Saturday, January 19, 2008

Edwards Looks Like A Winner in South Carolina!

From the welcome he got here in Greenville, South Carolina, Edwards seems to have caught a second wind. He seemed energized by the audience. He's thinner than when I last saw him in 2004, but there is more emotional substance there. I think that this Primary fight on his home turf could be the turning point for him.

UC starts filltering Gnutella & Bittorrent

The University of California, Santa Cruz has started throttling and blocking network traffic!

Close contest could make John Edwards kingmaker

Wrinkles in Dem party rules could put strong third-place finisher in driver's seat at convention time.

Loss of Civil Liberties Since 9/11

Explores the loss of American civil liberties starting well before the 9/11 attacks. Nearly 400 items, exhaustively sourced, from 1948 to the present.


The Obama campaign itself has made the claim of "more than 200 voting irregularities" in Nevada. But Bill Clinton was out claiming shenanigans against the Obama campaign earlier in the day. Creeps and liars run the democrat party. Fuck em all.

There's Room for All Socialists at Brazil's Power Table

In 2006 Lula created a stir by announcing that he is not a "socialist" but a "social democrat." He attributed this to his maturity, stating that "things evolve in proportion to the number of white hairs and the responsibilities that one has," and that "if you meet someone very old who is still a leftist, he must have problems."

Iraq Under US Occupation

Citizen-journalism timeline of events documenting the Iraqi occupation. Well over 300 entries, well sourced. You're invited to add to it.

US Confrontation with Iran

Citizen journalism project documenting the US's policies towards Iran, through the December NIE. Almost 350 entries. Please contribute!

Candidates Take the †Social’ Out of †Change’

TV Pundits and Candidates Clinton and Obama have fake fights invoking Martin Luther King Jr.'s name but forget all that he really stood for and fought for. Do you know? Perhaps you should take the "King's Challenge" which is contained in a comment following this excellent article to be sure. Honor King on Monday by reading & learning

The War in Afghanistan to September 11 and beyond

Project documenting the war in Afghanistan. It's in the process of being revamped, and needs your help!

'We want to offer sharia law to Britain'

Muslims insist we recognise their law under ours...... Are these people for real?

Prisoner Abuse in Iraq, Afghanistan and Elsewhere

Documents the torture and abuse of prisoners taken as part of the War on Terror. Almost 1000 entries, sadly enough, and much more needs to be documented. Come participate.

Complete 911 Timeline

Probably the most exhaustively documented 9/11 project on the Internet. Well over 4000 entries, intensively sourced, focusing on facts and not conspiracy theories.

Inquiry into the Decision to Invade Iraq

Almost 1300 civilian-journalism entries about the US decision to invade Iraq and overthrow Saddam Hussein. Contributors like you expand it every day.

FairTax cut for 2-parent families

During an election season, one of the first losers is the truth. The current misinformation campaign against the FairTax has been particularly virulent. Last month the FairTax was being panned by some columnists as a "crackpot scheme," even though it could be collected exactly the same way as its close cousin, the value-added tax.

Bill Moyers Journal: U.S. Foreign Policy, and The Middle Ea

journalist Craig Unger said: It does seem at times we don't seem aware of the consequences of our actions. We go around talking about democracy, but the Saudis, of course, are a brutal theocracy.

This Guy Endorses That Guy

Megan Carpentier article on Wonkette

FINALLY a challenge for "amnesty" Cannons Congressional seat

A new candidate is jumping into the race for Utah's third district Congressional seat in an attempt to oust Chris Cannon who has become known for his mindless support and loyalty to the power hungry bush administration, as well as his lies concerning his support for AMNESTY for illegals (he and his staff call it a "path to citizenship").

Chris Matthews is under siege

Chris Matthews is in trouble. He has been making bigoted statements about women in general and Hillary Clinton in particular. His racism flowed out of every sweat pore after the New Hampshire primary. Today he is under siege by the public and the management at MSNBC.

Bill Kristol's neoconservative delusions of persecution

Neoconservatives became far less transparent about their devotion to Israel once they attained power. But tkooky ones like bill Kristol still think they are being persecuted by antisemites.

Court rules AA requirement for parole violates 1st Amendment

The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that requiring parolees to attend Alcoholics Anonymous violates the separation of church and state.

Thompson Out? Enjoy the SchadenFred

The notion of Shamblin' Fred as the Childe Geritol of the GOP is not merely hilarious on its face, however -- though, to be sure, it is that. The episode tells us more about Greater Wingnuttia than it does about Thompson, about whom there was never much to learn, or care about. What did he ever have to offer, anyway?

Pollsters way wrong again - shows Ron Paul at 6th in Nevada

We're due for an explanation! Ron Paul comes in 2nd in Nevada (barely reported), and the pollsters list him in 6th. Off by 7%! Come on guys, own up to either being inept or politically motivated.

Ron Paul Scores Silver in Silver State GOP Caucus

Ron Paul Scores Silver in Silver State GOP Caucus

McCain alarmed over electronic voting problems in S.C.

Voters are being turned away from the polls, because electronic voting machines are not working and paper ballots are not available. -Move along people. Nothing to see here. Just a bunch of republican voters being 'disenfranchised' in the voting process. We now have a glimpse of how Hillary or Obama will steal the election.

We Omit; You Decide

For some reason, Fox News continues to disregard the fact that Ron Paul is one of the GOP presidential candidates.

Virginia House approves bill to outlaw salvia divinorum

Last week the Virginia House of Delegates approved a bill to put the popular and legal hallucinegenic mint "Salvia Divinorum" under Schedule I, making it's use and sale subject to the same penalities as marijuana, LSD, and excstasy.

Drives in 5 states seek to end job quotas and preferences

Activists aided by Prop. 209's Ward Connerly aim to put the issue before voters. Foes say the initiatives will be hard to block.

Digg Caught Red-Handed Censoring Ron Paul Stories

The self-proclaimed digital democracy has been caught red-handed artificially suppressing and censoring Ron Paul stories by expunging them from the website with just one bury, despite the fact that thousands of other Digg users are voting the stories up.

Hunter's Out

Let's have a moment of silence for one of the better candidates on the Republican side, as Duncan Hunter drops out.


NEVADA TURNS UGLY Clinton Campaign Alleges Voter Intimidation by "Obama Organizers"

Executive Privilege? !

That's the excuse the Bush EPA used to explain why it can't turn over some documents related to why it's opposing California's Clean Air law. What ever happened to public government?

They like me, they really like me!


What's the Going Price for a Joint?

According to the latest figures from the FBI, the human cost is roughly 739,000 a year. That's the number of American citizens arrested in 2006 for possessing small amounts of pot. (Another 91,000 were charged with marijuana-related felonies.) The figure is the highest annual total ever recorded, and is nearly double that of 15 years ago. is down!

The campaign to DDOS scientology today has been a sucess! Try for yourself: "The server at is taking too long to respond."

What's the Going Price for a Joint?

According to the latest figures from the FBI, the human cost is roughly 739,000 a year. That's the number of American citizens arrested in 2006 for possessing small amounts of pot. (Another 91,000 were charged with marijuana-related felonies.) The figure is the highest annual total ever recorded, and is nearly double that of 15 years ago.

Bill Moyers Journal: Moyers on Clinton, Obama, King

and Johnson. Watch the video.

Giuliani Uses Images of 9/11 In New Campaign Ad

Olbermann on Rudy Giuliani's use of 9/11 images in a new campaign ad as he struggles to make a last ditch effort for his failing campaign:

Ron Paul: 9iu11iani Slayer

"Nobody told Fred Thompson he's dead. He gave an endless and rambling speech of a quality you'd expect at an Elks Lodge pancake breakfast, and now says he's on to Florida -- where Joe Lieberman is stumping for McCain.[...]]

Ron Paul: 9iu11iani Slayer

Jane Hamsher has outdone herself - the end of Rudi's quest for the White House is at hand.