Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Light in the darkness

Liberty is dying I'm afraid, choose freedom for your children

Elected official claims right to lie

The water board member charged with falsely claiming he won the Medal of Honor has filed a motion to dismiss the federal case against him, saying the statute is unconstitutional because it violates the First Amendment.

NYT: Bush fear-mongering more harmful to US than terrorism

The chances of the average person dying in America at the hands of international terrorists to be comparable to the risk of drowning in a toilet. But worrying about terrorism could be taking a toll on the hearts of millions of Americans.

Increase of at least 25 cents in the federal gas tax

A congressional committee will recommend an increase of at least 25 cents in the federal gas tax Tuesday as part of a complete overhaul of the way the federal government plans and funds the nation's transportation system. The 12-member National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission was assembled by Congress in 2005 to come.. .

Flip Flop of Democrats on Iraq War


Light in the darkness

Liberty is dying I'm afraid, choose freedom for your children

Paul lectures Carl Cameron on electability

That response was the highlight of the debate. It was awesome. One of Ron Paul's best moments.

For Your Viewing Pleasure: Ron Paul Debate Highlights

Ron Paul Debate highlights

(NEWFLASH) NBC Is Owned By GE - Military Industrial Complex

This is why MS-NBC went to the Nevada Supreme Court to get Kucinich Nixed from Nevada's Democratic presidential debate on Tuesday. Please. Please everyone. Clear your mind. Don't let the MIC run this nation anymore. Stand up against it in Peace.

Bill O’Reilly Discusses Racial Politics

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton plus racial politics are the talking points in Bill O'Reilly's opening monologue.

Corporate Fraud Lawsuits Restricted

"The Supreme Court yesterday strictly limited the ability of investors who lost money through corporate fraud to sue other businesses that may have helped facilitate the crime, a decision that could doom stockholder efforts to recover billions of dollars lost in Enron and other high-profile cases...."

Ron Paul finds minority cosigners

Bol "truth-outs" various constituencies.

Want to waste resources? Ask the French!

A commentary on the French putting military bases in the UAE

Bank Delay Endangers Republican Recount

Brad blog reports on the New Hampshire recount... Democratic party gets funds delivered by deadline. Bank puts hold on funds transfer for Republican Recount.

'Democracy,' American Style

If this is democracy, why doesn't the average wage earner receive a fair share of America's productive economy?

Has Ron Paul Beaten Giuliani Again?

It would appear he has - this time in Michigan

Ron Paul Supporters, What is your purpose?

The power of focused thought.

Israel Lobby stifles free speech

Israel lobby described Overcoming Zionism as "anti-Jewish," "Israel-hating" and "unscholarly," and hurled a dozen other obfuscating insults. What it really hated, however, was (Jewish) author Joel Kovel's elegantly reasoned contention that Zionism has created an apartheid-like racist state in Israel

The 'Oops' Factor

I, too, was shocked by Sen. Clinton's win over Obama (I bet you so was she!), but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened. In my view, it had to do with people walking into the booth, pulling a curtain, and having second thoughts. It had everything to do with what, to some, is still unimaginable: a Black President.

Judge Overturns San Francisco’s 2005 Handgun Ban

Best news I've heard all day. If the gun control lobby can't even get their agenda to float in San Francisco, moonbat capital of the world, there is no hope for them. This is great news for the NRA.

9% of government projects meet U.K. environment standards

Fewer than one in 10 refurbishment and new building projects on U.K. government land meet environmental standards, a parliamentary committee said today.

Richard Viguerie: Has Fox News joined the Enemy?

Richard A. Viguerie, the author of Conservatives Betrayed: How George W. Bush and Other Big Government Republicans Hijacked the Conservative Cause, asks if Fox News has joined the enemy.

Democratic Debate Thread #2

At the Nevada debates, Brian Williams and Tim Russert will not be happy until they have everyone at each other's throats. All the candidates classier than the moderators, refusing to take the bait.

Democratic Debate Thread #2

At the Nevada debates, Brian Williams and Tim Russert will not be happy until they have everyone at each other's throats. All the candidates classier than the moderators, refusing to take the bait.

Scott Ritter’s Iran 101 Primer

Former weapons inspector and Truthdig contributor Scott Ritter makes sense of the situation in this video of a still timely talk he gave in July.

Minn bridge collapse due to design flaw, not Bush war budget

Wonder if he'll get apologies from knee jerk reactionaries that lambasted him. Nah, no chance. We can still blame him for steering that hurricane into New Orleans though.

Dodd Facing Fight Within His Caucus on FISA

Senator Chris Dodd, who has kept his promise to derail the grossly unconstitutional new FISA bill which Majority Leader Harry Reid wants to bring to the floor of the Senate for a vote, is under fire from his fellow Democrats. He needs your help to stop one of the worst bills to come down the pike in a long time from becoming law!

Investors fear politics yet again

Uncertainties about the shape of the next government are likely to further weigh on weak consumer and investment sentiment over the next several weeks, according to local businessmen and economists.

strange facts

Jefferson had done so much for this country that many tried to help. Congress overpaid Jefferson for his book collection,

No single reason for misleading New Hampshire poll data

Yes there was. The boohoohooing. Look for Hillary to try it again on 3 Nov 2008. Also, Bill (1st black president) Clinton accused Obama of "playing the race card" over the weekend. Of anyone in the world to say that, Bill was the most idiotic. NEWSFLASH: Bill Clinton played the "race card" when he declared himself to

A lame but determined duck

If George W. Bush is a lame duck, it's not only because this is his last year in the White House, but because of all of Ehud Olmert's friendly slaps on the back.

Romney Wins Michigan GOP Primary

Romney won his first major Primary tonight. McCain-2nd, Huckabee-3rd. Clinton won democratic primary.

A lame but determined duck

If George W. Bush is a lame duck, it's not only because this is his last year in the White House, but because of all of Ehud Olmert's friendly slaps on the back.

Europe 'poses key threat to US'

One of the biggest threats to US security may now come from within Europe, says US Homeland Security head Michael Chertoff.

Obama’s mentor and pastor honors Louis Farrakhan

Barack Obama is a member of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ. Its minister, and Obama's spiritual adviser, is the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Every year, the magazine makes awards in various categories. Last year, it gave the Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Trumpeter Award to a man it said "truly epitomized greatness.": Louis Farrakhan.

Judicial Corruption is Corruption Nonetheless

A reader from stopNEPAcorruption provides commentary about the local(NEPA)situation involving judges in the area allegedly providing testimony to the FBI on other judges

Transit Panel Urges Gas Tax Increase; 40c/gallon over 5yrs

Federal gasoline taxes should be raised up to 40 cents per gallon over five years, a special commission urged Tuesday in calling for drastic changes to fix aging bridges and roads and reduce traffic deaths. The two-year study by the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission is the first to recommend broad changes after..