Thursday, February 14, 2008
House In Chaos: GOP Calls Vote During Lantos Memorial
House Republicans, upset that Democrats are voting on contempt citations for Harriet Miers and Josh Bolton are disrupted proceedings in the House by calling for "protest votes" that eat up 15 minutes of the day at a time. They called one such "protest vote" in the middle of recently-deceased Democratic Congressman Tom Lantos.
The Future Is For Who?
The future is the children. Not a war hero, not a great speaker, nor the wife of a former President.
The great wall of indifference - World Politics - Independen
Statements by major corporations: "Coca-Cola: "Not our role to give suggestions" Lenovo: "Not Lenovo's place to comment on politics" Adidas: "Governments have responsibility" McDonalds: "United Nations should drive solution" Panasonic: "Support for the Olympics is independent of local contingencies"
Swami Bengaluru - Karnataka State Govt to save 960 Cr
The state govt is thinking to cut short the working days to 5 days a week fro all its department employees, this could save the exchequer a whopping 960 crores/annum.
Kevin Sabet Responds
Kevin Sabet has asked me to share his response to my two previous posts discussing his participation in the Beyond 2008 forum in Vancouver. I've exercised my editor's prerogative by inserting my reactions within his statement. Sabet's remarks can be read without interruption here. Your posts have multiple half-truths and lies that beg
Charges filed in SoCal school shooting
Hate crime alleged in SoCal school shooting; fellow students say victim wore feminine attire
More Wasteful government Spending - Suburbia News
Jeb Hensarling shows us how yet another 100 million has been wasted on an outdated program.
Residents Rallying Around SWAT Raid Target Ryan Frederick
Recently we reported on a tragic case in Chesapeake, Virginia, in which a forced-entry (e.g. "SWAT") raid on an extremely low-level drug suspect (he had just a few joints as it turned) ended with the resident, Ryan Frederick, fatally shooting police officer Jarrod Shivers out of fear for his life. It later came out -- at least as claimed by Frederi
NYT Editors Love Apologies
The New York Times editorial board just loves it when Western leaders apologize for actions for which they had no responsibility: Removing the Stain on Australias Soul.
ane Fonda has been an enemy of so many things in her life, most predominantly America. I do not believe I have to review the life of pro-communist, US Troops despising Jane Fonda.
The Real Obama
Now that Barack Obama steps to the front of the Democratic field, we need to stop talking about his race, and start talking about his policies and his politics.
Racism alive and well in the Utah legislature
I guess referring to a black baby as a "Dark and ugly thing" is no problem when you a white Mormon republican in Utah.
CDC Confirms FEMA Trailers are Toxic
The CDC confirmed at least 38,000 FEMA trailers in the Gulf Coast have toxic levels of formaldehyde gas.
More Pressure on China as Violence in Darfur Escalates
Steven Spielberg, who was an artistic consultant for the Olympics, decided to stop working on the Beijing Olympics as 12,000 Sudanese have sought refuge in Chad in the past few days after government forces, reportedly supported by Janhaweed milita conducted lethal ground and air attacks against Sirba, Sileah and Abu Suruj in West Darfur.
New Ron Paul Mass Media Announcement
An individual donor is stepping to the plate and committing to run $1 million per month of Ron Paul TV, Radio, Web, Infomercial, Print, Mail, Billboard and Vehicle Ads.
N.C. hospitals bill rape victims
Rape victims across the state are paying for their ill fortune in the most tangible of ways: a bill for the evidence kit needed to lock up the rapist.
Indian Health Bill Delayed
Tonight, the Senate effectively adjourned until next Monday (although they are technically in "recess" in order to prevent Presidential nominations without a vote). This means that the Indian Health Bill will once again be set aside until the Senate returns to business after the week-long recess for President's Day...
Groups Boycott Beijing Olympics Over Darfur
SaveDarfur, the ENOUGH Project, the Genocide Intervention Network, STAND: A Student Anti-Genocide Coalition, and Dream for Darfur released a Joint Statement on China and Darfur on Wednesday.
House Republicans Walkout, and Bush Pushes Fear
The people who voted Bush to power for a second term must be so proud of themselves! All Bush seems capable of doing well is 1:) lying, and 2:) spreading fear, which of course ended up in this country starting an illegal war and occupation of Iraq.
The FEMA Trailers in New Orleans
I hate bad reporting. I despise biased reporting. To CNN: Are you so blinded by your desire to castigate FEMA that you are ignoring the big question?
Late Nite FDL—Immigration: Refuting the Right
You have to wonder if there would even be an "immigration debate" of any serious dimensions if it weren't for the nativist right. After all, they've been the ones bitching and complaining about "illegal aliens" prominently in recent years
Why is anyone surprised about Broke Abomination?
Hillary Clinton was identified as a Marxist by a classmate of hers' at Princeton. Barack Obama has been described by people in the know to be to the left of Shrillary. So why is anyone surprised when a radical Marxist proposes radical marxist programs. Get ready for the USSA (Union of Soviet Socialist Americas)!
Beijing fires back at US over spying allegations
China's foreign ministry blasted the US over allegations of Chinese espionage in two separate cases, referring to the charges as a "farce" born of "Cold War thinking," the ...
Why Do We Stand For This Crap?
Congress is investigating baseball and Senator Arlen Specter wants to go after the NFL. Shouldn't our legislators have something better to do?
What Will Obama Do When There's No Hillary Firewall?
Blinded by hatred for Hillary, the Right has not paid much attention to Obama. That will quickly change if he gets the nomination.
Justice Department Says Waterboarding Illegal
White House spokeswoman Dana Pierson says to trust intelligence community instead of Democrats.. the same intelligence community their coerced into faking information and then unilaterally attacking Iraq afterwards under false pretenses. Sure, we can trust them... and the White House.
Democrats Target Kucinich for Defeat
The corporate rulers of the United States are determined to have their revenge against Dennis Kucinich, the heroic Ohio congressman who held high the progressive banner in the last two Democratic presidential primary seasons.
Howard Wolfson Challenges Obama on Rezko
Are the American people going to give this Obama-Rezko nexus a pass. It's amazing how many questions Obama has about the Clinton finances, yet he answers none of the burning questions about his relationship with Tony Rezko and how much money this indicted political fixer has brought into the Obama campaigns over the years.
FDA Restricts Truthful Health Claims in New Guideline
Ignoring more than 100,000 emails to Congress in support of truthful health claims, the FDA has directly challenged the Health Freedom Protection Act, HR 2117, with a new draft guidance, "Evidence-Based Review System for the Scientific Evaluation of Health Claims", Docket 2007D-0125. This dangerous standard should be replaced by HR 2117.Demand it!
Obama�s Global Tax Proposal Up for Senate Vote
A nice-sounding bill called the "Global Poverty Act," sponsored by Democratic presidential candidate and Senator Barack Obama, is up for a Senate vote on Thursday and could result in the imposition of a global tax on the United States.
Reason Against Drunk Driving
How odd to see the lifestyle libertarians at Reason publish this article, which endorses New Mexico's draconian anti-drunk-driving program, under which anyone convicted of a DWI is forced to have a breathalyser in his car. For the quintessential argument against all drunk-driving laws, see this article by Lew Rockwell
Inside lib talk-show host Bernie Ward's online chats
This guy is one sick pervert. Bernie Ward got indicted in December and got fired from his job at KGO Radio, effective at the end of last year. Now, police reports just obtained by the I-Team tell us who blew the whistle on Ward, and how he came to send the woman child porn, by his own admission.
A Third Party Alternative To McCain?
The same conservative Christian activist who called a meeting last fall to discuss backing a third-party candidate to counter a possible Rudy Giuliani candidacy is revisiting the idea as John McCain closes in on the GOP presidential nomination.
Bush: Letting Judges Review Guantanamo Hurts Nat'l Security
Bush says that letting REAL judges review evidence against Guantanamo prisoners would hurt National Security.
How to Count L.A. County's 'Double Bubble' Fiasco Ballots Ac
As the Clock Ticks Towards Final Certification, and the County's Registrar Makes Excuses, Hundreds of Thousands of Voters Stand to be Disenfranchised for No Reason at All... | Every Vote Counted REDUCES the Current Error Rate! The Registrar Must Act NOW!
Democrats Aim to Resist Bush Budget
Democrats in Congress say they are prepared to resist President Bush's level-funding budget proposal for education until the next president—who they hope will be more inclined to raise spending—takes office.
Prominent Clinton Backer Says He'll Vote for Obama
Representative John Lewis said he planned to cast his vote as a superdelegate for Barack Obama in hopes of preventing a fight at the Democratic convention.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
McCain puts focus on Democrats
Sen. John McCain continued his march to the Republican nomination Tuesday, sweeping the three Potomac Primary contests despite a surprisingly strong showing by former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee in Virginia. McCain's delegate tally now makes it arithmetically impossible for Huckabee or anyone else to win more delegates than him.
Republicans Rerun Failed Attack Ad
Since late last week, the RNC has been circulating a comically lame political advertisement around Capitol Hill. The message is clearly to members of Congress and their staff: "If you don't do as Bush says on the issue of telecom immunity, this is the kind of ad we will run against you in your home district in November."
The Michelle Obama Effect: A skinny Oprah?
Outspoken, strong-willed, funny, gutsy and sometimes sarcastic, Michelle Obama is playing a pivotal role in her husband's campaign as it builds on a series of successes. Following on the heels of the high-profile endorsement of the Queen of daytime TV, Oprah, Mrs. Obama appears to be having just as big an impact albeit in a much smaller package.
Seattle Times Takes Issue with Baring Vagina » Adrants
This month the National Council of Jewish Women, Seattle is co-sponsoring performances for The Vagina Monologues at the Museum of History and Industry.To promote the show, it put together an ad with a vag-like heart (complete with clit!) and presented it to a passel
British Bishops Launch Carbon Fast
Morning Edition, February 7, 2008 · With the season of Lent upon us, bishops in London and Liverpool have come up with a new kind of 40-day fast. Along with the aid agency Tearfund, the bishops have launched a carbon fast. Instead of giving up chocolate, how about giving up on plastic bags or incandescent light bulbs?
The Hamilton Project: Same Corporatist Whine In New DLC Vess
And why shouldn't the Financial Times love the Hamilton Project? The Project was created by corporatists, Wall Street uber-powers, and DLC insiders.
The House waterboarding bill requires what?
It's that third paragraph that has me puzzled. Why did the House vote to block 70% of our own intelligence budget until the intel committees get briefed on the Israeli raid on Syria?
Hillary Clinton Campaign Rented Out Her Donor Mailing List
Last year, New York Sen. Hillary Clinton took the unusual step of renting out some of her lists. The transaction once again highlights the Clintons' connections to a businessman who now faces questions from the Securities and Exchange Commission.
U.S. Web offering strengthened encryption tool to Al Queda
This guy called the FBI and the website is still up. If it was you or I, we'd be under the freakin jail by now. This pisses me off.
Warmonger Karl Rove to Speak in Vancouver Feb. 18. PROTEST!!
PROTEST Karl Rove's appearance at the Vancouver Art Gallery on February 18. PHONE: 604.662.4700 (ask to speak to the Director's secretary Deborah Lagueux) EMAIL: ADDRESS: Vancouver Art Gallery, 750 Hornby Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6Z 2H7
Indo-US Deal is Dead?
Manmohan Singh has faced embarrassment after Left Parties have decided not to support UPA for Nuclear Deal................
State Secrets Privilege Dangerously Overbroad
Today the Senate Judiciary Committee convened to hear testimony on an evidentiary rule known as the state secret privilege. Committee member Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) introduced legislation last month to narrow the scope of the privilege.
Aurora Pro-Lifers Sue Over Planned Parenthood Abortion Ctr
Aurora, IL ( -- Pro-life advocates in Aurora, Illinois have filed suit against city officials for voting to dismiss motions they filed to reverse permit decisions allowing the building of a new Planned Parenthood abortion business. The Aurora Zoning Appeals Board voted unanimously to dismiss the motions last month.
President Bush Pushes War Propaganda at CPAC
You have to consider the forum when listening to his words, but this is really what he believes. President Bush spoke at CPAC - the conservative political action conference that is the polar opposite of in terms of partisan preference. "We have had good debates and soon we will have ...
John McCain Votes In Favor Of Torture
The Senate voted today to ban the CIA from using torture on suspected terrorists and the most famous POW in the Senate voted against the bill...thankfully the measure passed, but for McCain, it was a show of pure cowardice.
Internet Cop Comcast Purposely Slows Traffic
Comcast said yesterday that it purposely slows down some traffic on its network, including some music and movie downloads, an admission that sparked more controversy in the debate over how much control network operators should have over the Internet.
Al Qaeda Leader's Diary Reveals Organization's Decline
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9, 2008 – U.S. troops found a diary belonging to an al Qaeda in Iraq leader that has Coalition forces believing the terrorist organization is "on its heels," a senior military official in Baghdad said this morning.
Signal of Obama's strength: McCain & Obama attack each other
The US presidential primaries take on a new tone after Obama and McCain win the Potomac primaries this week. For the first time, we see Obama assume the role of the Democratic presidential nominee and attack McCain on the issues. Is this the beginning of the end for Clinton, or will she rebound winning the Texas primary on March 4th?
Send a GOP E-Valentine to Someone You Love — Or Hate
The Republican National Committee has gotten into the online greeting card business.
Ethics committee says Larry Craig a naughty boy, maybe nasty
Yup. The man who slammed Bill Clinton for being a nasty, naughty boy has gotten into a bit of trouble. The Senate Ethics Committee says he wasn't such a good boy himself.
McCain's Ad guru ready to jump ship....w/OBAMA WIN.! ? !
Proof there is no honor amongst theives?? -no wait... Rats always flee a sinking ship...? nooooo Maybe what i WANT to say is- Vote how you will, but "PRAY 4 PAUL"-
Wexler Confronts Condi on War Lies; Demands Contempt Vote
02.13.2008 - Capitol Hill hearings - Read or Watch Congressman Wexler confronting former NSA, Condoleezza Rice, on war lies, and demanding contempt vote.
And The Winner Is...
Well it's been a long, hard-fought campaign but finally we're here at the finish line; Election Day, and boy are we here at McCain Central pumped! Oh sure, we've had our ups and downs along the way and yeah the polls don't look good, but hey, who believes polls anyway? We've fought like crazy for what we believe in and I know it is going to pay off
Dick Morris: Why Hillary Will Lose
The seeming imminent defeat of Hillary Clinton must come as a bittersweet time for Dick Morris. His obvious hatred of the Clintons causes him to give a Hurrah! at every stumblle of her campaign. Yet he has turned his vocal barbs at Hillary and Bill into a rather lucrative income.
With Recession Looming, The U.S. Starts Antagonizing Europe
Despite the fact that Americans are more worried about their homes and wallets than about "the terrorists," the Bush administration is taking aim at one of our country's core industries - tourism - and antagonizing our closest allies. Antagonizing European governments and tourists, with the prospect of recession looming, is phenomenally stupid.
Senate Ethics Panel Speaks: Larry Craig Is A Dirty Dirty Boy
And? Well, not much else. All 6 agreed he's a liar and fretted that he shouldn't have used over $200,000 in campaign donations to defend himself against charges that he tried soliciting sex from a handsome young policeman in a public toilet but they didn't call on Gloria Gaynor to give her point of view.
Venezuelan State Oil Company Suspends All Business Relations
Venezuela's state oil firm PDVSA issued a statement today, in which it said that it was freezing all its business dealings with ExxonMobil, in retaliation for the company's hostile actions in the dispute over compensation for a recently nationalized oil joint venture.
Senate Committee: Larry Craig Acted Improperly @ Mens Room
The Senate Ethics Committee says Idaho Sen. Larry Craig acted improperly in an airport men's room sex sting in Minneapolis.
Richard Bennett's comment on FCC Comcast petition (PDF)
The four prongs of the Policy Statement do not include a "right to be free of delay" or a "right to infinite bandwidth", and in the real world someones ox must be gored when the load offered to a network segment exceeds its capacity. Hence, the petition for declaratory ruling must be rejected.
Don't Let the Fat Lady - Or The Fat Corporate Cats - Sing!
FISA Update #4 - Sign the Firedoglake petition, to urge the House to pass their FISA Bill, and keep the Bush Grindhouse and the Telcom buddies in check
Senate Votes to Ban Waterboarding
Congress on Wednesday moved to prohibit the CIA from using waterboarding and other harsh interrogation methods on terror suspects, despite President Bush's threat to veto any measure that limits the agency's interrogation techniques...
McCain Adviser Won't Fight Obama
"I would simply be uncomfortable being in a campaign that would be inevitably attacking Barack Obama," said McCain adviser Mark McKinnon in an interview with NPR's "All Things Considered." "I think it would be uncomfortable for me, and I think it would be bad for the McCain campaign."
Clinton plans to go against the popular vote
Clinton will not concede the race to Obama if he wins a greater number of pledged delegates by the end of the primary season, and will count on the 796 elected officials and party bigwigs to put her over the top, if necessary, said Clinton's communications director, Howard Wolfson.
Chavez Presents His Government's Achievements After 9 years
Upon the completion of nine years in office, Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez presented what he considered to be some of the main economic achievements of his government. Among these were the lowering of inflation, of poverty, and of inequality, and the increase in school attendance and in access to drinking water, among other things.
Democrats Reaffirm Moral Superiority, Vote to Ban Waterboar
Sure, it gives them a chance to preen for the camera and pander to their hardcore base--you know, those who support the other side--but in the end Bush will veto it anyway. Forget the safety and well-being of potentially millions of Americans, they're more concerned with our image.
Bush Works To Eliminate Special FOIA Office
Only a few weeks after George W. Bush signed into law a bill which amended the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the amendment's main Senate backers have declared that his administration is working to eliminate a newly-created FOIA office--a direct breach of federal law.
Ron Paul †Freedom Revolution’ to march on Washington
Republican presidential candidate and Texas congressman, Ron Paul has told supporters via an online video that he intends to march on Washington DC before the GOP convention.
Bush is no treehugger.. LITERALLY!
A Bush administration spending plan that would slash money for the Forest Service could lead to massive layoffs at the agency charged with managing 193 million acres of national forests, Democratic lawmakers said Wednesday.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Antonin Scalia says Torture is constitutional
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia claimed that physical harm to detainees in the war on terror is constitutional.
Get Your Justice Live with Get Off The Bench
Now there is a new interactive talk show designed to expose many of the injustices of the family court system, child protective services, child support enforcement agencies, and officials that have gone wild with the power that they wield. Every Sunday and Wednesday Night you can call in live or listen at
Get Your Justice Live with Get Off The Bench
Now there is a new interactive talk show designed to expose many of the injustices of the family court system, child protective services, child support enforcement agencies, and officials that have gone wild with the power that they wield. Every Sunday and Wednesday Night you can call in live or listen at
Immigrants to get residency more quickly
WASHINGTON -- In a major policy shift aimed at reducing a ballooning immigration backlog, the Homeland Security Department is preparing to grant permanent residency to tens of thousands of applicants before the FBI completes a required background check.
Flag Once Hung in Unofficial Obama Office Enrages Some Voter
It's one of the most talked about stories on political blogs--and it has nothing to do with the Potomac Primaries.
Is John McCain the Best the Republicans Got to Give?
If the is one word that could sum up john mccain's as he campaigns, once again, for the Republican nomination is ambivalence, which is defined as: uncertainty or indecisiveness as to which...
Read this, there is so much truth in it. When you read this the question comes WHY can't there be change? To get change all we have to do is influence 545 people.
Clinton Doesn't Congratulate Obama After Victories
Clinton Doesn't Congratulate Obama After Victories in VA, DC, and MD. Talk about no class!
Obama Makes His Case
After a string of decisive victories in recent primaries and caucuses, Barack Obama is ready to call for democratic party officials and super-delegates to get on board supporting his nomination as the voters begin speaking more clearly.
The Senate FISA Bill
After James Risen and Eric Lichtblau exposed the existence of the illegal wiretapping done by telecommunications companies for the Bush administration (see The New York Times), Congress went nuts. Everyone claimed that this wouldnt stand. They were going to do something about it. Well, Lichtblau and Risens article appeared on June 23, 2006 and now
Obama's Family calling for Sharia in Kenya
The Clash is not just about counting votes, poverty, tribal warfare and ethnic cleansing as generally reported by the press, the Clash is about establishing the Islamic kingdom of God and Shariah law in Africa and worldwide.
Is that a pig I see flying? (Sands BethWorks Casino)
After years of delays, the former Bethlehem Steel plant is transforming into a new slots casino in Bethlehem, PA.
Mormon College BYU Shafted Professor Over 9/11 Theory
From LDS website: The LDS-Church-Owned BYU has pressured Jones into retiring, so that their reputation is not tied into the position Jones has taken in exposing 911 as a probable inside job by elements in the U.S. Govt. to provide adequate impetus to advance policies that they would have never received support for otherwise.
BJ's in politics? Apparently Bill needs to up his game.
I am the leading NEE party senate candidate in Belgium. And due to popular demand, I will give 40,000 blowjobs to anyone who requests one on this page. Don't forget to click the request form for terms and conditions.
McCain wins Virginia GOP primary
Arizona Sen. John McCain will beat his major remaining rival, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, in Tuesday's Republican presidential primary in Virginia, CNN projects.
Hillary Uncensored Documentary Changes Hillary Primary Votes
In an unprecedented viral internet phenomenon, a segment of a documentary using home videos of Hillary Clinton to evidence illegalities she directed to win her Senate seat and keep it was viewed by more than 12% of the number of voters in the last Presidential election. Hillary Uncensored seems to be helping derail Hillary's White House bid!
A Vast Right Wing Hypocrisy: Scaife bearded
The man who spent millions pursuing Bill Clinton's escapades finds himself in an embarrassing position.
Homophobia in the Utah Legislature
Anytime something is done that "might" be a benefit to Gays, Sen. Chris Buttars is there with a bill or an amendment to make sure that it doesn't.
How the Right explains the Left’s online dominance
Erick Erickson, editor of the popular conservative megablog RedState, conceded that progressives currently enjoy an advantage over conservatives online — though he attributed it to an asymmetry in free time, since conservatives "have families because we don't abort our kids, and we have jobs because we believe in capitalism."
Anglo-American law in Mexico?
drug violence and judicial reform in Mexico. "After years of talks, Mexico's Congress looks set to approve, by mid-February, a reform that will convert the country's legal arrangements from a Napoleonic-style inquisitorial system to an Anglo-American-style adversarial system."
The Associated Press: US Judge Scalia on 'So-Called Torture'
"It seems to me you have to say, as unlikely as that is, it would be absurd to say you couldn't, I don't know, stick something under the fingernail, smack him in the face. It would be absurd to say you couldn't do that," Scalia told British Broadcasting Radio Corp.
Venezuela Minister Accuses Exxon Mobil of Judicial Terrorism
Caracas, February 8, 2008 ( - Venezuela's Energy Minister, Rafael Ramirez, characterised a series of court orders obtained by Exxon Mobil Corp. in Britain, the Netherlands, and the Dutch Antilles, freezing up to $12 billion in assets of Venezuelan state oil firm PDVSA, as "judicial terrorism," in a statement today.
Victory for men used as chemical warfare guinea pigs
British defence chiefs have apologised to a group of servicemen who were told lies by officials, killed and injured during top secret chemical weapons trials during the Cold War.
New and Improved Biometrics Registry Standard
Brought to you by The White House National Science and Technology Council's Subcommittee on Biometrics and Identity Management, common formats and processes will now allow interagency governmental sharing of biometric identification.
Virginia Primary Thread
Here's a thread to discuss the Virginia Primary; as I write, Barack Obama is running away with it on the Democrat side, while John McCain is pretty even with Mike Huckabee.... Senators who handed Telecoms Immunity servers as a permanent web presence of those Senators who violated their constitutional oath and placed the Telecom corporate interests above individual liberties. Let's vote these clowns out of office and send a message we don't support Telecom immunity!
Clinton staff jumping ship: deputy campaign manager quits.
Mike Henry, Clinton's deputy campaign manager steps down from his campaign duties. Owned.
Clinton’s deputy campaign manager resigns
Mike Henry, deputy campaign manager for Sen. Hillary Clinton, resigned Tuesday, two sources close to the Clinton campaign told CNN.
Clinton staff jumping ship: deputy campaign manager quits.
Mike Henry, Clinton's deputy campaign manager steps down from his campaign duties. Owned.
Senate Passes Bill to Expand Government’s SPYING POWERS
WASHINGTON — After more than a year of heated political wrangling, the Senate handed the White House a major victory Tuesday by voting to broaden the government's spy powers after giving legal protection to phone companies that cooperated in President Bush's warrantless eavesdropping program.
Schäuble warnt vor Krawallen wie in Frankreich
Jetzt werden schon die Geister aus Frankreich nach Deutschland herbeigeschworen. Na wenn das mal keine Vorbereitung zur Volksverhetzung ist.
Virginia’s Diversity Offers a Challenge to Democrats
Barack Obama is expected to energize blacks, while Hillary Rodham Clinton expects to do well in suburbs and the state's rural southwest.
Le discours de Nicolas Sarkozy atteint la laïcité
Quel contenu accorder au mot 'laïcité' ? Pour certains, cela se traduit encore aujourd'hui par anti-cléricalisme, pour d'autres par neutralité en matière religieuse. Dans cette seconde acceptation Sarkozy remet-il véritablement en cause la loi de 1905 ?
NJ Toll Tags Track You Everywhere
Interesting article on EZ tags and how big brother tracks unsuspecting motorists.
Rechtsextremismus: Fremdenhasser verprügeln Afrikaner, schl
Brutale fremdenfeindliche Attacken: In Magdeburg haben Unbekannte eine Gruppe von Afrikanern angegriffen und zwei von ihnen verletzt. Kurz zuvor war eine [b]schwangere Irakerin in einem Bus beleidigt und ins Gesicht geschlagen worden. Zahlreiche Schaulustige hatten die Übergriffe beobachtet.
Every Year Brings Us Closer to 1984
Big Brother is not family. No, Big brother is the fascist elite warned against by Aldous Huxley, George Orwell and a few others who had a clear view of what technology was used for from the dawn of the 20th century - war,murder,pollution,propaganda and loss of individuality and real privacy. The 2nd Amendment will not protect from civil nudity.
Potomac Primary: Sh*#ty Weather Is Our Friend
"Markos analyzes the three things he feels are necessary for a successful primary challenge and concludes: 1. we're the main attraction on the ballot, 1. we have the money to get out our message (duh), and 1. turnout remains low. Weather here in the DC area is horrible, it's 26 degrees out, the roads are icy and there are accidents everywhere ..."
Senate Democrats Cave Again - Spying Bill Passes
WASHINGTON — After more than a year of heated political wrangling, the Senate handed the White House a major victory Tuesday by voting to broaden the government's spy powers after giving legal protection to phone companies that cooperated in President Bush's warrantless eavesdropping program
Senate Approves Immunity For Telecoms in Wiretapping
The Senate delivered President Bush a victory as it fought off efforts to deny legal protections to companies that helped the government conduct domestic surveillance. Now the battle lines shift to the House.
The Real Scandal: How Feds Invited the Mortgage Mess
Want to know the REAL cause of the subprime mortgage meltdown? It's not what we've been led to believe. An economist pinpoints the origins of it all.
Government for the Wealthy, Without a Doubt. Here is Proof P
Here is an exchange between Sen.Bernie Sanders and Jim Nussel of the Budget Office on giving breaks to our wealthiest families and screwing the poor.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Conservative Republicans Still Hate McCain
McCain has faced a rough ride ever since he became the likely Republican nominee. He lost two of three states to Huckabee over the weekend. At issue: a string of matters where Mr. McCain has broken with party orthodoxy including immigration, campaign finance, tax cuts, stem-cell research and his judges
One person, was reading the the Israeli national anthem
"Everybody started getting nervous, scrambling toward the door," Lauter recalled. One person, though, was reading the words of "Hatikvah," the Israeli national anthem, above the din. It was Pelosi.
President Jimmy Carter Carves New Role In His Garage
The great former President Jimmy Carter is widely known for his humanitarian efforts. Few, though, are aware of the wood shop in his garage. The former president spends months building a handmade craft and then puts it on the block at an annual charity auction.
A Silly Irish Idea
Some politician in Ireland has decided that they should switch from driving on the left to diriving on the right. His ridiculous logic is really something else...
Cheney gives Gun ban supporting NRA cover and damage control
The cowardly nra refused to call on bush to withdraw that evil brief where they ask the supreme court to PRESERVE CURRENT AND FUTURE FEDERAL GUN BANS AS LONG AS SOME "JUDGE" FEELS IT'S "REASONABLE." Now Cheney shows up with WINDOW DRESSING to provide cover & damage control by signing congress' brief. Nra supports 1934, 1968, 86, & Lautenberg BANS.
Bush's War Department: Army Buried Study Faulting Iraq Planning
The unclassified report identified problems with nearly every organization that had a role in planning the war, including the White House and the Defense Department. Cheney and Bush really should be impeached, convicted and SENT TO PRISON.
Obama Defeats Clinton in Maine Caucuses
AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) - Barack Obama defeated Hillary Rodham Clinton in Maine presidential caucuses Sunday, grabbing a majority of delegates as the state's Democrats overlooked the snowy weather and turned out in heavy numbers for municipal gatherings.
NATO makes web 2.0 MarCom activities
NATO Public Diplomacy Division wishes to develop and enrich its contacts database of privileged interlocutors. Media; Political Audiences; Academic & Training Library / Research, Think Tanks; Military Audiences; Economic Audiences; International institutions; NGO Please join >
AP Reports Politically Active Kids--All Dems, Of Course
February 8, AP national writer Jocelyn Noveck announced that kids are fired up over the 2008 campaign-- but only mentioned those who like Democrats. The article was full of kids excited about Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and even John Edwards, but there was only one mention of children from GOP homes. Of course, they're out campaigning for Obama.
LAT Constructs False Cheney 'Tortured People' Quote
In one of the most egregious examples of MSM bias I've seen lately, Tim Rutten of the L.A.Times has blatantly lied about remarks that Vice President Cheney made at CPAC in a February 8th piece headlined "Bush's message for McCain."
Hillary's crying campaign: The tears of a clown
When the campaign trail gets tough, Hillary turns on the public waterworks. She has recently cried three times to gain voter sympathy. Is this emotional behavior acceptable for a potential leader? And is crying a tactic she plans to use as president in negotiations with foreign tyrants?
Arrests made in Tenn. mosque fire
Three men were arrested Sunday on arson charges in connection with a fire that destroyed a mosque in Tennessee, authorities said. A swastika and the phrases "white power" and "we run the country" were visible on the mosque's exterior.
Elezioni 2008: cosa chiediamo alla politica
E' iniziata ieri la campagna elettorale del PD (Partito Democratico) e presumibilmente a breve inizierà anche quella degli altri partiti, a partire dal Partito delle Libertà. Noi come sempre non entreremo nel merito politico delle idee, pur avendo comunque ognuno la nostra, ci limiteremo nel nostro piccolo a fare alcune richieste...
Not playing the race card
Charles Barkley says he definitely plans to run for governor of Alabama, but wants no campaign help from rabble-rousers like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson.
Obama Wins Grammy At 2008 Grammy Awards!!!
Obama, who is currently neck and neck with Hillary Clinton in the fierce battle for the Democratic party's presidential nomination, won the music industry's prize in the category for best spoken word album. The freshman senator for Illinois was honored for his audio version of his book "The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming....
Impozite si taxe auto - Motiunea impotriva taxei auto
PD-L incearca din nou luni sa depuna la Camera Deputatilor motiunea simpla privind taxa de prima inmatriculare. Parlamentarii PD-l au mai incercat si saptamana trecuta sa depuna motiunea insa demersul a fost blocat de presedintele Camerei, Bogdan Olteanu, din motive de procedura.
A Marine's Perspective On Berkeley's Anti-Military Tactics
Berkeley has accused Marines and their recruiters of some pretty atrocious crimes. But last time I checked, this is America and the accused deserve a defense. Here's what someone who actually knows a thing or two about the subject has to say...
AWF Defends Starbucks in Union Smear Campaign
Today, the Alliance for Worker Freedom (AWF), a non-partisan advocacy project dedicated to the protection of worker freedom, announced its support for Starbucks using public information to better its business environment.
Big Trouble In River City
Literally thousands of you tube clips from disenfranchised people wanting true change but with no recourse!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Barack Obama Gets Early Secret Service Protection
I have been wondering when the issue of Barack Obama's safety was going to be made an issue as it has been conspicuously ommitted from public discourse until now. Just...
CIA man 'can take White House down'
Former head of the CIA's clandestine service Jose Rodriguez claims he can take the White House down over a torture cover-up scandal.
The Daily Show: Colbert talks about Hillary Clinton in 2000
Stephen Colbert explains why some people are repulsed by Hillary Clinton, as if she was an anchovy in your Caesar salad. From November 7th, 2000.
Inside Ronald Reagan
Increasingly, California's former governor has been turning up in first place among Republican figures in political opinion polls, among Independents as well as Republicans. In addition, in recent months Reagan has taken to using the term "libertarian" (or "libertarian-conservative") to describe his political philosophy.
Pelosi to Kucinich: drop impeachment or lose Congress seat
Before Nevada primary, Dennis was visited by representatives of Nancy Pelosi and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee — AIPAC. They told Dennis that if he would drop efforts to impeach Cheney & Bush, they would guarantee his re-election to Congress. He kicked them out, and now faces several well-financed primary challengers.
Bush Hits Obama
After sweeping three states and the Virgin Islands by solid margins on Saturday, Barack Obama ran into some headwinds on Sunday, as President Bush attacked the Illinois Senator in an interview with Fox News' Chris Wallace.
Army Buried Study Faulting Iraq Planning
WASHINGTON — The Army is accustomed to protecting classified information. But when it comes to the planning for the Iraq war, even an unclassified assessment can acquire the status of a state secret.
Buttars Bill to Ban Same-Sex Couples Benefits Hits Non-Gays.
Designed to eradicate Mayor Ralph Becker's newly adopted domestic-partnership registry, SB267 also would kill the city's adult-designee provision. Drafted by West Jordan's conservative Sen. Chris Buttars, the bill is intended to block benefits for same-sex couples. But, according to the city, 78 percent of city employees who use the adult-desi
Mexican President Calderon making first U.S. visit pandering
Why allow him here in the first place?He is as corrupt as Mex. has always been! Creep Reid just handed him 400plus million &Calderson complained that there should be zero strings attached. Why is it that U.S. citizens get screwed by our own politicans everyday. Our Congress is loaded with only self interests & secret deals for their benefit. disgu
Does Libby Love Libel?
The Carnegie Newsletter which receives annual donations from Member of Parliament, Libby Davies [NDP], continues it's defamation campaign against William "Bill" Simpson, a homeless man who was elected to the Board of Directors of Vancouver's Carnegie Community Center.
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock 1480 KPHX 2/10
Ernest Hancock shares his thoughts and knowledge about Super Duper Tuesday. Can Ernest make you believe that we won BIG? Let's find out. And the future of the r3VOLution? Let's see if he shares some news about that too :)
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Only 355 votes separate grassroots progressive John Laesch from multimillionaire Blue Dog Bill Foster, with many provisional, military and absentee ballots still not counted.
Gun Laws Too Lax?
Burlington, Vermont - February 8, 2008 "So I certainly believe that the Brady campaign has a legitimate point that our laws being weak may in fact endanger not only our own population but others," says gun control advocate Dr. Eliot Nelson.
The End's Not Near (Its Here) for Mann
The "Wonga" Coup leader sits in Equatorial Guinea, waiting his
Only 355 votes separate grassroots progressive John Laesch from multimillionaire Blue Dog Bill Foster, with many provisional, military and absentee ballots still not counted.
Ron Paul Abandons Supporters, No Third Party Run
With so many primaries and caucuses now over, we do not now need so big a national campaign staff, and so I am making it leaner and tighter. Of course, I am committed to fighting for our ideas within the Republican party, so there will be no third party run.
Protest Alberto Gonzales at WashU in St Louis
Disgraced former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is being paid $30,000 by the WashU Student Union to speak on our campus. An additional $5,000 has been allocated for "extra security." Come out and tell the world that St. Louis believes that America can be better than this!
Clinton team braced for Obama to take delegate lead
This article discusses their plans to pull the victory out in the end -- and how they will point the argument towards being a better opponent versus McCain. If most Democrats can see that Obama has a better chance defeating McCain -- WHY ARE DEMS STILL VOTING FOR HER??
John McCain: Committed GENOCIDE for Profit
GENOCIDE committed against a gentle people: the Di'neh (Arizona Navaho)...against a beautiful Indian Holy Land: The Black Mesa... the Navaho's "Jerusalem" or "Mecca". Horrifying brutality orchestrated by a cruel, indifferent Senator: John McCain, and business interests from Massachusetts...Senators McCain, Kerry and Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Al Gore
Ron Paul Announces "No Third Party Run"
I am committed to fighting for our ideas within the Republican party, so there will be no third party run. I do not denigrate third parties -- just the opposite, and I have long worked to remove the ballot-access restrictions on them. But I am a Republican, and I will remain a Republican.
Durbin to Allow Deputy Attorney General’s Confirmation
The Hill reports that Senator Durbin (D-IL) will lift his hold on Mark Filip, the President's nominee to be Deputy Attorney General, paving the way for his confirmation...
ACSA: McCain's legislative history - Human Rights Violations
(Public Law 93-531 as amended in 1996 (Partition), 1999 (Settlement), 2001 (Enforcement of Resettlement) and 2005 (Expansion of Resettlement) by bills introduced by Senator McCain - has led to UN Special Rapporteur, Hon Abdeltalif Amor's condemnation of human rights violations inside the US, over the stripping of rights and forced resettlement
Bloggers attack feds after agent forgets gun in airport
Bloggers are raising their voices in unison calling for punishment for a federal agent who left her gun in a restroom inside the secured area at Milwaukee's airport. "Using the agency's own standards, this agent should be headed to the slam," wrote straightarrow on the blog managed by Ryan Horsley at Red's Trading Post in Idaho.
Bloggers attack feds after agent forgets gun in airport
Bloggers are raising their voices in unison calling for punishment for a federal agent who left her gun in a restroom inside the secured area at Milwaukee's airport. "Using the agency's own standards, this agent should be headed to the slam," wrote straightarrow on the blog managed by Ryan Horsley at Red's Trading Post in Idaho.
Colin Powell may support Democrat or Independent in †08
Colin Powell said Friday he may not back the GOP presidential nominee in November, telling CNN that "I am keeping my options open at the moment."
ACSA: McCain's legislative history - Human Rights Violations
(Public Law 93-531 as amended in 1996 (Partition), 1999 (Settlement), 2001 (Enforcement of Resettlement) and 2005 (Expansion of Resettlement) by bills introduced by Senator McCain - has led to UN Special Rapporteur, Hon Abdeltalif Amor's condemnation of human rights violations inside the US, over the stripping of rights and forced resettlement
Who will pay the mortgage when the homeowner walks? You
With the increase in conforming loan limits by the recent passage of the economic "stimulus" package, the housing industry will receive a handout backed with taxpayers" money. Worse still, that handout help prop up astronomically high home prices in the highest price areas, ensuring that homes remain unaffordable for most people.
Universities required to offer "student music services"
A bill that would put pressure on universities to put in place an official approved music subscription service or risk losing federal financial aid support for students. A bizarre piece of legislation requiring universities to sign up for such a service, even if they don't want to. It has now passed in the house, and is off to the Senate.
The Neoconservative Agenda to Sacrifice the Fifth Fleet
"The U.S. plans for an attack on Iran envision to sacrifice the Fifth Fleet in order to justify a nuclear retaliation. This is not a hypothetical scenario, but a real option being discussed within the U.S. Joint Chief of Staff cabinet."
Friday, February 8, 2008
Freedom for the incompetent!
I expect no quarter from the Paulites, but I say all this with sadness. It's been clear for at least six months that Dr. No's campaign was shaping up to be more than just a novelty.
9/11 Commission Chief Allowed Rove & WH to influence probe
EXCLUSIVE: Former 9/11 Commission Chief Philip Zelikow on Allegations He Secretly Allowed Karl Rove & White House to Influence 9/11 Probe. Philip Shenon, author of The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9/11 Investigation. Shenon suggested that Philip Zelikow, the executive director of the 9/11 Commission, sought to minimize
Post 9/11 veterans Educational Assistance Act
An effort by Sen. James Webb, D-Va., to give post-Sept. 11 veterans vastly expanded education benefits gained a powerful ally Wednesday when Republican Sen. John Warner of Virginia reached across the aisle to lend his support.
Real Time $ Cost of War in Iraq
A "Real-Time" running total of the cost of war in Iraq. These are YOUR tax dollars!
No Nato Crisis Over Afghanistan
Nato defence ministers have dismissed talk of a crisis over their operation in Afghanistan.
The CIA's Black Sites Have Gone Green
In yesterday's hearing before the Senate Select Intelligence Committee, Director of Central Intelligence Mike Hayden admitted to using contractors in the CIA's secret prisons, the so-called black sites, an issue that was first raised last summer on The Spy Who Billed Me. From yesterday's exchange:
Bush, Congress Hit Bottom in AP Poll
It's almost as if people can barely stand the thought of President Bush and Congress anymore. Bush reached his lowest approval rating in The Associated Press-Ipsos poll on Friday as only 30 percent said they like the job he is doing, including an all-time low in his support by Republicans. Congress' approval fell to just 22 percent...
Bush is a Despotic War Monger Hillary is No Better
Like Bush? You should like Hillary fine, for there is little difference between them. Oh Hillary is more articulate, and knows how to dazzle with politically correct plattitudes, but at thier core there is little contrast.
Great editorial about Kwame Kilpatrick and Detroit
This is one of the best editorials I've read in a long time. Any one out there from Detroit really should read it. It's about time that newspapers start calling out politicians and holding them accountable.
Berlusconi annuncia una lista unica con An
Berlusconi annuncia una lista unica con An:«E' il Popolo delle Libertà» Addio ai simboli di Forza
U.S.-Backed Russian Institutes Help Iran Build Reactor
The two institutes received U.S. financing through a program intended to prevent impoverished scientists and their institutions from selling expertise to states or terrorist groups seeking nuclear weapons.
John McCain Is No "Hero POW"; He was a survivor.
John McCain seriously violated the Military Code of Conduct by trading "military information" and making numerous public statements that appeared favorable to the communist war effort in exchange for "special treatment."
U.S. can’t dominate world by force
Almost regardless of who wins the presidential nomination, there's small likelihood of serious debate about the most crucial long-term foreign policy question facing the American people: Do we or do we not want to maintain a global empire by force of arms?
FISA Debate and Votes
"Sounds like we've got two votes coming up--two roll call and two voice votes. Feingold: Use limit. Gives FISC option to limit use of data collected illegally.Bond: Recommend veto, reading from Mukasey/McConnell letter directly. Jello Jay: This amendment would prevent dissemination of any US person data. No need to add another penalty. [...]"
Stop Tony Blair becoming EU President!
"We, European citizens of all origins and of all political persuasions, wish to express our total opposition to the nomination of Tony Blair to the Presidency of the European Council." Sign the petition!
FBI Deputizes Private Contractors With Extraordinary Powers,
The FBI has a new set of eyes and ears, and they're being told to protect their infrastructure at any cost. They can even kill without repercussion.
MSNBC Says 'Conservative' 10 Times as Much as 'Liberal' on
You would expect the words "liberal" and "conservative" to be equally interspersed in media coverage of these events if indeed press outlets were impartial, right? Well, count MSNBC out of this logical calculus, for on Tuesday evening, the unabashedly left-leaning cable news network actually used the word "conservative" tens times as much...
McCain plea as Romney withdraws
John McCain has called on conservatives within the US Republican Party to rally behind him after Mitt Romney suspended his campaign for the presidency.
NYT Reporter Salutes Disgraced Sandy Berger
Judging by Shenon's past willingness to heap all of the blame for 9-11 on the then eight-month old Bush administration (as opposed to the eight years of Clinton that preceded it), it's no surprise he praised Clinton's former National Security Advisor, the disgraced Sandy Berger...
CDC Blocked Release of †Alarming’ Environmental Report
For more than seven months,the nation's top public health agency has blocked the publication of an exhaustive federal study of environmental hazards in the eight Great Lakes states,reportedly because it contains such potentially "alarming information" as elevated health risks from being exposed to dioxin,PCBs,pesticides,lead,mercury,
John McCain's Suicide Attempt and PTSD
Apparently McCain suffered mentally while in the prision camp, however, the leader of our Nation should not be plagued with possible mental issues & PTSD is not something I want the person with the "button" to have. Found this information on the Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain website.
Maharashtra is not serious about arresting Raj Thackeray - m
If Maharashtra is serious about arresting Raj Thackeray, Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh seems to be taking time to put him behind bars.
Myth vs Fact
Read the tafsir, it will curdle your blood. Allah tests Muslims by making them fight Kuffar.
Parteiausschlussverfahren gegen Wolfgang Clement
Der noch SPD-Politiker Wolfgang Clement war schon immer ein sturer Hund. Wenn er sich etwas in den Kopf gesetzt hat, dann zieht er die Sache bis zur letzten Konsequenz durch. Wie stur er sein kann, zeigt sich in der momentan geführten Atomausstiegsdebatte. Er bleibt trotz eines begonnenen Parteiausschlussverfahrens
Gandhi resigns from his own institute under Jewish pressure
Its sorry reality of world, that right people have to suffer.One cannot even talk of truth and justice!! The resignation of Arun Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi's grandson, as president of the M.K. Gandhi Institute of Non-Violence he founded has been accepted following a furor over his critical remarks about Jews and Israel.
Last chance to stop immunity and warrantless spying
Tell your legislators to stand up to President Bush's fear-mongering: let the Protect America Act expire and allow the FISA Court to do its job. Our ability to track and monitor terrorists overseas would not cease should the Protect America Act expire. If this were true, Bush would not threaten to veto any bill w/o immunity and let PAA expire.
Congress votes for $168 billion stimulus
The plan will provide tax rebates of up to $600 for individuals and up to $1,200 for couples filing jointly, with an additional payment for families of $300 a child, and a minimum payment of $300 for individuals who pay less than that in income taxes.
Prospero Nograles - WikiPilipinas: The Hip 'n Free Philippin
Profile of Prospero Nograles, representative of Davao City first district, elected Speaker of the Philippine House of Representatives after the ouster of Jose de Venecia on February 5, 2008.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
John McCain - Myth of a Maverick - Democracy Now! 02/04/08
"The Myth of a Maverick": Matt Welch on GOP Frontrunner John McCain; Former Democratic Rep. Cynthia McKinney Seeks Presidency as Green Party Nominee.
McCain sort of apologizes to conservatives
John McCain is trying to convince us that "he get's it" now about how much people hate amnesty for illegals. I for one do not believe him.
An Intolerable Fraud
...if you happen to get a mailing from the Coalition to Salute America's Heroes, by all means open it. Look the contents over — the glossy bunny greeting card, the earnest letter from the retired Brig. Gen. Chip Diehl — then shred or recycle it or both.
Principal Matters - Who Will Sell There Soul To Win An Elect
So now what happens? Many of the establishment are already jumping on board. John McCain wasn't a True Conservative (even though he is spinning it in his ads) 24 hours ago and he still isn't a True Conservative. This is where Principal Matters. If he was wrong for the Party 24 hours ago, he is still wrong.
Join Ron Paul's Liberty Political Action Committee__ Be Free
Please join Ron Paul's Liberty PAC-a political action committee dedicated to electing pro-Free-Enterprise, pro-Liberty, and pro-Constitutional candidates to federal and state offices. Don't let the Paul revolution die! Read more at
Impeachment Petition 6,500 Signatures Away From 1 Million
Just in case you hadn't noticed, the original impeachment petition has 993,672 signatures. If you haven't signed, now is the time. is up to 221,180 signatures, too.
McCain Sponsored S. 1003, Removal of Navajo Lands - Genocide
"I believe that the forced relocation of Navajo and Hopi people that followed from the passage in 1974 of Public Law 93-531 is a major violation of these people's human rights. Indeed this forced relocation of over 12,000 Native Americans is one of the worst cases of involuntary community resettlement that I have studied throughout the world..."
TIME POLL: Obama More Electable Than Clinton
According to this poll from Time, Obama has a better shot of beating McCain in the national election than Clinton, because of Obama's ability to draw independent voters.
Super Police Brutality...You have to see this...
Woman strip searched by police after calling THEM for help! Channel 3 News obtained exclusive video of Steffey's night in the Stark County jail cell. You can click the link at the bottom of the page to view it. A warning: it is difficult to watch. Steffey declined to be interviewed for this story. But her husband, a high school educator, talked
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