Monday, January 21, 2008

Bill Clinton Disgraces Martin Luther King Jr.

Bill Clinton nods off during a speech for Martin Luther King

Clinton-Obama barbs dominate debate

Sharp confrontations over health care and other issues highlighted a debate among the Democratic presidential front-runners Monday night, with the sniping threatening to overshadow substance days before the South Carolina primary.

5 Rules for Political Debate (or any debate for that matter)

"If you must declare my choice (or anyone else's choice) for presidential candidate incorrect, please (I beg you) don't sound like a douche bag. To do this successfully, I have made a list of stuff to be conscientious about."

Ohio Election Justice Campaign Monthly Meeting 1/25

Franklin County Board Of Elections currently being investigated by OHIO Ethics Commission. (This is the only election justice served in the state, with the exception to Maiden and dreamer of cuyahoga county who are as of this time, not going to jail.)

Racial Assaults in Nelson, Lancashire

It is a shame that it has come to this. We taxpayers pay for police to protect us, but they won't.

CHRISTIAN TEE SHIRTS - For a good cause!

WWW.TRUECHRISTIANTEES.COM $1.00 from each t-shirt sale goes to the Make a Wish Foundation. Please support, buy a t-shirt today and spread the power of Christianity!

We want to offer sharia law to Britain

In yesterday's Daily Telegraph there was an article entitled, 'We want to offer Sharia Law to Britain'. Thank you, but, no thank you! We've managed without it for over 1,000 years, and see no reason to avail ourselves of this alien system just yet!

Ron Paul to Expect Norma McCorvey Endorsement Tomorrow

Ron Paul,Romney,Clinton,McCain,

No money for public services employees (except MPs)!

Whilst public service workers, such as nurses and police, have to make do with an in-line-with-inflation pay increase, it has been quietly announced that Gordon Brown is to provide India with "aid" worth £825 million over the next three years.

94% of evangelicals Rank Abortion No. 1!

A new report from the Barna Group warns political campaigns that assuming the evangelical vote is "splintering" over abortion would be a mistake, with 19 of every 20 members of that group citing that issue as their top concern

India-UK summit: No military solution in Sri Lanka

A joint statement signed by the Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom and India, at the UK-India annual Summit held in New Delhi on Monday, said they agreed that there is no military solution to the conflict in Sri Lanka and urged the Sri Lankan government to put forward a credible devolution package as a key contribution..........

Barbados... Sweet Success?

Economist Overview of the election.

Illegal immigrant builds £4m property empire on benefits

An illegal immigrant who had already been deported from the UK once, has been jailed for five years and three months after funding a £4m property empire with a "breathtakingly" massive benefit fraud. Saheed Ladega, 38, and his partner, Oluwatosin Gbadebo, 35, defrauded local authorities for nearly a decade.

City sued for arresting pastor on public sidewalk

A lawsuit has been filed against the city of Wichita, Kansas, and several police officers on behalf of a Christian pastor, alleging that he also has civil rights. It results from an incident in which he was arrested for being on public property.

Barbados: Time for change????

Last barbados Election Commentary

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., always missed ...

A post in commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Pennsylvania Real ID Hearings Threaten $45 Million Contract

Upcoming hearings in the Pennsylvania House Intergovernmental Affairs Committee over anti-Real ID legislation is threatening a $45.5 million contract between Viisage Technologies (Nasdaq: VISGE) and PennDOT.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., always missed ...

A post in commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break the Silence

Martin Luther King's speech on peace, capitalist greed, and the need to stop funding the military-industrial complex. He was assassinated one year to the day later. Parallels today? Yes. Not as famous as his other speeches. Why would that be?

A quick look at the Nevada caucus results

Hillary Clinton won the Nevada caucuses today by about a 5 percent margin over Barack Obama. (Almost 51 percent went for Clinton and just over 45 percent for Obama with 90 percent of the precincts reporting). John Edwards came in a distant third with less than 4 percent of the vote.

Ron Paul's Vision For America

Ron Paul, The 1964 Civil Rights Act did not increase racism in America as you ignorantly proclaimed on the floor of the HOR!

Vote for who you thought won the SC debate tonight

Bottom right of the page, who was the winner?

Crossing Mayor Giuliani Often Had a Price, He Is Evil Scum

Mayor Giuliani ran NYC With a vengeful iron fist, often using his office as a weapon against those that he did not agree with. This Presidential Candidate is nothing short of pure evil and would plunge this country into most hated nation status.

Iraqi Refugees in Denmark: Spies for the Insurgency?

>...At least three Iraqi interpreters working for the Danish troops in Iraq were spies for insurgents, according to a high-level Danish intelligence official, reports Nyhedsavisen newspaper. The former head of Danish intelligence in Iraq, Major Torsten Lind Thomsen, claimed that no background security checks were ever made on the Iraqi.....>>

Democrats in fierce S.C. debate

Front-runners trade barbs over records, resumés; Edwards seeks boost

Tough as a Serpent, Soft as a Dove

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction.... The chain reaction of evil -- hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars -- must be broken.

Giuliani Trails McCain in NY, Clinton Leads Obama

Rudolph Giuliani's once commanding lead in the race for New York's Republican delegates has evaporated and he now trails Sen. John McCain in his home state, according to two polls released Monday.

Politician cuts the fat with photo fakery

Republican Photoshopped his head onto a thinner body because he, "had no time to pose for a full-length photo."

Crossing Mayor Giuliani Often Had a Price

Rudolph W. Giuliani likens himself to a boxer who never takes a punch without swinging back. As mayor, he made the vengeful roundhouse an instrument of government, clipping anyone who crossed him.

Schwarzenegger Backs Term-Limit Changes

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has done an about-face and expressed support for a proposition changing his state's term-limits law. The Feb. 5 ballot measure would allow many sitting lawmakers to run for re-election this year instead of being forced out of the legislature. As a candidate in 2003, Schwarzenegger backed California's term

Politician cuts the fat with photo fakery

Republican Photoshopped his head onto a thinner body because he, "had no time to pose for a full-length photo."

Scott Ritter: “Requirement to Know What Happened on 9-11"

He asked, "Did Bush and Cheney Plan the demise of the building? Was this a terrorist attack by Al-Qaeda? Or was it something in between? Well frankly we don't know." How important is this to establishing justice? Mr. Ritter seems to think it is an "absolute requirement to know what happened on 9-11"