In perhaps the most complete and damning evidence yet that President Bush deceived a nation into a baseless war, a nonprofit collaboration of two independent organizations has concluded that President Bush used at least 532 misleading and deceptively false statements to justify military action against Iraq.
Editor Imprisoned for 3 Years for Cartoons of Muhammad
Minsk (Belarus) City Court has sentenced the former editor-in-chief of Zhoda newspaper Alyaksandr Zdzvizhkou to 3 years of imprisonment in a colony with a reinforced regime. Zdzvizhkou republished well-known cartoons from Danish newspapers.
MSM's Complicit In US Official Nuke Prolif. story's blackout
For the second time in two weeks, the entire U.S. press has let itself be scooped by Rupert Murdoch's London Sunday Times on a dynamite story of criminal activities by corrupt U.S. officials promoting nuclear proliferation. But there is a worse journalistic sin than being scooped, and that is participating in a cover-up of information that demands
California Mandatory Health Insurance Vote is Tomorrow
Arnold's bill for mandatory health insurance in California is up for vote tomorrow. However, there is a key senator, Leland Yee, that opposes the bill, so it probably won't pass.
Study: False statements preceded war
WASHINGTON - A study by two nonprofit journalism organizations found that President Bush and top administration officials issued hundreds of false statements about the national security threat from Iraq in the two years following the 2001 terrorist attacks.
Rising Jewish political star dead in mid-east landslide
A rising political star and champion of multiculturalism has been killed in a suspected rockslide in the Middle East. David Burnett, a Young Labor official and former president of the Australian Union of Jewish Students, was holidaying in Jordan when he was struck by the landslide - he was just 22 years old.
Montana Governor Foments Real ID Rebellion
Montana governor Brian Schweitzer (D) declared independence Friday from federal identification rules and called on governors of 17 other states to join him in forcing a showdown with the federal government which says it will not accept the driver's licenses of rebel states' citizens starting May 11...
Study: 935 False Statements Made by Bush Admin Before War
"The study concluded that the statements [made over two years] 'were part of an orchestrated campaign that effectively galvanized public opinion and, in the process, led the nation to war under decidedly false pretenses.'"
Share - it's fair!
Politician Carl Schlyter has launched the site in response to music and media businesses large lobbying efforts on sharing media. To compare file sharing with stealing is fundamentally wrong, says Carl Schlyter.
The Drug Czar's Awesome Plan to Blame Hugo Chavez for Everyt
Drug Czar John Walters went off the rails this week, suggesting that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was somehow involved in the drug trade. According to Walters, the best evidence of this is the lack of any evidence. Read it, it's hilarious:
America! If You Will Not Impeach This Tyrant Who Will You?
Americans too timid to sign a petition for impeachment should do so in the name of 650,000 murdered Iraqis who, had they lived, could have written their names in their own blood.
Hard to believe, but Bush and at least half a dozen of his cronies engaged in a conspiracy to lie this country into an aggressive war against Iraq. Thank God for studies. I wonder if any of the pathetic pygmies competing to personify a third George Bush term will read this one. Doubt it.
Hard to believe, but Bush and at least half a dozen of his cronies engaged in a conspiracy to lie this country into an aggressive war against Iraq. Thank God for studies. I wonder if any of the pathetic pygmies competing to personify a third George Bush term will read this one. Doubt it.
Bush asked to slash aid to Pakistan if polls not fair
WASHINGTON (AFP) — US Senate majority leader Harry Reid on Tuesday asked President George W. Bush to slash aid to Pakistan if upcoming elections in the troubled Asian nation are not free and fair.
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